Les sis (sic) Comédies de Terence, Tres-Excellent Poete Comique, mises en Françoys, en faveur des bons espritz, studieus des antiques Recreation (1566)


Contributor Contribution Main contributor
Jean Bourlier Translator
Charles Estienne Translator
Full title: 
Prose translations of Terence's complete extant plays by Jean Bourlier. In this book, the translator reprinted Charles Estienne's 1542 Andrienne, as well as L'Eunuque and L'Heautontimorumenos of the 1560 'Triplex' edition, so that only L'Hécyre, Les Adelphes and Phormion were actually by him. Ironically, Bourlier introduced the prologue of the Andria with the following comment: 'le prologue est occupé à montrer, s'il est licite d'user des translations d'autruy pour les siennes'. The 1566 edition did not comprise the Latin text, but it was later included in the 1572 Parisian edition, along with Charles Estienne's treaty on Comedy under the title 'qu'estoit ce que les anciens appeloient, Fable, Satyre, Comedie vieille et Comedie Nouvelle'. The volume was reprinted in 1574 and 1578 (Paris: C. Micard) with a 'De la vie de Térence', French paraphrase of Suetonius' De Poetis attributed to Donat. A revised edition appeared in 1583 (Paris: R. le Fizelier), with Latin and French texts in two columns on the same page, while two later editions, in 1586 and 1604 (Lyon: A. Tardiff), may have reprinted the 1566 volume. Sources: BNF catalogue général and Lawton, Harold W. Térence en France au seizième siècle, éditions et traductions. 1926, p.527-552, 554.
Publication details: 
Anvers:J. Waesberghe

How to cite this translation

Les sis (sic) Comédies de Terence, Tres-Excellent Poete Comique, mises en Françoys, en faveur des bons espritz, studieus des antiques Recreation (1566), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/translations/8884 <26 March 2025>