
Content related to this work

Format: 2025
Production First performed Venues Companies
Fedra Teatro Bellas Artes
Phaedra (1486) 1486 Castel Sant' Angelo (Rome, Latium, Italy), unknown venue (Rome, Latium, Italy), Palace of Cardinal Riario (Rome, Latium, Italy) Roman Academy, Rome
Ippolito (1501) 1501 unknown venue (Mantua, Lombardy, Italy), unknown venue (Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna, Italy)
Phaedra (1509) 1509 unknown venue (Republic of Italy)
Hippolytus (1543 - 1547) 1543 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Hippolytus (1552 - 1553) 1552 King's College (Cambridge, County of Cambridgeshire, England) University of Cambridge (King's College)
Hippolytus (1554) 1554 unknown venue (Wittenberg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany) Student actors
Hippolyte (1573) 1573 Chateau Vallon (France)
Richardus Tertius (1579) 1579 St John's College (Cambridge, County of Cambridgeshire, England) University of Cambridge (St John's College)
Hippolytus (1592) 1592 Christ Church (Oxford, County of Oxfordshire, England) Christ Church College, University of Oxford
Crispus (1597) 1597 unknown venue (Republic of Italy)
Hippolitus (1603 - 1604) 1603 St John's College (Oxford, County of Oxfordshire, England) St John's College, University of Oxford
L' Hippolito redivivo (1659) 1659 unknown venue (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
Hippolito (1661) 1661 unknown venue (Turin, Piedmont, Italy)
La Fedra (1661) 1661 unknown venue (Spoleto, Umbria, Italy)
Fedra incoronata (1662) 1662 unknown venue (Munich, Free State of Bavaria, Germany)
L' Ippolito (1731) 1731 Hoftheater (Munich, Free State of Bavaria, Germany)
L'Apoteosi di Alcide (1732) 1732 unknown venue (Padova, Veneto, Italy) Accademia dei Geniali, Padua
Hippolyte et Aricie (1733) 1733 Opéra (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Ipolito [Ippolito] (1745) 1745 Regio Ducal Teatro (Milan, Lombardy, Italy)
L' Ippolito (1752) 1752 Ribeira Palace (Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal)
Ippolito ed Aricia (1759) 1759 Hoftheater (Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany)
Ippolito ed Aricia (1759) 1759 Reale Teatro di Parma (Parma, Emilia-Romagna, Italy)
Phèdre (1786) 1786 unknown venue (Fontainebleau, Île-de-France, France)
Fedra (1788) 1788 Teatro S. Carlo (Naples, Campania, Italy)
Fedra (1789) 1789 Teatro alla Scala, La Scala (Milan, Lombardy, Italy)
Teseo a stige (1790) 1790 Teatro di via della Pergola (Florence, Tuscany, Italy)
Diverse scene estratte dalla Fedra (1791) 1791 unknown venue (Vienna, Vienna, Austria)
Hippolito (1794) 1794 unknown venue (Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal)
La morte d' Ippolito e Fedra (1796) 1796 Teatro Pubblico (Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy)
La morte d' Ippolito e Fedra (1796) 1796 Teatro di San Benedetto (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
Ippolito (1798) 1798 Teatro di San Carlo (Naples, Campania, Italy)
Fedra (1820) 1820 Nuovo Teatro (Padova, Veneto, Italy)
Fedra (1820) 1820 Teatro alla Scala, La Scala (Milan, Lombardy, Italy)
Fedra (1874) 1874 Teatro Balbo (Turin, Piedmont, Italy)
Hippolyte et Aricie (1903) 1903 unknown venue (Geneva, Canton de Genève, Switzerland)
Fedra (1915) 1915 Teatro alla Scala, La Scala (Milan, Lombardy, Italy)
Phèdre (1945) 1944 New Theatre (London, Greater London, England), Chateau Vallon (France)
Fedra (1953) 1953 unknown venue (Mérida, Extremadura, Spain)
Fedra (1956) 1956 unknown venue (Spanish State)
Fedra (1960) 1960 unknown venue (Republic of Italy)
Phaedra (1961) 1961 unknown venue (United States), Chateau Vallon (France), unknown venue (Greece)
Syllabaire pour Phèdre [Spelling-book for Phaedra] (1968) 1968 Académie Royale de Musique (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Fedra (1969) 1968 unknown venue (Rome, Latium, Italy)
Phaedra (1973) 1973 Reed Hall Gardens (Exeter, County of Devon, England) University of Exeter (Classical Society)
Phaedra (1973) 1973 unknown venue (Republic of Italy), unknown venue (Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany) Centro Teatro Esse
Phaedra (1976 - 1977) 1976 unknown venue (Aldeburgh, County of Suffolk, England), All Saints’ Church, Petersham (Richmond, Greater London, England)
Phaedra (1976) 1976 unknown venue (Syracuse, New York, United States)
Chariots of Fire (1978) 1978 Irish Ballet Company
Fedra (1981) 1981 unknown venue (Spanish State)
Translation Year Contributors
Les Oeuvres de Sénèque (1658) 1658 Pierre Du Ryer
Les Tragédies de L.A. Sénèque, traduction nouvelle par Eugène Greslou (1834) 1834 Eugène Greslou
Les Tragédies de Sénèque (Luc. Ann.), traduites en vers françoys par Benoist Bauduyn d'Amiens (1629) 1629 Benoît Bauduyn
Les Tragédies de Sénèque en latin et en françois, de la traduction de M. de Marolles, abbé de Villeloin, avec des remarques nécessaires sur les lieux difficiles (1660) 1660 Michel de Marolles
Les tragédies de Sénèque, desquelles sont extraictz plusieurs enseignements authoritez et singulières sentences tant en latin comme en françois, très-utiles et prouffitables à ung chascun, et en la fin y est adioustée la vie et trespasse... (1534) 1534 Pierre Gronet
Sénèque, tragédies (1999) 1999 François-Régis Chaumartin
Théâtre complet des Latins, comprenant Plaute, Térence et Sénèque le Tragique, avec la traduction en français (1844) 1844 Andrieux, A. François, Alfred Magin, Th. Savalète, Pierre Jean-Baptiste Choudard Desforges (1746-1806), Désiré Nisard
Théâtre complet des latins, par J.B. Levée ancien professeur de rhétorique et de littérature et par feu l'abbé Le Monnier, augmenté de dissertations, etc par MM Amaury Duval de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Alexandre Duval de l'Académi... (1820) 1820 Jérôme-Balthazar Levée, Guillaume Antoine Lemonnier
Théâtre de Sénèque (1651) 1651 Pierre Linage
Théâtre de Sénèque, traduction nouvelle enrichie de notes historiques littéraires et critiques (1795) 1795 M. L. Coupé
Source Date Format Held at APGRD
"Senecas Helden sind modern": Aufführungen, Nachdichtungen und Beurteilung der Troas in der Neuzeit 1994 Journal
'Walking into her rehearsal was like entering a religion': as Phaedra's Love is revived … 2005 Newspaper cutting archive
A chronological list of film adaptations of ancient Greek plays 2000 Personal notes library
A real turn-off, strophe 1996 Review archive
A real turn-off, strophe - draft 1 1996 Review archive
A real turn-off, strophe - draft 2 1996 Review archive
Acta Diurna 1973 Photocopy archive
Ancient Scripts and Modern Experience on the English Stage, 1500-1700 1988 Book library
Archiv der Wiener Festwochen 2005 Print-out archive
BBC Proms programme, 18 July - 13 September 2003 2003 Festival programme archive
Bloodbath at the court of copulation 1996 Review archive
Bologna a Teatro: stagione 1996 / 1997 1996 Print-out archive
Bristol Old Vic 2005 Seasonal calendar archive
Calamity bane 2003 Print-out archive
Cas Harkins in Phaedra's Love by Sarah Kane 1996 Photograph archive
CD - Britten: The Rape of Lucretia/Phaedra 1990 CD archive
Classical Tragedy in the History of Early Opera in Rome 1984 Print-out archive
Coefore / Medea 1994 Festival programme archive
Didaskalia Review: Sarah Kane's Phaedra's Love Print-out archive
Dioniso: Annale della Fondazione INDA. Vol.2 (new series) 2003 Journal library
Dioniso: Annale della Fondazione INDA. Vol.2 (new series) 2003 Journal library
Dionysus Since 69: Greek Tragedy at the Dawn of the Third Millennium 2004 Book library
Draft of Edith Hall's review of Phaedra's Love 1996 Review archive
Early Cambridge Theatres: College, University, and Town Stages, 1464-1720 1994 Book
Edith Hall's notes on Phaedra's Love 1996 Personal notes archive
Edith Hall's rough notes on Phaedra's Love 1996 Personal notes archive
Eliasson at the opera 2007 Print-out archive
Email from Anne Seaton to Amanda Wrigley 2006 Print-out archive
Email from Bryan Doerries to Amanda Wrigley 2001 Print-out archive
Email from Bryan Doerries to Amanda Wrigley 2001 Print-out archive
Email from Chester Novello to Peter Brown 2007 Print-out archive
Email from Francesca Nenci to Amanda Wrigley 2005 Print-out archive
Email from Mark Grant to Amanda Wrigley 2001 Print-out archive
Email re Exeter University Classical Society productions 2000 Correspondence archive
Enciclopedia dello spettacolo 1961 Photocopy archive
Exploring European Identities and Ideologies by means of [Re]presentations of Ancient Drama: Media : Greek Tragedy and Film 2009 Conference proceedings library
Fedra Programme archive
Fedra 2001 Print-out archive
French Renaissance tragedy: the dramatic word 1990 Book
Greek Tragedy into Film 1986 Photocopy library
Grove Music Online 2005 Website
Guardian Review: Phaedra's Love 2005 Print-out archive
Hans Werner Henze: Phaedra 2007 Print-out archive
Hat trick 1995 Newspaper cutting archive
I Due Fratelli di Terenzio - Fedra di Seneca 1983 Programme archive
In search of the Belfast festival 1998 Print-out archive
Independent review: Phaedra's love, Old Vic, Bristol 2005 Print-out archive
Inszenierung Senecas 1994 Photocopy archive
International Journal of the Classical Tradition. Vol.11.1 (Summer 2004) 2004 Journal library
Ippolito o Fedra 2005 Programme archive
Published Contributors
A chronological list of film adaptations of ancient Greek plays 2000 Pantelis Michelakis
Ancient Scripts and Modern Experience on the English Stage, 1500-1700 1988 Bruce R. Smith
Dioniso: Annale della Fondazione INDA. Vol.2 (new series) 2003 Antoine Garapon, Ariane Mnouchkine, Eugenio Barba, Giancarlo Sammartano, Peter Stein
Dionysus Since 69: Greek Tragedy at the Dawn of the Third Millennium 2004 Amanda Wrigley, David Wiles, Edith Hall, Erika Fischer-Lichte, Fiona Macintosh, Froma I. Zeitlin, Helene Foley, Katharine Worth, Kathleen Riley, Lorna Hardwick, Oliver Taplin, Pantelis Michelakis, Peter G. McC. Brown, Timberlake Wertenbaker
Exploring European Identities and Ideologies by means of [Re]presentations of Ancient Drama: Media : Greek Tragedy and Film 2009
Greek Tragedy into Film 1986 Kenneth Mackinnon
International Journal of the Classical Tradition. Vol.11.1 (Summer 2004) 2004 Theodore Ziolkowski, Aldo Setaioli, Ismene Lada-Richards
Medea in Performance, 1500-2000 2000 Edith Hall, Fiona Macintosh, Oliver Taplin, Diane Purkiss, Marianne McDonald, Margaret Reynolds, Ian Christie, Platon Mavromoustakos, Eva Stehlíková, Mae Smethurst, Olga Taxidou, David Gowen
Performances of Greek and Roman Drama in New South Wales 2009 Christopher Flynn
Plays International. Vol.17.5 (February / March 2002) 2002
Plays International. Vol.18.7 (April / May 2003) 2003
Plays International. Vol.18.8 (May / June 2003) 2003
Plays International. Vol.19.3-4 (December 2003) 2003
Plays International. Vol.19.6 (March / April 2004) 2004
Print-Out: Dance on Disc 2004
Reception Studies 2003 Lorna Hardwick
Seneca Uomo di Teatro?: Le Troiane e lo Spettacolo 1984 Filippo Amoroso
Seneca: Phaedra 1990 Michael Coffey, Roland Mayer, Seneca
The Contemporary Theatre, 1944 and 1945 1946 James Agate
The English Drama, 1485-1585 1968 F. P. Wilson, G. K. Hunter
The World of Theatre, 2000 Edition: An Account of the Theatre Seasons 1996-97, 1997-98 and 1998-99 2000 Ian Herbert, Nicole Leclercq
Théâtre / Public. Vols 130-131: Tragédies anciennes, tragédies contemporaines 1996
Theatre Record. Vol.17.22 (22 October - 4 November 1997) 1997
University Drama in the Tudor Age 1966 Frederick S. Boas
Title Format Date
Didaskalia Review: Sarah Kane's Phaedra's Love Print-out
Fedra Programme
National Theatre of Craiova: Phaedra Seasonal calendar
Personal notes by Michael Hackett Personal notes
Phaedra: Music by Mikis Theodorakis CD
Sarah Kane more: performances 2005-1 Print-out
True Love Programme
Pomponius' Wiederweckung des antiken Theaters Book 1957
Enciclopedia dello spettacolo Photocopy 1961
Phaedra - DVD recording DVD 1961
Acta Diurna Photocopy 1973
L. Annaei Senecae Phaedra Programme 1973
Letter re Seneca's Phaedra, Exeter, 1973 Photocopy 1973
Phaedra by L. Annaeus Seneca Photocopy 1973
Stage directions for performance of Seneca's Hippolytus Photocopy 1973
Stage-manager for production of Seneca's Phaedra Photocopy 1973
I Due Fratelli di Terenzio - Fedra di Seneca Programme 1983
Classical Tragedy in the History of Early Opera in Rome Print-out 1984
Los Espectaculos de Mérida, 1933-1989 Production chronology 1989
CD - Britten: The Rape of Lucretia/Phaedra CD 1990
Phaedra Poster 1992
Coefore / Medea Festival programme 1994
Inszenierung Senecas Photocopy 1994
Listings of performances in Europe and the UK Print-out 1994
Phaidra Photocopy 1994
Pier Paolo Pasolini, Luca Ronconi und die griechische Tragödie: eine Neuinszenierung von Pilade Photocopy 1994
Hat trick Newspaper cutting 1995
Lifting theatre out of the ordinary Newspaper cutting 1995
Phaedra Flyer 1995
West Yorkshire Playhouse, Leeds, England: Phaedra Press release 1995
Why drama is drawn to tragedy Newspaper cutting 1995
A real turn-off, strophe Review 1996
A real turn-off, strophe - draft 1 Review 1996
A real turn-off, strophe - draft 2 Review 1996
Bloodbath at the court of copulation Review 1996
Bologna a Teatro: stagione 1996 / 1997 Print-out 1996
Cas Harkins in Phaedra's Love by Sarah Kane Photograph 1996
Draft of Edith Hall's review of Phaedra's Love Review 1996
Edith Hall's notes on Phaedra's Love Personal notes 1996
Edith Hall's rough notes on Phaedra's Love Personal notes 1996
Is there a psychiatrist in the house? Review 1996
New playwrights ancient sources Seasonal calendar 1996
New playwrights ancient sources Seasonal calendar 1996
Phaedra's Love Programme 1996
Phaedra's Love - additional cast Programme insert 1996
Philippa Williams in Phaedra's Love by Sarah Kane B&W photograph 1996
Utsøkt Fedra: Teater Evripides / Seneca "Phaedra", Nasjonalteatret i Craiova Print-out 1996
In search of the Belfast festival Print-out 1998
Phaedra in Delirium Programme 1998
Phaedra Writes to Hippolytus Programme insert 1998