Trojan Women

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Format: 2025
Production First performed Venues Companies
Les Troyens unknown venue (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
The Trojan Women Gershman YM & YWHA Branch, Jewish Community Centers of Greater Philadelphia (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States)
Trojan Women Columbia University (New York City, New York, United States) Columbia University
Trojan Women University of Ohio (Athens, State of Ohio, United States) University of Ohio
Trojan Women unknown venue (Athens, Attica, Greece)
"The Burning of Troy," "The Deaths of Hecuba, Priam, Menelaus, Helena, Pyrhus." British Museum, Lecture Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
La Troiade Hôtel de Bourgogne (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Troas (1551 - 1552) 1551 Trinity College (Cambridge, County of Cambridgeshire, England) University of Cambridge (Trinity College)
Hecuba (1559) 1559 Trinity College (Cambridge, County of Cambridgeshire, England) University of Cambridge (Trinity College)
Troas (1560 - 1561) 1560 Trinity College (Cambridge, County of Cambridgeshire, England) University of Cambridge (Trinity College)
Le Troiane [The Trojan Women] (1566) 1566 unknown venue (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
La Famine, ou les Gabéonites (1573) 1573 Chateau Vallon (France)
La Troade (1579) 1579 Chateau Vallon (France)
Polyxène (1584) 1584 Chateau Vallon (France)
De amsteldamsche Hecuba [The Amsteldam Hecuba] (1625) 1625
Troades (1640) 1640 unknown venue (Republic of Italy)
La Troiade (1679) 1679 Hôtel de Bourgogne (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
The Virgin Prophetess; or, The Fate of Troy (1701) 1701 Theatre Royal (London, Greater London, England)
Astianatte (1701) 1701 Villa di Pratolino (Florence, Tuscany, Italy)
Le rovine di Troia (1707) 1707 Teatro S. Cassiano (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
The Distrest Mother (Andromache) (1712) 1712 Theatre Royal (London, Greater London, England)
L'Andromaca (1716) 1716 unknown venue (Florence, Tuscany, Italy)
Astianatte (1716) 1716 Hoftheater (Munich, Free State of Bavaria, Germany)
Das zerstörte Troja, oder, Der durch den Tod Helenen versöhnte Achilles [The Destruction of Troy, or, Achilles Reconciled to Helen through Death] (1716) 1716
Astianatte (1727) 1727 Theatre Royal (London, Greater London, England)
Hekuba (1736) 1736 unknown venue (Germany)
Astianatte [Astyanax] (1748) 1748 unknown venue (Cesena, Emilia-Romagna, Italy)
Les Troyennes [the Trojan Women] (1754) 1754 unknown venue (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Astyanax (1755) 1755 unknown venue (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Astianatte [Astyanax] (1755) 1755 Teatro San Moise (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
L'incendio di Troia [The Burning of Troy] (1757) 1757 Teatro San Carlo (Naples, Campania, Italy)
Troades (1763) 1763 Merchant Taylors' School (Northwood, Greater London, England) Merchant Taylors' School, Northwood
Troja distrutta (1778) 1778 Teatro alla Scala, La Scala (Milan, Lombardy, Italy)
Trojanerinnen (1782) 1782 Burgtheater (Vienna, Vienna, Austria)
La caduta di Troia (1786) 1786 Regio Teatro (Turin, Piedmont, Italy)
Astyanax (1801) 1801 L’Opéra (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
La prise de Troie [The Capture of Troy] (1890) 1890 unknown venue (Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany)
Hecuba à la Mode (1893) 1893 British Museum, Lecture Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
"X = O: A Night in the Trojan War" (1917) 1917 Birmingham Repertory Theatre (Birmingham, County of Worcestershire, England)
Les Troyens (1921) 1921 L’Opéra (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Les Troyennes (1943) 1942 Théâtre National du Palais de Chaillot (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
"Chor gefangenen Trojer" [Chorus of Captive Trojans] (1949) 1949 unknown venue (Bielefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany)
Troiane (1950 - 1969) 1950 unknown venue (Republic of Italy)
Troiane (1956) 1956 unknown venue (Republic of Italy)
Troinane (1957) 1957 unknown venue (Republic of Italy)
Les Troyens (1958) 1958 Royal Swedish Opera (Stockholm, Greater Stockholm, Sweden)
Troades (1960) 1960
Hecuba's Lament (1961) 1961 British Museum, Lecture Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
Die Frauen von Troja [The Trojan Women] (1961) 1961 Landestheatre (Dessau, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany)
The Trojan Women (1968) 1968 unknown venue (New York City, New York, United States)
Translation Year Contributors
Les Oeuvres de Sénèque (1658) 1658 Pierre Du Ryer
Les Tragédies de L.A. Sénèque, traduction nouvelle par Eugène Greslou (1834) 1834 Eugène Greslou
Les Tragédies de Sénèque (Luc. Ann.), traduites en vers françoys par Benoist Bauduyn d'Amiens (1629) 1629 Benoît Bauduyn
Les Tragédies de Sénèque en latin et en françois, de la traduction de M. de Marolles, abbé de Villeloin, avec des remarques nécessaires sur les lieux difficiles (1660) 1660 Michel de Marolles
Les tragédies de Sénèque, desquelles sont extraictz plusieurs enseignements authoritez et singulières sentences tant en latin comme en françois, très-utiles et prouffitables à ung chascun, et en la fin y est adioustée la vie et trespasse... (1534) 1534 Pierre Gronet
Sénèque, tragédies (1999) 1999 François-Régis Chaumartin
Théâtre complet des Latins, comprenant Plaute, Térence et Sénèque le Tragique, avec la traduction en français (1844) 1844 Andrieux, A. François, Alfred Magin, Th. Savalète, Pierre Jean-Baptiste Choudard Desforges (1746-1806), Désiré Nisard
Théâtre complet des latins, par J.B. Levée ancien professeur de rhétorique et de littérature et par feu l'abbé Le Monnier, augmenté de dissertations, etc par MM Amaury Duval de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Alexandre Duval de l'Académi... (1820) 1820 Jérôme-Balthazar Levée, Guillaume Antoine Lemonnier
Théâtre de Sénèque (1651) 1651 Pierre Linage
Théâtre de Sénèque, traduction nouvelle enrichie de notes historiques littéraires et critiques (1795) 1795 M. L. Coupé
Traduction de la Troade de Sénèque en vers français (1674) 1674
Source Date Format Held at APGRD
"Senecas Helden sind modern": Aufführungen, Nachdichtungen und Beurteilung der Troas in der Neuzeit 1994 Journal
Ancient Scripts and Modern Experience on the English Stage, 1500-1700 1988 Book library
Classical Tragedy in the History of Early Opera in Rome 1984 Print-out archive
Coefore / Medea 1994 Festival programme archive
College Plays Performed in the University of Cambridge 1923 Photocopy library
Des Tragiques aux Farceurs: Deuxième Voyage Dans le Théâtre Français, 1550-1629 2002 Book
Dramaturgie et Actualité du théâtre Antique 1991 Conference flyer archive
Email from Ināra Ķemere to Amanda Wrigley 2005 Print-out archive
Enciclopedia dello spettacolo 1961 Photocopy archive
Euripides and his Influence 1928 Photocopy library
Euripides: Hecuba 2015 Book library
Garrick and the Private Theatres: With a List of Amateur Performances in the Eighteenth Century 1943 Print-out archive
Greek Tragedy and the British Theatre, 1660-1914 2005 Book library
I Due Fratelli di Terenzio - Fedra di Seneca 1983 Programme archive
Il Teatro dei due Mari presentanto Le Troiane 2001 Poster archive
Institute of Classical Studies, Prospectus 1993-1994 1993 Prospectus archive
Inszenierung der Antike: das Griechische Drama auf der Bühne der Neuzeit 1991 Book library
Inszenierung Senecas 1994 Photocopy archive
International Journal of the Classical Tradition. Vol.11.1 (Summer 2004) 2004 Journal library
Iure principem locum tenet: Euripides' Hecuba 1987 Journal
JACT Review. No.24 (Autumn 1998) 1998 Journal library
Jewish Community Centers of Greater Philadelphia Photocopy archive
La Taille, Jean de [online Encyclopaedia Britannica entry] 2001 Print-out archive
Latvian listing sent via email by Ināra Ķemere to Peter Brown 2005 Print-out archive
Le Troiane 2004 Print-out archive
Le Troiane 1997 Invitation archive
Le Troiane di Seneca; La Donna di Samo di Menandro 1981 Programme archive
Les Tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance 1973 Book
Online catalogue record from the Biliothèque nationale de France 2001 Print-out archive
Oxford Guide to Classical Mythology in the Arts, 1300-1990s. Vol.1 1993 Book library
Oxford Guide to Classical Mythology in the Arts, 1300-1990s. Vol.2 1993 Book library
Plays International. Vol.18.8 (May / June 2003) 2003 Journal library
Poster: The Story of Troy 1994 Photocopy archive
Seneca in Performance 2000 Book library
Seneca in Production: A Professional Colloquium Held in Conjunction with the Production of Seneca's Troades 1998 Conference flyer archive
Seneca on the Stage 1986 Book library
Seneca Uomo di Teatro?: Le Troiane e lo Spettacolo 1984 Book library
Seneca's The Trojan Women 2003 Print-out archive
Seneca's Troades 1994 Book library
Shifting Song: The Chorus in Seneca's Tragedies 1993 Book
The English Drama, 1485-1585 1968 Book library
The School Drama in England 1929 Book
The Story of Troy 1994 Programme archive
The Trojan Women opens on LSU campus [on] Wednesday 2001 Print-out archive
Theater reviews in Didaskalia 1996 Print-out archive
Théâtre / Public. Vols 130-131: Tragédies anciennes, tragédies contemporaines 1996 Journal library
University Drama in the Tudor Age 1966 Book library