Productions database

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User Notice: we are currently upgrading our production database, as a result any updates to the data will not be visible until the upgrade is complete. You can still send us revisions or new additions by emailing, and these will appear after the relaunch. We are also aware that a glitch is affecting some performance dates; please do doublecheck dates with us prior to publishing, particularly if the production is listed as starting on 1 January or ending on 31 December.

Format: 2025
Format: 2025
Tony Harrison, Cherríe L. Moraga, etc.
Hong Kong, Venezuela, etc.
New Theatre, Oxford; Theatro Odeion, Istanbul; etc.
Seattle, United Stages; Toga, Japan; etc.
Aeschylus, Seneca, etc.
Eumenides, Frogs, etc.
Athens Festival (1956), etc.
film, puppetry, etc.
our own internal production number, for advanced users only
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