Oliver Taplin

Contributions made by this person

Production Role Notes First performed Venues Companies
The Poet and the Women (1965) Academic Adviser 1965 Magdalen College (Oxford, County of Oxfordshire, England) Magdalen College Players, University of Oxford
The Bees: An Aristophanic Comedy of Oxford (1967) Actor Senior Tutor 1967 Corpus Christi College (Oxford, County of Oxfordshire, England) Owlets, Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford
Oedipus Tyrannus (1968) Academic Adviser advised on the text 1968 Balliol College (Oxford, County of Oxfordshire, England) OUCS, Oxford University Classical Society, University of Oxford
Bacchides; or, Two Sisters Named Bacchis (1981) Actor Lydus 1981 Dartmouth College (Hanover, New Hampshire, United States) Dartmouth College
The Oresteia (1981) Academic Adviser 1981 National Theatre (NT), Royal National Theatre (RNT) (London, Greater London, England), Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus (Peloponnese, Greece) National Theatre (NT, London; aka Royal National Theatre)
Thesmophoriazusae (1982) Actor Dirty Old Man 1982 Dean Close School (Cheltenham, County of Gloucestershire, England) JACT Classical Civilisation & Ancient History Summer School
Prometheus Bound (1985) Actor 1985 Dean Close School (Cheltenham, County of Gloucestershire, England) JACT Classical Civilisation & Ancient History Summer School
Oedipus the King (1991) Academic Adviser 1991 Tara Arts Studio (London, Greater London, England), unknown venue (Republic of Italy), unknown venue (England) Tara Arts
The Thebans (1991 - 1992) Academic Adviser advised on Greek drama 1991 Swan Theatre (Stratford-upon-Avon, County of Warwickshire, England), Barbican Arts Centre (London, Greater London, England) Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC)
The Women of Trachis (1993) Academic Adviser 1993 Oxford Playhouse, Beaumont Street (Oxford, County of Oxfordshire, England) OUCDS, Oxford University Classical Drama Society, University of Oxford
The Swallow Song (2004) Translator 2004 Getty Center (Los Angeles, State of California, United States) Getty Center
The Wanderings of Odysseus (2010) Translator 2010 Stanford University (Palo Alto, State of California, United States) Stanford Summer Theater
Title Published Contributors
Observations on Entrances and Exits in Greek Tragedy, Particularly in Aeschylus. Volume II 1973 Oliver Taplin
Observations on Entrances and Exits in Greek Tragedy, Particularly in Aeschylus.Volume I 1973 Oliver Taplin
Greek Tragedy in Action 1978 Oliver Taplin
Omnibus. Issue 07 (March 1984) 1984 Oliver Taplin
An Odyssey Round Odysseus: The Man and His Story Traced Through Time and Place 1989 Beaty Rubens, Oliver Taplin
Greek Fire 1989 Oliver Taplin
Het Griekse Vuur: De hedendaagse invloed van de Griekse beschaving [Greek Fire] 1990 Oliver Taplin
Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics. Vol.01.2 (Spring 1991) 1991 Alistair Elliot, Camille Paglia, Carol Ueland, Christopher Ricks, D. M. Hooley, Herbert Golder, James Redfield, Kenneth J. Reckford, Martha C. Nussbaum, Norman Austin, Oliver Taplin, Pat E. Easterling AKA Patricia, Paul Graves, Robin Osborne, Seamus Heaney, Stanley Rosen
Derek Walcott's Omeros and Derek Walcott's Homer 1991 Oliver Taplin
Derek Walcott's Omeros and Derek Walcott's Homer 1991 Oliver Taplin
Omnibus. A choice of articles from issues 8-17 1991 Oliver Taplin, Don Fowler, Robin Osborne, Robert Parker, Simon Price
Hellinikon Pyr [Greek Fire] 1992 Oliver Taplin
Shakespeare Comes to Broadsmoor. 'The Actors are Come Hither': The Performance of Tragedy in a Secure Psychiatric Hospital 1992 Murray Cox, Ian McKellen, Trevor Walt, Mark Rylance, Rob Ferris, Georgia Slowe, Ann Barker, Brian Cox, Clare Higgins, Peter Wight, Rebecca Saire, Ron Daniels, Deborah Warner, Dominic Barber, Harvey Gordon, Ian Bayne, Alice Theilgaard, Oliver Taplin, Cicely Berry, Eva Roine, Melinda Meyer, Saul Hewish, Jessica Saunders, Sue Jennings
A Passion for Antiquities: Ancient Art from the Collection of Barbara and Lawrence Fleischman (by the J. Paul Getty Museum in association with The Cleveland Museum of Art) 1994 J. J. Walsh, Robert Bergman, Barbara Fleischman, Lawrence Fleischman, Marion True, Arielle Kozloff, Karol Wight, Oliver Taplin
Comic Angels, and Other Approaches to Greek Drama Through Vase-Painting 1994 Oliver Taplin
Homeric Soundings: The Shaping of the Iliad 1995 Oliver Taplin
Tragedy and the Tragic : Greek Theatre and Beyond 1996 Michael Silk, Claude Calame, Richard Buxton, Michael Trapp, Kevin Lee, W. Geoffrey Arnott, A. Maria Van Erp Taalman Kip, A. F. Garvie, Charles Paul Segal, Oliver Taplin, Bernard Gredley, John Gould, Simon Goldhill, Edith Hall, Rainer Friedrich, Richard Seaford, P. J. Wilson, Stephen Halliwell, Emese Mogyorodi, Bernd Seidensticker, Ismene Lada, Fiona Macintosh, Robin N. Mitchell-Boyask, Michael Ewans, Michael Silk, Thomas G. Rosenmeyer, Nick Lowe, George Steiner
Tragedy and the Tragic : Greek Theatre and Beyond 1996 Michael Silk, Claude Calame, Richard Buxton, Michael Trapp, Kevin Lee, W. Geoffrey Arnott, A. Maria Van Erp Taalman Kip, A. F. Garvie, Charles Segal, Pat E. Easterling AKA Patricia, Oliver Taplin, Bernard Gredley, John Gould, Simon Goldhill, Rainer Friedrich, Richard Seaford, Edith Hall, P. J. Wilson, Stephen Halliwell, Emese Mogyorodi, Bernd Seidensticker, Ismene Lada, Fiona Macintosh, Robin N. Mitchell-Boyask, Michael Ewans, M. S. Silk, Thomas G. Rosenmeyer, N. J. Lowe, George Steiner
Loiner: The Chorus of Mams 1997 Sandie Byrne, Oliver Taplin, Tony Harrison
The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy 1997 Pat E. Easterling AKA Patricia, Paul Cartledge, Simon Goldhill, Oliver Taplin, Edith Hall, Peter Burian, Fiona Macintosh
'Narrative Variation in Vase-Painting and Tragedy : the example of Dirke' 1998 Oliver Taplin
E Archaia Hellenike Tragodia Se Skenike Parousiase 1998 Oliver Taplin
Greek With Consequences: Classical Association Presidential Address 1999 1999 Oliver Taplin
Medea in Performance, 1500-2000 2000 Edith Hall, Fiona Macintosh, Oliver Taplin, Diane Purkiss, Marianne McDonald, Margaret Reynolds, Ian Christie, Platon Mavromoustakos, Eva Stehlíková, Mae Smethurst, Olga Taxidou, David Gowen
Medea in Performance, 1500-2000 2000 David Gowen, Diane Purkiss, Edith Hall, Eva Stehlíková, Fiona Macintosh, Ian Christie, Mae Smethurst, Margaret Reynolds, Marianne McDonald, Olga Taxidou, Oliver Taplin, Platon Mavromoustakos
Medea in Performance, 1500-2000 2001 David Gowen, Diane Purkiss, Edith Hall, Eva Stehlíková, Fiona Macintosh, Ian Christie, Mae Smethurst, Margaret Reynolds, Marianne McDonald, Olga Taxidou, Oliver Taplin, Platon Mavromoustakos
Oxford Readings in Homer's Iliad 2001 Albin Lesky, Colin MacLeod, Douglas Cairns, Ian Morris, Irene J. F. De Jong, James Redfield, Jasper Griffin, Jean-Pierre Vernant, Laura M. Slatkin, M. M. Willcock, Malcolm Schofield, Oliver Taplin, R. B. Rutherford, Richard Gaskin, Walter Burkert, Wolfgang Kullmann
Classics in Progress: Essays on Ancient Greece and Rome 2002 T. P. Wiseman, Oliver Taplin, Peter Parsons, R. R. R. Smith, Mary Beard, M. H. Crawford, Averil Cameron AKA née Sutton, Alan Bowman, John K. Davies, Paul Cartledge, Malcolm Schofield, Jasper Griffin, Philip Hardie, Mary Margaret McCabe, Jonathan Barnes, Malcolm Heath, Pat E. Easterling AKA Patricia
Contemporary Performance of Ancient Greek and Roman Drama: A Symposium 2002 Erika Fischer-Lichte, J. Michael Walton, Marianne McDonald, Tony Harrison, Peter Hall, Oliver Taplin, Lydia Koniordou, Peter Sellars, Rush Rehm, Peter Stein
Greek and Roman Drama: Translation and Performance 2002 John Barsby, Oliver Taplin, Harry Love, Robin Bond, Michael Ewans, Richard Beacham, Paul Monaghan, Richard Williams, Ian C Storey, C. W. Dearden, Jessie Maritz, Dmitri troubotchkine
Selected Transcripts: Contemporary Performance of Ancient Greek and Roman Drama, A Symposium (organized by the Department of Antiquities at the J. Paul Getty Museum) 2002 Erika Fischer-Lichte, J. Michael Walton, Marianne McDonald, Peter Hall, Oliver Taplin, Lydia Konidordou, Peter Sellars, Rush Rehm
Dionysus Since 69: Greek Tragedy at the Dawn of the Third Millennium 2004 Amanda Wrigley, David Wiles, Edith Hall, Erika Fischer-Lichte, Fiona Macintosh, Froma I. Zeitlin, Helene Foley, Katharine Worth, Kathleen Riley, Lorna Hardwick, Oliver Taplin, Pantelis Michelakis, Peter G. McC. Brown, Timberlake Wertenbaker
Tragedia Grecka W Działaniu 2004 Oliver Taplin
Agamemnon in Performance: 458 BC to AD 2004 2005 Fiona Macintosh, Pantelis Michelakis, Edith Hall, Oliver Taplin, Pat E. Easterling AKA Patricia, Inga-Stina Ewbank, Susanna Phillippo, Michael Ewans, Margaret Reynolds, Yopie Prins, J. Michael Walton, Lorna Hardwick, Massimo Fusillo, Dmitry Trubotshkin, Pierre Judet de la Combe, Anton Bierl, Helene Foley, Rush Rehm, Amanda Wrigley
Antike Tragödie Heute 2007 Erika Fischer-Lichte, Matthias Dreyer, Berndt Stegemann, Erika Fischer-Lichte, Matthias Dreyer, Susanne Godde, Oliver Taplin, Anton Bierl, Michael Jaeger, Edith Hall, Berndt Stegemann, Platon Mavromoustakos, Iko Freese, Christine Dossel, Franz Wille, Barbara Villiger-Heilig, Peter Laudenbach, Nina Hoss
Homer in the Twentieth Century: Between World Literature and the Western Canon 2007 Barbara Graziosi, Emily Greenwood, Johannes Haubold, Lorna Hardwick, Richard Martin, Stephen Minta, Oliver Taplin, Gregson Davis, Francoise Letoublon, David Ricks, Simon Goldhill, Seth Schein
Pots & Plays: Interactions between Tragedy and Greek Vase-Painting of the Fourth Century BC 2007 Oliver Taplin
Euripides: Hippolytus 2009 Timberlake Wertenbaker, Oliver Taplin
Living Classics: Greece and Rome in Contemporary Poetry in English 2009 Anastasia Bakogianni, Anna Jackson, Brian Arkins, Edith Hall, Emily Greenwood, Isobel Hurst, Josephine Balmer, Lorna Hardwick, Maureen Alden, Maureen Almond, Michael Longley, Oliver Taplin, Robert Crawford, Rowena Fowler, Seamus Heaney, Stephen Harrison, Tony Harrison
Sophocles and the Greek Tragic Tradition 2009 Angus M. Bowie, Chris Carey, Christopher Pelling, Edith Hall, Fiona Macintosh, Ismene Lada-Richards, Kostas Valakas, Michael Silk, Oliver Taplin, Peter Burian, Richard Buxton, Simon Goldhill
The Pronomos Vase and its Contexts 2010 Oliver Taplin, Rosie Wyles
Euripides 1: Alcestis, Medea, The Children of Heracles, Hippolytus 2013 David Grene, Richmond Lattimore, Mark Griffith, Glenn W. Most, Oliver Taplin, Richmond Lattimore, Mark Griffith, David Grene
Medea 2013 Euripides, Oliver Taplin
Sophocles: Four Tragedies 2015 Oliver Taplin
Staging Ajax's Suicide 2015 Glenn W. Most, Leyla Ozbek, Maria Luisa Catoni, Alex F. Garvie, Christine Maduit, Scott Scullion, Franco Ferrari, Vayos Liapis, Enrico Medda, Oliver Taplin, Patrick J. Finglass, Maria Chiara Martinelli, Luigi Batezzato, Alan H. Sommerstein, Guiseppi Zanetto
the Oresteia 2018 Aeschylus, Oliver Taplin
The Oresteia 2018 Oliver Taplin
Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics. Vol.30.1 (Spring/Summer 2022) 2022 Herbert Golder, Robert Heard, Kevin Solez, M. J. Fitzgerald, Stamatis Polenakis, Nick Moschovakis, Alexander Hollmann, Oliver Taplin, Jill Peláez Baumgaertner, Mark Lundy, Kyle Gervais, A. M. Juster, David Ricks, Martin Bennett, Zooey Park, Konrad Weeda, Stephanie Nelson