Aias (Ajax)

Content related to this work

Format: 2025
Production First performed Venues Companies
Ajax University of California (Santa Cruz, State of California, United States)
Aias Theaterzelt Das Schloss (Munich, Free State of Bavaria, Germany) Schlosstheater
Ajax Flagellifer [a planned performance] (1564) 1564 King's College (Cambridge, County of Cambridgeshire, England) University of Cambridge
Ajax and Ulysses (1571) 1571 Windsor Boys' School (Windsor, West Berkshire, England) Windsor Boys' School
Aias (1575) 1575 Schultheater (Strasbourg, Alsace, France)
Aias (1587) 1587 Schultheater (Strasbourg, Alsace, France)
Ajax Flagellifer (1605) 1605 Christ Church (Oxford, County of Oxfordshire, England) Christ Church College, University of Oxford
Aias (1608) 1608 Schultheater (Strasbourg, Alsace, France)
Aiace (1694) 1694 Regio Ducal Teatro (Milan, Lombardy, Italy)
Aiace (1697) 1697 Teatro di San Bartolomeo (Naples, Campania, Italy)
Ajax (1716) 1716 Opéra (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Ajax (1716) 1716 Académie Royale de Musique (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Le galand brutal (1726) 1726
Aias (1878) 1878 unknown venue (Piraeus, Attica, Greece)
Aias (1878) 1878 Theatro Ilissidon Mouson, Theatre of the Ilissian Muses (Greece)
Ajax (1882) 1882 St Andrew's Hall Theatre (1882-1895), Theatre Royal, New Theatre (Cambridge, County of Cambridgeshire, England) University of Cambridge
Ajax (1885) 1885 Dulwich College (London, Greater London, England) Dulwich College, London
Aias (1889) 1889 unknown venue (Greece)
Ajax (1890) 1890 University of St Andrews (St Andrews, Fife, Scotland) University of St Andrews (Students' Shakespearian and Dramatic Society)
Aias (1893) 1893 unknown venue (Greece)
Aias (1896) 1896 Theatro Polytheama (Athens, Attica, Greece), Demotiko Theatro, Municipal Theatre (Piraeus, Attica, Greece), Demotiko Theatro, Municipal Theatre (Athens, Attica, Greece) Proodos Company of Dimitrios Kotopoulis
Ajax (1903) 1903 British Museum, Lecture Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
Ajax (1903) 1903 Hull House (Chicago, State of Illinois, United States)
Aias (1904) 1904 Demotiko Theatro, Municipal Theatre (Athens, Attica, Greece) Etaireia hyper tis Didaskalias ton Archaion Hellinikon Dramaton [Greek Drama Performance Company]
Ajax (1904) 1904 University of California (Berkeley, State of California, United States) University of California, Berkeley (Department of Greek)
Ajax (1904) 1904 Clinton Hall (New York City, New York, United States)
Ajax (1911) 1911 Islington Day Training College (London, Greater London, England) Islington Day Training College
Ajax (1927) 1927 University of California (Los Angeles, State of California, United States) University of California, Los Angeles (Department of Speech)
Ajax (1934) 1934 unknown venue (Burford, County of Oxfordshire, England), Kingswood School (Bath, Bath and North East Somerset, England), unknown venue (Gloucester, County of Gloucestershire, England), Blundell's School (Tiverton, County of Devon, England), Bishop's Palace (Wells, County of Somerset, England), Old Castle (Sherborne, County of Dorset, England), Dinton House (Salisbury, County of Wiltshire, England), Corfe Castle (Wareham, County of Dorset, England), Lancing College (Lancing, County of West Sussex, England), unknown venue (Ardingly, County of West Sussex, England), Whitgift School (Croydon Grants, Greater London, England) Balliol Players, University of Oxford (Balliol College)
Aiace (1939) 1939 Ancient Theatre of Syracuse, Teatro Greco (Syracuse, Sicily, Italy) Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico
Aias (1943) 1942 Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel, Max-Joseph-Platz (Munich, Free State of Bavaria, Germany)
Aias (1943) 1942 Pagkyprion Gymnasion (Nicosia, Nicosia District, Cyprus) Pagkyprion Gymnasion, Nicosia
Ajax (1950 - 1958) 1950 unknown venue (Stockholm, Greater Stockholm, Sweden)
Aias (1950) 1950 unknown venue (Sweden) Swedish Broadcasting Corporation
Ajax (1953) 1953 Kenyon College (Gambier, State of Ohio, United States) Kenyon College (Department of Speech and Dramatics)
[Extracts from Greek Drama] (1955) 1955 unknown venue (Egypt), Theatro Kostas Mousouris (Athens, Attica, Greece) Laïko Theatro of Krinio Pappa & Spyros Mousouris [Popular Theatre]
Aias (1955) 1955 Ancient Theatre of Delphi (Delphi, Central Greece, Greece), Ancient Odeion of Patras (Patras, West Greece, Greece), Ancient Theatre of Argos (Argos, Peloponnese, Greece), Ancient Theatre of Sikyon (Sikyon, Greece), Ancient Theatre of Eretria (Eretria, Central Greece, Greece), Ancient Theatre of Megalopolis (Megalopolis, Peloponnese, Greece) Arma Dionysou [Chariot of Dionysus]
Ajax (1956) 1956 Dartmouth College (Hanover, New Hampshire, United States) Dartmouth College (Players)
Ajax (1958) 1958 King's College London (London, Greater London, England) King's College London (Classical Society)
Aias (1958) 1958 Ancient Theatre of Eretria (Eretria, Central Greece, Greece), unknown venue (Mesolongi, Greece), Ancient Theatre of Philippi (Philippi (Ancient), Greece), unknown venue (Greece) Attiki Skini [Attic Stage]
Ajax (1960) 1960 unknown venue (New York City, New York, United States) Living Theatre Company
Ajax (1960 - 1969) 1960 High School of Dublin (Dublin, Munster, Republic of Ireland) High School of Dublin
Aias (1961 - 1964) 1961 Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus (Peloponnese, Greece), Ancient Theatre of Dodona (Dodóni, Epirus, Greece), Ancient Odeion of Herodes Atticus (Athens, Attica, Greece), Kourion Ancient Theatre (Cyprus) Ethniko Theatro [National Theatre of Greece]
Ajax (1963) 1963 Sorbonne (Paris, Île-de-France, France) Groupe de Théâtre Antique de la Sorbonne
Ajax (1964) 1964 unknown venue (Japan) Higeki-za Company
Aias (1964) 1964 unknown venue (Greece) Nea Skini of Costis Livadeas [a.k.a. Omilos Archaias Tragodias]
Aias (1965) 1965 Schauspielhaus (Zurich, Kanton Zürich, Switzerland) Schauspielhaus
Aias (1966) 1966 Pagkyprion Gymnasion (Nicosia, Nicosia District, Cyprus) Pagkyprion Gymnasion, Nicosia
Aias (1967) 1967 unknown venue (Wiesbaden, Hesse, Germany)
Ajax (1967) 1967 Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) (London, Greater London, England) Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA)
Translation Year Contributors
Eschyle, Sophocle, Euripide, tome I (extraits) tome II (pièces choisies) (1894) 1894 Aimé Puech (1860-1940)
La Grèce Tragique, chefs-d'oeuvre d'Eschyle, le Sophocle et d'Euripide, traduits en vers accompagnés de notices, de remarques et de rapprochements littéraires (1846) 1846 Léon Halévy (1802-1883)
Le Théâtre des Grecs (1730) 1730 André Charles Brotier, Pierre Brumoy, Pierre Prévost, Guillaume Dubois de Rochefort (1731-1788), Gabriel, de François Jean La Porte du Theil (1742-1815)
Les Tragédies de Sophocle, traduites par M. Bellaguet (1879) 1879 Louis Bellaguet (1818-1900)
Les Tragiques grecs (1999) 1999 Victor-Henry Debidour
Sophocle, texte établi et traduit par Paul Masqueray (1922) 1922 Paul Masqueray
Sophocle, traduction nouvelle (1877) 1877 Charles Marie René Leconte de Lisle (1818-1894)
Sophocles, tragédies (1950) 1950 Paul Mazon
Théâtre de Sophocle (1862) 1862 Eugène Talbot (1814-1894)
Théâtre de Sophocle (1883) 1883 Louis Humbert
Théâtre de Sophocle, traduit en entier, avec des remarques et un examen de chaque pièce, précédé d'un discours sur les difficultés qui se rencontrent dans la traduction des poètes tragiques grecs et d'une vie de Sophocle (1788) 1788 Guillaume Dubois de Rochefort (1731-1788)
Théâtre de Sophocle: traduction nouvelle, précédée d'une notice biographique, accompagnée de notes explicatives, et suivie des notes de J. Racine sur le théâtre de Sophocle (1870) 1870 Emile Pessonneaux
Tragédies de Sophocle traduites en français par M. Artaud (1827) 1827 Nicolas Louis Marie Artaud (1794-1861)
Tragédies de Sophocle, traduites du grec en français (1762) 1762 Louis Dupuy
Source Date Format Held at APGRD
(Dis)placing Classical Greek Theatre 1999 Book library
(En)taseis kai (Dia)staseis: H Hellenike Tragodia kai e Theoria tou Eikostou Aiona [Greek Tragedy and 20th-Century Theory] 1997 Book library
A century of English ritual 1982 Newspaper cutting archive
A conversation with Thouli Misirloglou about “Mount Olympus” Print-out archive
A decent funeral 1992 Photocopy archive
A Guide to Greek Tragedy for English Readers 1891 Print-out archive
A History of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama in Japan 2005 Offprint archive
A Hundred Years of the Cambridge Greek Play 1983 Souvenir programme archive
A review of “Mount Olympus” 2015 Print-out archive
Actors of Dionysus Publications List 1997 Bibliography archive
Advertisement for Ajax 1992 Photocopy archive
Aeschylus, Suppliants; Sophocles, Ajax 2001 Playtext library
Agamemnon in Performance: 458 BC to AD 2004 2005 Book library
Aiace - DVD recording of stage production 2009 DVD archive
Aiace - Programme 2009 Print-out archive
Aiace / Le Nuvole 1988 Flyer archive
Aiace / Le Nuvole 1988 Programme archive
Aias 1992 Book library
Aias 1942 Photocopy archive
Aias - video of stage production 2001 Videotape archive
Aias - videotape of stage production 1997 Videotape archive
Aias von Sophokles Flyer archive
Ajax 1967 Photocopy archive
Ajax 1977 Photocopy archive
Ajax 1987 Poster archive
Ajax 2009 Print-out archive
Ajax 2009 Print-out archive
Ajax 1996 Poster archive
Ajax 1986 Photocopy archive
Ajax 1997 Programme archive
Ajax 1997 Postcard archive
Ajax 2006 Print-out archive
Ajax 1996 Image archive
Ajax 1987 Image archive
Ajax 1981 Programme archive
Ajax 1980 Photocopy archive
Ajax 1992 Newspaper cutting archive
Ajax 1987 Programme archive
Ajax 1987 Ticket archive
Ajax 1966 Photocopy archive
Ajax 1997 Poster archive
Ajax 2000 Programme archive
Ajax 1987 Book library
Ajax - DVD recording of stage production DVD archive
Ajax - King's College London 1996 Poster archive
Ajax - London Festival of Greek Drama 1996 1996 Poster archive
Ajax - production photograph 2015 Print-out archive
Ajax - video of stage production 1987 Videotape archive
Ajax - videotape of stage production 1992 Videotape archive
Ajax : Script : in Yale Theater Magazine Fall/Winter 1986 1986 Print-out archive
Published Contributors
(Dis)placing Classical Greek Theatre 1999 Savvas Patsalidis, Akis Sakellariou, Yoko Onizuka Chase, Theodoros Grammatas, Iakovos Kambanellis, Kenneth McLeish, Bernhard Reitz, Sara Soncini, Malgorzata Sugiera, Liana Theodoratou, Richard Jones, Rhona Justice-Malloy, Shimon Levy, Nurit Yaari, Marianne McDonald, Jeanette R. Malkin, Susan Hollis Merritt, Ioanna Roilou, Barnard Turner, Dave Williams, Steve E. Wilmer, Freddy Decreus, Erika Fischer-Lichte, John C. Green, Patrick Primavesi, James Diggle, Thalia Papadopoulou, Ruth Parkin-Gounelas, Jina Politi, J. Michael Walton, Evangelos Kritikakos, Aldo Tassi, Heiner O. Zimmermann, Anne Marie Allen, Rob K. Baum, Ekaterini Douka-Kabitoglou, Kiki Gounaridou, Jennifer Jones, Anthony R. Guneratne, Shani Hadassa
(En)taseis kai (Dia)staseis: H Hellenike Tragodia kai e Theoria tou Eikostou Aiona [Greek Tragedy and 20th-Century Theory] 1997 Savvas Patsalidis
Aeschylus, Suppliants; Sophocles, Ajax 2001 James Kerr
Agamemnon in Performance: 458 BC to AD 2004 2005 Fiona Macintosh, Pantelis Michelakis, Edith Hall, Oliver Taplin, Pat E. Easterling AKA Patricia, Inga-Stina Ewbank, Susanna Phillippo, Michael Ewans, Margaret Reynolds, Yopie Prins, J. Michael Walton, Lorna Hardwick, Massimo Fusillo, Dmitry Trubotshkin, Pierre Judet de la Combe, Anton Bierl, Helene Foley, Rush Rehm, Amanda Wrigley
Aias 1992 Costas Balaskas, Kostas Topouzis
Ajax 1987 Klaas Tindemans, Peter Sellars
Ancient Scripts and Modern Experience on the English Stage, 1500-1700 1988 Bruce R. Smith
Antike Dramentheorien und ihre Rezeption 1992 Bernhard Zimmermann
Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics. Vol.04.1 (Spring 1996) 1996 Bernard Knox, Herbert Golder, Tony Harrison
British Drama 1533-1642 : A Catalogue : Volume 1 2012 Martin Wiggins, Catherine Richardson
Classical Journal 1905
Classics Transformed: Schools, Universities and Society in England, 1830-1960 1998 Christopher Stray
Didactica Classica Gandensia. Vol.34 (1994): De Klassieken in de Klas: Het Geval Antigone 1995 Freddy Decreus, A. Mottart, Kris Buyse, Kristoffel Demoe, Jef Ector, Willy Moerman, Nicole Rowan, Sigurd Schelstraete, Pierre Schoentjes, Ronald Soetaert, A. Mottart
Dioniso: Annale della Fondazione INDA. Vol.1 (new series) 2002
Dioniso: Annale della Fondazione INDA. Vol.2 (new series) 2003 Antoine Garapon, Ariane Mnouchkine, Eugenio Barba, Giancarlo Sammartano, Peter Stein
Dionysus Since 69: Greek Tragedy at the Dawn of the Third Millennium 2004 Amanda Wrigley, David Wiles, Edith Hall, Erika Fischer-Lichte, Fiona Macintosh, Froma I. Zeitlin, Helene Foley, Katharine Worth, Kathleen Riley, Lorna Hardwick, Oliver Taplin, Pantelis Michelakis, Peter G. McC. Brown, Timberlake Wertenbaker
Epidaurus. The Ancient Theater and the Performances 2004 Savas Gogos, Kostas Ch. Myris AKA Georgousopoulos
History of Greek Play Production in American Colleges and Universities from 1881 to 1936 1938 Domis Edward Pluggé
Inszenierung der Antike: das Griechische Drama auf der Bühne der Neuzeit 1991 Hellmut Flashar
Istituto Nazionale del Drama Antico: Nello Specchio dei Greci 1996 Domitilla Alessi
JACT Review. No.24 (Autumn 1998) 1998
Living Greek Theatre: A Handbook of Classical Performance and Modern Production 1987 J. Michael Walton
Missing Persons: Four Tragedies and Roy Keane 2006 Colin Teevan, Edith Hall
Omnibus. Issue 04 (November 1982) 1982 Pat E. Easterling AKA Patricia
Reception Studies 2003 Lorna Hardwick
Sophocles Revisited: Essays Presented to Sir Hugh Lloyd-Jones 1999 Bernard Knox, Edith Hall, Gregory Hutchinson, Jasper Griffin, Leofranc Holford-Strevens, Malcolm Heath, Martin L. West, Netta Zagagi, Pat E. Easterling AKA Patricia, Richard Stoneman, Robert Fowler, Stephanie West
Sophocles: Plays Two [Ajax; Women of Trachis; Electra; Philoctetes] 1990 J. Michael Walton, Kenneth McLeish, Robert Cannon
The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy 1997 Pat E. Easterling AKA Patricia, Paul Cartledge, Simon Goldhill, Oliver Taplin, Edith Hall, Peter Burian, Fiona Macintosh
The Culture of Classicism: Ancient Greece and Rome in Amercian Intellectual Life, 1780-1910 2002 Caroline Winterer
The English Drama, 1485-1585 1968 F. P. Wilson, G. K. Hunter
Theater. Vol.18.1 (Fall / Winter 1986) 1986 Joel Schechter, W. D. King, Robert Auletta, David Savran, Rustom Bharucha, Michael X. Zelenak, John Rouse, Oren Jacoby, Walter Bilderback, Mark Lord, Jan Kott, Jan Breslauer, Susan Mason, Louis Lappin, Mead Hunter
Théâtre / Public. Vols 70-71 (July-October 1986) 1986
Theatre Record. Vol.17.22 (22 October - 4 November 1997) 1997
Theatrikos Organismos Kyprou: 25 Chronia, 1971-1996 1996
Theatrikos Organismos Kyprou: Ta Prota Deka Chronia, 1971-1981 1982 Nike Maragkou
Theorising Performance 2010 Edith Hall, Stephe Harrop
Thespis: Bulletin of the Greek Center of the ITI. Vols 4-5 (June 1966) 1966 Marios Ploritis
To Archaio Theatro stin Nea Elliniki Skini [The Ancient Theatre on the Modern Greek Stage] 1976 Ioannis Sideris
Tragedia Antica e Musica D'Oggi 1978 Mario Pintacuda
University Drama in the Tudor Age 1966 Frederick S. Boas
Venom in Verse: Aristophanes in Modern Greece 2000 Gonda A. H. Van Steen
Title Format Date
A conversation with Thouli Misirloglou about “Mount Olympus” Print-out
Aias von Sophokles Flyer
Ajax - DVD recording of stage production DVD
Ajax - videotape of stage production Videotape
Ajax: The video production Poster
American Theatre of Actors presents Ajax by Sophocles Programme
Images from Cambridge Greek plays Image
Mini Documentary: Spettacoli Classici Teatro Greco di Siracusa 1914 - 1948 DVD
Ninth London Festival of Greek Drama Festival programme
Promotional videotape - Actors of Dionysus: A New Approach Videotape
The Aquila Theatre Company: the company Print-out
Visit of King James to Oxford in 1605 Print-out 1864
Punch Anthology 1882
The Ajax at Cambridge Newspaper cutting 1882
The Ajax of Sophocles Programme 1882
The Ajax of Sophocles: As represented at Cambridge ... with an English Translation Book 1882
Pencil Jottings From the Ajax as Presented at Cambridge Book 1883
The Eumenides at Cambridge Print-out 1885
The London Illustrated News. No.2434 (12 December 1885) Newspaper 1885
The Ajax of Sophocles at St Andrews Print-out 1890
A Guide to Greek Tragedy for English Readers Print-out 1891
Copy from Ajax poster Photocopy 1904
Greeks to act Sophocles' tragedy in their native tongue Photocopy 1904
Memorandum for the President Correspondence 1904
Sophokeous Aias Photocopy 1904
Sophokleous Aias Photocopy 1904
The Ajax of Sophocles Photocopy 1904
The Ajax of Sophocles Photocopy 1904
The San Francisco call - "Ajax a highly effective drama" Print-out 1904
The San Francisco call - "Sudden change in Ajax cast" Print-out 1904
[The] Ajax of Sophocles performed by members of East Side Greek colony Photocopy 1904
Fasciculus Joanni Willis Clark Dicatus Photocopy 1909
Greek Plays in America Print-out 1910
Collection of INDA postcards of posters for productions 1914-1992 Postcard 1914
DVD - Artista di Dioniso: Duilio Cambellotti e il Teatro Greco di Siracusa 1914-1948 DVD 1914
Memorials in Verse and Prose of Lewis Campbell Photocopy 1914
Aias Photocopy 1942
The Ajax of Sophocles Photocopy 1953
Ajax of Sophocles Photocopy 1956
Classical Society of King's College Print-out 1958
Antigone of Sophocles Programme 1959
Living Theatre actors in public readings of Greek plays Photocopy 1960
Guardian Review 1962: Festival at Athens Newspaper cutting 1962
Athens Festival - programme (July 24 - September 22 1963) Souvenir programme 1963
Ajax Photocopy 1966
Ajax Photocopy 1967
Oresteia, National Theatre of Greece Souvenir programme 1972
Ajax Photocopy 1977
Ajax Photocopy 1980
Electra Programme 1980