La caduta di Troia (1786)

Original id: 
Start date: 
1 January 1786
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Distant relative
Production notes: 
It is likely that this 'ballo' drew on one or more of the ancient plays on the subject. (The source has not been examined.) It was performed as interval entertainment during performances of the opera Erifile by Carlo Monza; the performances took place during the carnival season (between Christmas and Lent). The description of the ballets (Sartori ID 7626) states that they were 'composti e diretti' by Clerico; the libretto for the opera adds that 'arie de' balli' were written by Canavasso, 'virt. Del corno da caccia di camera e capp. Di S.M.' It is thus likely that both Clerico and Canavasso contributed some music for the ballets. The other two ballets used as interval entertainment for the same opera production were titled La vanità corretta dal disprezzo and Popolo festeggiante per le nozze d'Erifile.
Media of production: 
Choreographic work (dance, ballet, mime etc)

How to cite this production

La caduta di Troia (1786), accessed at <3 March 2025>