Bibliographic reference:
New York: Benjamin Blom
APGRD item:
Associated ancient plays:
Contributor | Contribution | Main contributor |
Frederick S. Boas |
Production | First performed | Pagination | Ancient works performed |
Asinaria (1485) | 1485 | 15 | Asinaria (The Comedy of Asses) |
Phaedra (1486) | 1486 | 15 | Phaedra |
Menaechmi (1488) | 1488 | 15 | Menaechmi (The Menaechmus Brothers) |
Aulularia (1502) | 1502 | 16 | Aulularia (The Pot of Gold) |
Aulularia (1502) | 1502 | 16 | Aulularia (The Pot of Gold) |
Eunuchus (1502) | 1502 | 16 | Eunuchus (The Eunuch) |
Menaechmi (1502) | 1502 | 15 | Menaechmi (The Menaechmus Brothers) |
[A play by Terence] (1502) | 1502 | 15-16 | Miscellaneous |
I Suppositi (1509) | 1509 | 133, 134 | Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous |
Plutus (1521) | 1521 | 16 | Wealth |
Plutus (1521) | 1521 | 16 | Wealth |
Hecuba (1525) | 1525 | 16 | Hekabe (Hecuba) |
Thyestes (1526) | 1526 | 16 | Thyestes |
Plutus (1531) | 1531 | 16 | Wealth |
Plutus (1536) | 1536 | 17, 386 | Wealth |
Alcestis (1539 - 1542) | 1539 | 16 | Alkestis |
Medea (1539) | 1539 | 16 | Medea |
Pax (1546) | 1546 | 17, 386 | Peace |
Adelphi (1547 - 1548) | 1547 | 18 | Adelphoe (The Brothers) |
Penulus (1549) | 1549 | 18, 386 | Poenulus (The Carthaginian) |
Menaechmi (1551 - 1552) | 1551 | 18, 386 | Menaechmi (The Menaechmus Brothers) |
Troas (1551 - 1552) | 1551 | 18, 386 | Trojan Women |
Hippolytus (1554) | 1554 | 16 | Phaedra |
Stichus (1554) | 1554 | 18, 387 | Stichus |
Jack Jugeler (1555) | 1555 | 69 | Amphitruo |
[A play by Plautus] (1557) | 1557 | 18 | Miscellaneous |
Hecuba (1559) | 1559 | 18, 387 | Trojan Women |
Mostellaria (1559 - 1560) | 1559 | 18, 387 | Mostellaria (The Haunted House) |
Oedipus (1559 - 1563) | 1559 | 18, 387 | Oedipus |
Amphitruo (1560 - 1561) | 1560 | 18, 387 | Amphitruo |
Medea (1560 - 1561) | 1560 | 18, 387 | Medea |
Troas (1560 - 1561) | 1560 | 18, 387 | Trojan Women |
Adelphi (1562 - 1563) | 1562 | 18, 387 | Adelphoe (The Brothers) |
Adelphi (1562 - 1563) | 1562 | 18, 387 | Adelphoe (The Brothers) |
Curculio (1562 - 1563) | 1562 | 18 | Curculio |
Eunuchus (1562 - 1563) | 1562 | 18 | Eunuchus (The Eunuch) |
Phormio (1562 - 1563) | 1562 | 18, 387 | Phormio |
Pseudolus (1562 - 1563) | 1562 | 18, 387 | Pseudolus |
Bacchides (1563 - 1564) | 1563 | 18, 387 | Bacchides (The Bacchis Sisters) |
Eunuchus (1563 - 1564) | 1563 | 18, 387 | Eunuchus (The Eunuch) |
Medea (1563) | 1563 | 18, 387 | Medea |
Trinummus (1563 - 1564) | 1563 | 18, 387 | Trinummus (Threepence) |
Ajax Flagellifer [a planned performance] (1564) | 1564 | 18, 97, 387 | Aias (Ajax) |
Aulularia (1564) | 1564 | 18, 89ff. (detailed notes), 387 | Aulularia (The Pot of Gold) |
Stichus (1564 - 1565) | 1564 | 109, 387 | Stichus |
The Buggbears (1564 - 1569) | 1564 | 134 | Andria (The Girl from Andros) |
Asinaria (1565 - 1566) | 1565 | 109, 387 | Asinaria (The Comedy of Asses) |
Menechmus (1565 - 1566) | 1565 | 109, 387 | Menaechmi (The Menaechmus Brothers) |
Progne (1566) | 1566 | 104-106 | Miscellaneous |
Supposes (1566) | 1566 | 134, 161 | Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous |
Eunuchus (1567) | 1567 | 18, 157, 388 | Eunuchus (The Eunuch) |
Menechmus (1568) | 1568 | 18, 157-158, 388 | Menaechmi (The Menaechmus Brothers) |
Supposes (1568) | 1568 | 161 | Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous |
Oedipus (1577 - 1592) | 1577 | 183 | Oedipus |
Bacchides (1579) | 1579 | 109, 388 | Bacchides (The Bacchis Sisters) |
Richardus Tertius (1579) | 1579 | 112-129, 388, 394-397 (cast list) | Phaedra |
Supposes (1582) | 1582 | 161 | Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous |
Persa (1583) | 1583 | 389 | Persa (The Persian) |
Captivi (1584) | 1584 | 158 | Captivi (The Prisoners) |
Octavia [?] (1588) | 1588 | 196, 389 | Octavia |
Hippolytus (1592) | 1592 | 197-201, 290, 389 | Phaedra |
Ajax Flagellifer (1605) | 1605 | 97 | Aias (Ajax) |
University Drama in the Tudor Age, accessed at <25 March 2025>