Original id:
Start date:
1 January 1732
Degree of relationship to ancient play:
Distant relative
Production notes:
Libretto: Giambattista Zangarini: 'L'apoteosi di Alcide. Cantata a quattro voci del sig. Dott. Giambatista Zangarini Accademico Geniale da rappresentarsi per trattenimento de' signori Accademici Geniali di Padova nella fiera dell'anno 1732. Umiliata a sue eccellenze li sig.ri Daniel Dolfin IV e Nicolò Venier degnissimi podestà e capitanio di Padova (Padova: per il Penada, 1732). This was a large orchestral cantata with four soloists and some stage action, as evidenced by the use of a stage machine. It is likely that it drew either on Euripides or on Seneca.
Media of production:
Opera, musical and related genres