Adelphoe (The Brothers)

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Format: 2025
Production First performed Venues Companies
Adelphi (1501) 1501 Theatre Hall (Mantua, Lombardy, Italy)
Adelphi (1530) 1530 University of Löwen (Löwen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) University of Löwen
Adelphi (1543) 1543 unknown venue (Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna, Italy)
Adelphi (1545) 1545 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1547 - 1548) 1547 Queens' College (Cambridge, County of Cambridgeshire, England) University of Cambridge (Queens' College)
Adelphi (1562 - 1563) 1562 Trinity College (Cambridge, County of Cambridgeshire, England) University of Cambridge (Trinity College)
Adelphi (1562 - 1563) 1562 Jesus College (Cambridge, County of Cambridgeshire, England) University of Cambridge (Jesus College)
Adelphi (1613) 1613 Trinity College (Cambridge, County of Cambridgeshire, England) University of Cambridge (Trinity College)
Adelphi (1624) 1624 unknown venue (Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany)
The Squire of Alsatia (1688) 1688 Drury Lane (London, Greater London, England)
Adelphi (1709) 1709 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1715) 1715 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1718) 1718 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1721) 1721 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1724) 1724 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1728 - 1729) 1728 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1733) 1733 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1738) 1738 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1751) 1751 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1753) 1753 Charterhouse School (Godalming, County of Surrey, England) Charterhouse School
Adelphi (1759) 1759 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1768) 1768 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1773) 1773 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1778) 1778 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1783) 1783 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1789) 1789 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1795) 1795 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1800) 1800 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Die Brüder (1801) 1801 Hoftheater (Weimar, Free State of Thuringia, Germany)
Adelphi (1804) 1804 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1808) 1808 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1813) 1813 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Die Brüder (1815 - 1830) 1815 Königliches Schauspielhaus / Konzerthaus (1821-), Königliches Schauspielhaus, Staatstheater, Staatstheater Großes Haus, Konzerthaus am Gendarmenmarkt, Konzerthaus (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Adelphi (1819) 1819 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1823) 1823 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1828) 1828 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1832) 1832 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1836) 1836 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1842) 1842 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1847) 1847 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1847) 1847 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1852) 1852 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1857) 1857 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1863) 1863 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1867) 1867 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1872) 1872 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1877) 1877 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1881) 1881 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Adelphi (1882) 1882 Radley College (Abingdon, County of Oxfordshire, England) Radley College, Oxfordshire
Adelphi (1886) 1886 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Translation Year Contributors
Comédies de Térence, traduction nouvelle (1860) 1860 Eugène Talbot (1814-1894)
Comédies de Térence, traduite du françois, avec le Latin à coste, et rendues très honnestes en y changeant fort peu de choses. Pour servir à bien entendre la Langue Latine et à bien traduire en François (1647) 1647 Louis Isaac Lemaistre de Sacy (1613-1684) AKA aka Saint-Aubin
Les Adèlphes, comédie en cinq actes et en vers de Térence (1854) 1854 Eugène Fallex
Les Comédies de Térence, traduction nouvelle avec le latin à côté (1771) 1771 Guillaume Antoine Lemonnier
Les Comédies de Térence, traduites en françois, avec des remarques (1688) 1688 Anne Dacier
Les sis (sic) Comédies de Terence, Tres-Excellent Poete Comique, mises en Françoys, en faveur des bons espritz, studieus des antiques Recreation (1566) 1566 Charles Estienne, Jean Bourlier
Les six comédies de Térence en latin et françois de la traduction de M. de M. avec des remarques (1659) 1659 Michel de Marolles
Térence, Comédies (1942) 1941 Jules Marouzeau (1878-1964)
Théâtre complet de Térence traduit en vers (1862) 1862 Auguste de Belloy (1815-1871)
Théâtre complet des Latins, comprenant Plaute, Térence et Sénèque le Tragique, avec la traduction en français (1844) 1844 Andrieux, A. François, Alfred Magin, Th. Savalète, Pierre Jean-Baptiste Choudard Desforges (1746-1806), Désiré Nisard
Théâtre complet des latins, par J.B. Levée ancien professeur de rhétorique et de littérature et par feu l'abbé Le Monnier, augmenté de dissertations, etc par MM Amaury Duval de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Alexandre Duval de l'Académi... (1820) 1820 Jérôme-Balthazar Levée, Guillaume Antoine Lemonnier
Therence en francois, prose et rime, avecques le latin (1500) 1500 Gilles Cybille, Guillaume Rippe
Traduction des extraits de Plaute et de Térence à l'usage des élèves de l'école royale militaire (1778) 1778 Charles Batteux (1713-1780), Pierre Chompré (1698-1760)
Source Date Format Held at APGRD
Adelphi 1980 Postcard archive
Adelphi 1980 Programme archive
Adelphi 1980 Newspaper cutting archive
Adelphi 1980 Programme archive
Adelphi 1923 Cast list & credits archive
Adelphi - Terenti 1980 Programme archive
Adelphi of Terence, The 1932 Programme archive
Adelphoe 1999 Programme archive
Adelphoe, Up School, March 1999 Photocopy archive
Adelphos 1914 Photocopy archive
Allusions to Westminster School in literature 1903 Photocopy archive
Ancient Scripts and Modern Experience on the English Stage, 1500-1700 1988 Book library
Charterhouse 1900 Photocopy archive
Charterhouse: A History of the School 1990 Photocopy archive
Coefore / Medea 1994 Festival programme archive
Die Rezeption der Komödien des Plautus und Terenz im 19. Jahrhundert 1988 Book
Early Cambridge Theatres: College, University, and Town Stages, 1464-1720 1994 Book
El festival de Segobriga recupera el mundo classico para los estudiantes de secundaria 1997 Print-out archive
Email from Anne Seaton to Amanda Wrigley 2006 Print-out archive
Email from Charles Mercier to Amanda Wrigley 2001 Print-out archive
Email from Clare Sargent to Peter Brown 2005 Print-out archive
Email from Jonathan Katz to Peter Brown 1999 Print-out archive
Email from Peter Brown to Amanda Wrigley 2004 Print-out archive
Email from Ralph Wedgwood to Amanda Wrigley [2] 2001 Print-out archive
Email from Ralph Wedgwood to Amanda Wrigley [3] 2001 Email archive
Epilogus in Adelphos 1932 Programme archive
Focus Classical Library 2001 Print-out archive
Garrick and the Private Theatres: With a List of Amateur Performances in the Eighteenth Century 1943 Print-out archive
Greek Plays in America 1910 Print-out archive
High School of Stirling Classics Club 1980 Programme archive
Historical note: some new Prologues and Epilogues 1923 Photocopy archive
I Due Fratelli di Terenzio - Fedra di Seneca 1983 Programme archive
Illustration of the Epilogue 1886 Photocopy archive
Inszenierung der Antike: das Griechische Drama auf der Bühne der Neuzeit 1991 Book library
La Commedia 1911 Book
Letter from Ann Wheeler to Amanda Wrigley 2004 Correspondence archive
Letter from John Blundell to Peter Brown 2001 Photocopy archive
Letter from Marjorie Pattle to David Gowen 2000 Correspondence archive
Letter from Paul Lee to Peter Brown 1989 Correspondence archive
Living Greek Theatre: A Handbook of Classical Performance and Modern Production 1987 Book library
Lusus Alteri Westmonasterienses sive Prologi et Epilogi ad Fabulas in Sti. Petri Collegio Actas. Vols 1-3 1863 Book
Performing Greek Drama in Oxford and on Tour with the Balliol Players 2011 Book library
Plautus, spätere Bearbeitungen plautinischer Lustspiele 1886 Book
Presentation in English of the Adelphi by the Terence class 1897 Photocopy archive
Smith College Archives: Dramatics 2002 Print-out archive
Terence's Brothers on video 2001 Print-out archive
Terence, Brothers 1998 Book library
Terence: Adelphi 1960 Programme archive
Terence: The Comedies. Translated with Introduction and Explanatory Notes 2006 Book library
The Adelphi of Terence 1909 Book archive
Title Format Date
The Illustrated London News: The Westminster Play Newspaper cutting
To the printer, &c Photocopy
Westminster Plays Photocopy 1857
The Westminster Play Newspaper cutting 1872
Illustration of the Epilogue Photocopy 1886
Presentation in English of the Adelphi by the Terence class Photocopy 1897
Charterhouse Photocopy 1900
Allusions to Westminster School in literature Photocopy 1903
The Adelphi of Terence Book 1909
Greek Plays in America Print-out 1910
Adelphos Photocopy 1914
Adelphi Cast list & credits 1923
Historical note: some new Prologues and Epilogues Photocopy 1923
The Adelphi of Terence Programme 1923
The Adelphi of Terence, As acted by the King's Scholars of Westminster School Book 1928
Epilogus in Adelphos Programme 1932
The Adelphi of Terence Programme 1932
The Art of Latin Punning Review 1932
Garrick and the Private Theatres: With a List of Amateur Performances in the Eighteenth Century Print-out 1943
Terence: Adelphi Programme 1960
Adelphi Postcard 1980
Adelphi Programme 1980
Adelphi Newspaper cutting 1980
Adelphi Programme 1980
Adelphi - Terenti Programme 1980
High School of Stirling Classics Club Programme 1980
I Due Fratelli di Terenzio - Fedra di Seneca Programme 1983
Letter from Paul Lee to Peter Brown Correspondence 1989
Charterhouse: A History of the School Photocopy 1990
The Brothers Flyer 1990
The Brothers Programme 1990
Coefore / Medea Festival programme 1994
El festival de Segobriga recupera el mundo classico para los estudiantes de secundaria Print-out 1997
Adelphoe Programme 1999
Adelphoe, Up School, March Photocopy 1999
Email from Jonathan Katz to Peter Brown Print-out 1999
Letter from Marjorie Pattle to David Gowen Correspondence 2000
Email from Charles Mercier to Amanda Wrigley Print-out 2001
Email from Ralph Wedgwood to Amanda Wrigley [2] Print-out 2001
Email from Ralph Wedgwood to Amanda Wrigley [3] Email 2001
Focus Classical Library Print-out 2001
Letter from John Blundell to Peter Brown Photocopy 2001
Terence's Brothers on video Print-out 2001
The Terence Project presents Brothers by Terence Print-out 2001
Smith College Archives: Dramatics Print-out 2002
Email from Peter Brown to Amanda Wrigley Print-out 2004
Letter from Ann Wheeler to Amanda Wrigley Correspondence 2004
Email from Clare Sargent to Peter Brown Print-out 2005
The Aeschinus Situation Flyer 2005
The Aeschinus Situation Programme 2005