Mostellaria (The Haunted House)

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Format: 2025
Production First performed Venues Companies
Mostellaria Rugby School (Rugby, County of Warwickshire, England) Rugby School
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum unknown venue (United States) Theater Ludicrum
Mostellaria unknown venue (United States) Seligson Players
Mustellaria (1503) 1503 Sala Grande (Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna, Italy)
Mostellaria (1559 - 1560) 1559 Trinity College (Cambridge, County of Cambridgeshire, England) University of Cambridge (Trinity College)
Mostellaria (1569) 1569 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
[Mostellaria?] (1585 - 1586) 1585 Trinity College (Cambridge, County of Cambridgeshire, England) University of Cambridge (Trinity College)
The English Traveler (1627) 1627 Drury Lane (London, Greater London, England)
Mostellaria (1807) 1807 unknown venue (Weimar, Free State of Thuringia, Germany)
Mostellaria (1881) 1881 University of Melbourne (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) University of Melbourne
Mostellaria (1897) 1897 St Lawrence University (Canton, New York, United States) St Lawrence University
Gespenst (1903) 1903 unknown venue (Weimar, Free State of Thuringia, Germany)
[A play of Plautus] (1921) 1921 Merchant Taylors' School (Northwood, Greater London, England) Merchant Taylors' School, Northwood
Mostellaria; or Haunted House (1933) 1933 Wellesley College (Wellesley, Massachusetts, United States) Wellesley College
Mostellaria (1936) 1936 University of Harvard (Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States) University of Harvard (Harvard Classical Club)
The Little Spook (1936) 1936 Bryn Mawr College (Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, United States) Bryn Mawr College (Ludiones / Latin Department)
Mostellaria (1940) 1940 Bryn Mawr College (Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, United States) Bryn Mawr College (Ludiones / Latin Department)
Le Fantôme (1954) 1954 Chateau Vallon (France)
Mostellaria (1956) 1956 University of Sydney (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) University of Sydney
Mostellaria (1958) 1958 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1962 - 1964) 1962 Alvin Theatre (New York City, New York, United States), Shubert Theatre (New Haven, Connecticut, United States), National Theatre (Washington, District of Columbia, United States)
The Haunted House (1963) 1963 Victoria Rooms, Clifton (Bristol, North Somerset, England) Bristol University Classical Society
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1963 - 1965) 1963 Strand Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1966) 1966 unknown venue (United States) United Artists, Melvin Frank Productions
Mostellaria (1967) 1967 King's School (Canterbury, County of Kent, England) King's School, Canterbury
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1967 - 1968) 1967 University of Hawaii at Manoa (Honolulu, Hawaii, United States) University of Hawaii at Manoa (Department of Theatre and Dance)
Mostellaria (1969) 1968 unknown venue (England) BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1971 - 1972) 1970 Ahmanson Theatre (Los Angeles, State of California, United States), Lunt-Fontanne Theater (New York City, New York, United States), McVickers Theatre (Chicago, State of Illinois, United States) Center Theatre Group, Los Angeles
Mostellaria (1974) 1974 Wellesley College (Wellesley, Massachusetts, United States) Wellesley College
Mostellaria (1978) 1978 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Mostellaria (1978) 1978 University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States)
Mostellaria (1980) 1980 Wellesley College (Wellesley, Massachusetts, United States) Wellesley College
Mostellaria (1981) 1981 Eastbourne College (Eastbourne, County of East Sussex, England) Eastbourne College
Mostellaria (1981) 1981 unknown venue (Australia)
Mostellaria (1983) 1983 Wellesley College (Wellesley, Massachusetts, United States) Wellesley College
Mostellaria (1984) 1984 St Olaf College (Northfield, State of Minnesota, United States), unknown venue (United States) St Olaf College
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1985) 1985 Marietta College (Marietta, State of Ohio, United States) Marietta College (Department of Communication & Theatre Arts)
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1985) 1985 Kutztown University of Pennsylvania (Kutztown, Pennsylvania, United States) Kutztown University of Pennsylvania (Department of Speech & Theatre)
Haunted House (1986) 1986 unknown venue (United States) Theater Ludicrum
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1986) 1986 Piccadilly Theatre (London, Greater London, England) Theatre Projects Associates
Haunted House (1987) 1987 unknown venue (Scotland)
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1987 - 1988) 1987 University of Hawaii at Manoa (Honolulu, Hawaii, United States) University of Hawaii at Manoa (Department of Theatre and Dance)
Mostellaria (1988 - 1990) 1988 Emory and Henry College (Virginia, United States) Virginia Governor's Latin Academy
The Haunted House (1989) 1989 Strand Theater (Dorchester, Massachusetts, United States) Theater Ludicrum
Mostellaria (1992) 1992 St Olaf College (Northfield, State of Minnesota, United States) St Olaf College
Mostellaria (1992) 1992 University of Sydney (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) University of Sydney
The Haunted House (1994) 1994 Bridge Lane Theatre (London, Greater London, England) Fin de Siècle Theatre Company
The Cook, The Miser, His Tart & Her Mother (1995) 1995 Chloë Productions, London
Mostellaria (1996) 1996 Rugby School (Rugby, County of Warwickshire, England) Rugby School
Translation Year Contributors
Le Phantosme, comédie de Plaute (1656) 1656 Claude Nicole
Les Comédies de Plaute avec des remarques, en latin et en françois par M. D. M. A. D. V. (1658) 1658 Michel de Marolles
Les comédies de Plaute nouvellement traduites en stile libre naturel et naïf avec des notes et des reflexions enjouées de critique, d'antiquité et de morale par Gueudeville, avec des estampes en taille douce (1719) 1719 Nicolas Gueudeville (1654-1721) AKA Guedeville
Oeuvres de Plaute, en latin et en français, traduction nouvelle, enrichie de figures, avec des remarques sur les endroits difficiles, et un examen de chaque pièce selon les règles du Théâtre, par Henri Philippe de Limiers, docteur en droit (1719) 1719 Henri Philippe de Limiers
Plaute, comédies (1932) 1932 Alfred Ernout
Théâtre complet des Latins, comprenant Plaute, Térence et Sénèque le Tragique, avec la traduction en français (1844) 1844 Andrieux, A. François, Alfred Magin, Th. Savalète, Pierre Jean-Baptiste Choudard Desforges (1746-1806), Désiré Nisard
Théâtre complet des latins, par J.B. Levée ancien professeur de rhétorique et de littérature et par feu l'abbé Le Monnier, augmenté de dissertations, etc par MM Amaury Duval de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Alexandre Duval de l'Académi... (1820) 1820 Jérôme-Balthazar Levée, Guillaume Antoine Lemonnier
Traduction des extraits de Plaute et de Térence à l'usage des élèves de l'école royale militaire (1778) 1778 Charles Batteux (1713-1780), Pierre Chompré (1698-1760)
Source Date Format Held at APGRD
1936 wise-cracks enhance Plautean farce, Little Spooks 1936 Photocopy archive
2 audio CDs - A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum - Part 1 2002 CD archive
A Funny Thing Happened On the Way from Brooklyn: Roman Comedy on Broadway and Film 2001 Print-out archive
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum 2004 Print-out archive
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum 2004 Programme archive
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum 1991 Book library
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum 2004 Newspaper cutting archive
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum 2004 Print-out archive
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum 2007 Programme archive
A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To the Forum - Peacock 2001 Newspaper cutting archive
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum - videotape of film 1966 Videotape archive
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum : National Theatre season programme 2004 Programme archive
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum programme 1963 Programme archive
A funny thing happened to Stephen Sondheim 2004 Newspaper cutting archive
A Latin play at Melbourne 1887 Print-out archive
A tradition of Latin plays at St Olaf College 2001 Print-out archive
Albright College Domino Players present … 2001 Print-out archive
An evening of Latin readings 1983 Programme archive
Ancient Scripts and Modern Experience on the English Stage, 1500-1700 1988 Book library
Aristophanes in Performance, 421 BC-AD 2007: Peace, Birds and Frogs 2007 Book library
Audio CD - A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum - Part 2 2002 CD archive
Butterfly Sauce 2004 Newspaper cutting archive
Choices 2002 Newspaper cutting archive
Classical Association News. Vol.26 (June 2002) 2002 Newsletter library
Classical drama at the University of Sydney 2001 Personal notes archive
Contributi dell' Istituto di Filologia Moderna. Vol.1 1968 Book
Die Rezeption der Komödien des Plautus und Terenz im 19. Jahrhundert 1988 Book
E-mail from George Bistransin to Amanda Wrigley 2001 Print-out archive
Email from Anne H. Groton to Amanda Wrigley 2001 Print-out archive
Email from Peter Brown to Amanda Wrigley 2003 Print-out archive
Fullerton College 2004 Print-out archive
Greek Plays in America 1910 Print-out archive
Harvard Alumni Bulletin 1939 Photocopy archive
Imperial Projections: Ancient Rome in Modern Popular Culture 2001 Book library
Inszenierung der Antike: das Griechische Drama auf der Bühne der Neuzeit 1991 Book library
King's School, Canterbury 1999 Correspondence archive
Latin classes will give Mostellaria 1936 Photocopy archive
Latin play promises to be wickedly gay 1940 Photocopy archive
Leonard Bernstein: The Harvard Years, 1935-1939 1999 Book library
Letter from Keith Maclennan to Peter Brown 2001 Correspondence archive
Letter from Michael Sargent to Amanda Wrigley 2003 Correspondence archive
Mostellaria 1978 Programme archive
Mostellaria 1978 Programme archive
Mostellaria Photocopy archive
Mostellaria 1974 Programme archive
Mostellaria 1980 Programme archive
Mostellaria 1974 Poster archive
Mostellaria 1980 Poster archive
Mostellaria 1981 Photocopy archive
Mostellaria 1984 Programme archive
Published Contributors
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum 1991 Burt Shevelove, Larry Gelbart, Stephen Sondheim
Ancient Scripts and Modern Experience on the English Stage, 1500-1700 1988 Bruce R. Smith
Aristophanes in Performance, 421 BC-AD 2007: Peace, Birds and Frogs 2007 Edith Hall, Amanda Wrigley, Ewen Bowie, Matthew Steggle, Rosie Wyles, Charalampos Orfanos, Phiroze Vasunia, Gonda A. H. Van Steen, Angeliki Varakis, Bernd Seidensticker, Mary-Kay Gamel, Betine van Zyl Smit, Malika Bastin-Hammou AKA Hammou, Martina Treu, Francesca Schironi, Sean O'Brien, Michael Silk, Vasiliki Giannopoulou
Classical Association News. Vol.26 (June 2002) 2002
Imperial Projections: Ancient Rome in Modern Popular Culture 2001 Sandra R. Joshel, Margaret Malamud, Donald T. McGuire, William Fitzgerald, Martin M. Winkler, Alison Futrell, Nicholas J. Cull, Martha Malamud, Maria Wyke
Inszenierung der Antike: das Griechische Drama auf der Bühne der Neuzeit 1991 Hellmut Flashar
Leonard Bernstein: The Harvard Years, 1935-1939 1999 Claudia Swan
Performances of Greek and Roman Drama in New South Wales 2009 Christopher Flynn
Plays International. Vol.18.10+11 (July/August 2003) 2003
Plays International. Vol.18.6 (March / April 2003) 2003
Plays International. Vol.18.7 (April / May 2003) 2003
Plays International. Vol.18.8 (May / June 2003) 2003
Plays International. Vol.18.9 (June / July 2003) 2003
Plays International. Vol.19.8 (May/June 2004) 2004
Plays International. Vol.19.9 (June / July 2004) 2004
The English Drama, 1485-1585 1968 F. P. Wilson, G. K. Hunter
University Drama in the Tudor Age 1966 Frederick S. Boas
[Edinburgh Festival] Fringe, 3-25 Aug 03 2003
Title Format Date
Mostellaria Synopsis
Mostellaria Photocopy
Mostellaria Programme
A Latin play at Melbourne Print-out 1887
Greek Plays in America Print-out 1910
Plautus Mostellaria; or, The Haunted House Programme 1933
1936 wise-cracks enhance Plautean farce, Little Spooks Photocopy 1936
Latin classes will give Mostellaria Photocopy 1936
The Ludiones of Bryn Mawr present … Photocopy 1936
Harvard Alumni Bulletin Photocopy 1939
Latin play promises to be wickedly gay Photocopy 1940
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum programme Programme 1963
The Haunted House programme Programme 1963
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum - videotape of film Videotape 1966
Mostellaria Poster 1974
Mostellaria Programme 1974
Mostellaria Programme 1978
Mostellaria Programme 1978
Mostellaria - Plauti Programme 1978
Mostellaria Programme 1980
Mostellaria Poster 1980
Mostellaria Photocopy 1981
An evening of Latin readings Programme 1983
Mostellaria Photocopy 1984
Mostellaria Programme 1984
Mostellaria Photocopy 1992
Oedipus / The Haunted House flyer Flyer 1994
Oedipus by Sophocles; The Haunted House by Plautus Flyer 1994
Oedipus by Sophocles; The Haunted House by Plautus Programme 1994
Oedipus by Sophocles; The Haunted House by Plautus Programme 1994
Poster: The Cook, The Miser, His Tart & Her Mother Poster 1995
Programme: The Cook, The Miser, His Tart & Her Mother Programme 1995
Roman stagings - rhyme, women and song: getting in tune with Plautus Print-out 1995
Rugby School presents … Plauti Mostellaria Photocopy 1996
Scenes from the Mostellaria and Menaechmi [Duplicate of Material 2477] Programme 1996
Scenes from the Mostellaria and Menaechmi [Duplicate of Material 2506] Programme 1996
Scenes from the Mostellaria and Menaechmi [Duplicate of Material 2507] Poster 1996
Scenes from the Mostellaria and Menaechmi [Duplicate of Material 2508] Poster 1996
Note from Katherine Geffcken Correspondence 1997
Production Photograph of Edward Mercieca as Pseudolus and others Print-out 1997
Review by Paul Xuereb : "Lays of Ancient Rome" Print-out 1997
Obituary of Raymond Raikes Newspaper article 1998
King's School, Canterbury Correspondence 1999
Performances [Didaskalia 1999] Print-out 1999
The Ghost Programme 1999
What they say about Theater Ludicrum Print-out 1999
A Funny Thing Happened On the Way from Brooklyn: Roman Comedy on Broadway and Film Print-out 2001
A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To the Forum - Peacock Newspaper cutting 2001
A tradition of Latin plays at St Olaf College Print-out 2001
Albright College Domino Players present … Print-out 2001