Le Théâtre des Grecs (1730)


Contributor Contribution Main contributor
André Charles Brotier Translator
Pierre Brumoy Translator
Guillaume Dubois de Rochefort (1731-1788) Translator
Gabriel, de François Jean La Porte du Theil (1742-1815) Translator
Pierre Prévost Translator
This landmark edition of Greek tragedies in translation was re-edited, re-printed and augmented no less than five times between 1730 and 1789. The three volumes of the in-quarto first edition comprised Brumoy's translations of three tragedies by Sophocles (OEdipe Roi, Electre and Philoctète) and four by Euripides (Hippolyte, Alceste, Iphigénie à Aulis and Iphigénie en Tauride) along with three 'Dissertations' on Greek theatre and its relevance in the 18th century. The other tragedies as well as plays by Aeschylus and Aristophanes were summerised, commented on and compared to the tragedies translated in full. A 'pocket' edition came out two years later (6 volumes in-duodecimo) (Amsterdam: aux dépens de la Compagnie), followed by two parisian reprints, one in 1749 (Paris: Charles Nicolas Cochin), seven years after Brumoy's death, and the other in 1763 (Paris: Claude Jean-Baptiste Bauche), annotated by the Jesuit J. Fleuriau. Between 1784 and 1789, André-Charles Brotier and Guillaume de Rochefort undertook to complete Brumoy's Le Théâtre des Grecs with translations of every extant Greek tragedy. The thirteen in-octavo volumes of the new augmented edition comprised Prévost's 1782 translation of Euripides' complete plays (with corrections, minus Alceste, Hippolyte, and the two Iphigénie which Brumoy originally translated), Rochefort's Ajax, Les Trachiniennes, Antigone, OEdipe à Colonne (taken from his 1788 translation of Sophocles' complete plays); La Porte du Theil's Théâtre Complet d'Eschyle (published separately in 1795), and Brotier's complete Aristophanes (published independently as Théâtre d'Aristophane in 1889). Théâtre des Grecs was re-edited in 1820 with corrections and translated fragments from Menander and Euripides by Raoul-Rochette (sixteen volumes in-octavo). Source: BNF catalogue général, Pascal, J.-N. (2011) 'De la somme à l'encyclopédie. Parcours à travers un siècel d'édition du théâtre des grecs (1730-1826) Anabases Traditions et Réceptions de l'Antiquité 14, 113-131; Delcourt, Marie. Etude sur les traductions des tragiques grecs et latins en France depuis la Renaissance. 1925, p. 117, 171-179.
Publication details: 
Paris: Rollin père et fils, Jean-Baptiste Coignard

Information related to this translation

Script Contributors Year Relationship
Wealth Aristophanes Translation
Wasps Aristophanes Translation
Trojan Women Euripides Translation
Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis) Sophocles AKA Sophokles Translation
Thesmophoriazousai (The Women at the Thesmophoria) Aristophanes Translation
Suppliant Women Aeschylus Translation
Suppliant Women Euripides Translation
Sikyonioi (Sikyonians) Menander
Seven against Thebes Aeschylus Translation
Samia (The Girl from Samos) Menander
Rhesos Euripides Translation
Prometheus Bound Aeschylus Translation
Phoinissai (The Phoenician Women) Euripides Translation
Philoktetes Sophocles AKA Sophokles Translation
Persai (Persians) Aeschylus Translation
Perikeiromene (The Girl with the Shaven Head) Menander
Peace Aristophanes Translation
Orestes Euripides Translation
Oedipus the King Sophocles AKA Sophokles Translation
Oedipus at Colonus Sophocles AKA Sophokles Translation
Miscellaneous Aristophanes Translation
Medea Euripides Translation
Lysistrata (2011) Laurence Housman 2011 Translation
Lysistrata Aristophanes Translation
Knights Aristophanes Translation
Iphigenia at Aulis Euripides Translation
Iphigenia among the Taurians Euripides Translation
Ion Euripides Translation
Hippolytos Euripides Translation
Heros [fragments] Menander
Herakles Euripides Translation
Herakleidai (The Children of Heracles) Euripides Translation
Helen Euripides Translation
Hekabe (Hecuba) Euripides Translation
Frogs Aristophanes Translation
Eumenides Aeschylus Translation
Epitrepontes (The Arbitration) Menander
Elektra Euripides Translation
Elektra Sophocles AKA Sophokles Translation
Ekklesiazousai (Assembly Women) Aristophanes Translation
Dyskolos (The Bad-Tempered Man) Menander
Clouds Aristophanes Translation
Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers) Aeschylus Translation
Birds Aristophanes Translation
Bacchai Euripides Translation
Aspis (The Shield) Menander
Antigone Sophocles AKA Sophokles Translation
Andromache Euripides Translation
Alkestis Euripides Translation
Aias (Ajax) Sophocles AKA Sophokles Translation
Agamemnon Aeschylus Translation
Acharnians Aristophanes Translation

How to cite this translation

Le Théâtre des Grecs (1730), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/translations/8802 <23 March 2025>