Engagements with Greek Drama and Homeric Epic on BBC Radio in the 1940s and 1950s


Contributor Contribution Main contributor
Amanda Wrigley

Referenced productions

Production First performed Pagination Ancient works performed
Agamemnon (1880) 1880 73 n. 206 Agamemnon
Andromache (1901) 1901 40 n. 94 Andromache
Hippolytus (1901) 1901 39 n. 92 Hippolytos
Trojan Women [extracts] (1904) 1904 39 n. 92 Trojan Women
Medea (1908) 1908 40 Medea
Hippolytus (1910) 1910 40-41 Hippolytos
Iphigenia in Tauris (1910) 1910 40 Iphigenia among the Taurians
The Frogs (1911) 1911 41 Frogs
The Trojan Women (1912) 1912 41 Trojan Women
Antigone (1919) 1919 38 Antigone
Iphigenia in Tauris (1925) 1925 38, 106, 196 Iphigenia among the Taurians
Medea (1925) 1925 38, 196 Medea
Medea (1925) 1925 38 Medea
Rhesus (1926) 1926 38, 196 Rhesos
After Euripides' Electra (1928) 1928 196 Elektra
Alcestis (1928) 1928 38-39, 41, 196 Alkestis
Electra (1929) 1929 39, 103, 197 Elektra
Iphigenia in Tauris (1929 - 1930) 1929 38 Iphigenia among the Taurians
Persians (1929) 1929 196 Persai (Persians)
Agamemnon (1936) 1936 122 Agamemnon
Hippolytus (1936) 1936 41, 54, 89, 197 Hippolytos
Alcestis (1937) 1937 198 Alkestis
Antigone (1937) 1937 197 Antigone
Operation Olive Branch (1937) 1937 58 n. 149 Lysistrata
The Trojan Women (1937) 1937 41, 42 (Fig. 3), 94, 103 n. 276, 197 Trojan Women
The Persians (1939) 1939 21, 41, 198 Persai (Persians)
Alcestis (1940) 1940 41, 198 Alkestis
Seven against Thebes (1940) 1940 41, 198 Seven against Thebes
Medea (1942) 1941 43, 74, 95-96, 198 Medea
The Rape of the Locks (1942) 1941 41, 95, 198 Perikeiromene (The Girl with the Shaven Head)
Hippolytus (1945 - 1946) 1944 43, 66, 96-99, 97 (Fig. 7), 99 (Fig. 8), 199 Hippolytos
Oedipus Rex (1945 - 1946) 1944 75 Oedipus the King
Agamemnon (1946) 1946 122-125, 123 (Fig. 10), 200 Agamemnon
Enemy of Cant: A Panorama of Aristophanic Comedy (1946) 1946 44, 121, 146, 151-167, 200 Wasps, Clouds, Peace, Birds, Lysistrata, Acharnians
Persians [extract] (1946) 1946 199 Persai (Persians)
Phèdre (1946) 1946 199 Hippolytos
The Trojan Women (1946) 1946 43, 199 Trojan Women
Agamemnon (1947) 1947 133 n. 370 Agamemnon
Antigone (1947) 1947 43, 201 Antigone
Lysistrata (1947) 1947 201 Lysistrata
Operation Olive Branch (1947) 1947 58 n. 149 Lysistrata
Philoctetes (1947) 1947 200 Philoktetes
Seven against Thebes (1947) 1947 200 Seven against Thebes
The Flies (1947) 1947 44, 200 Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides, Elektra
The Frogs (1947) 1947 43, 48, 200 Frogs
Agamemnon (1948) 1948 133 n. 370 Agamemnon
Electra (1948) 1948 43, 201 Elektra
Prometheus Bound (1948) 1948 71, 201 Prometheus Bound
The Family Reunion (1948) 1948 44, 201 Eumenides
Antigone (1949) 1949 202 Antigone
Bacchae (1949) 1949 201 Bacchai
Iphigenia in Tauris (1949) 1949 202 Iphigenia among the Taurians
Iphigenia in Tauris (1949) 1949 202 Iphigenia among the Taurians
Medea (1949) 1949 43, 202 Medea
Agamemnon (1950) 1950 44, 75, 104, 125-127, 202 Agamemnon
Alcestis (1950) 1950 66, 202 Alkestis
Antigone (1950) 1950 202 Antigone
Antigone (1950) 1950 66, 83, 99-100, 203 Antigone
Hippolytus (1950) 1950 202 Hippolytos
La Machine Infernale (1950) 1950 44, 203 Oedipus the King
Agamemnon (1951) 1951 133 n. 370 Agamemnon
Iphigenia in Aulis (1951) 1951 90-91, 100, 203 Iphigenia at Aulis
Oedipus (1951) 1951 44, 88, 203 Oedipus the King
Sacrifice to the Wind (1951) 1951 203 Iphigenia at Aulis
The Cocktail Party (1951) 1951 44, 203 Alkestis
The Frogs (1951) 1951 43, 204 Frogs
Y Cymalu (1951) 1951 203 Clouds
Iphigenia in Aulis (1952) 1952 91 Iphigenia at Aulis
Oedipus Rex (1952) 1952 204 Oedipus the King
The Arbitration (1952) 1952 204 Epitrepontes (The Arbitration)
The Women of Troy (1952) 1952 48, 204 Trojan Women
Women of Troy (1952) 1952 48, 204 Trojan Women
Agamemnon (1953) 1953 133 n. 370 Agamemnon
Agamemnon (1953) 1953 127, 205 Agamemnon
Electra (1953) 1953 18, 43, 205 Elektra
Hippolytus (1953) 1953 205 Hippolytos
Iphigenia in Aulis (1953) 1953 91 Iphigenia at Aulis
No War in Troy (1953) 1953 205 Trojan Women, Iliad
Oedipus at Colonus (1953) 1953 204 Oedipus at Colonus
Oedipus Rex (1953) 1953 205 Oedipus the King
Alcestis (1954) 1954 206 Alkestis
Antigone (1954) 1954 206 Antigone
Helen (1954) 1954 205 Helen
Ion (1954) 1954 71, 206 Ion
Iphigenia in Aulis (1954) 1954 91 Iphigenia at Aulis
Iphigenia in Tauris (1954) 1954 206 Iphigenia among the Taurians
Oedipus the King (1954) 1954 206 Oedipus the King
Oresteia (1954) 1954 129 n. 355 Agamemnon, Eumenides, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers)
Women of Trachis (1954) 1954 205 Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis)
Acharnians (1955) 1955 206 Acharnians
Hippolytus (1955) 1955 73, 134 Hippolytos
Hippolytus (1955) 1955 73, 134 n.374, 206 Hippolytos
Iphigenia in Aulis (1955) 1955 91 Iphigenia at Aulis
Orestes (1955) 1955 206 Orestes
Philoctetes (1955 - 1961) 1955 73 Philoktetes
The Beauty from Samos (1955) 1955 43, 206 Samia (The Girl from Samos)
Medea (1956) 1956 207 Medea
Oresteia (1956) 1956 128-133, 207 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
The Arbitration (1956) 1956 43, 207 Epitrepontes (The Arbitration)
The Frogs (1956) 1956 207 Frogs
The Rape of the Locks (1956) 1956 43, 207 Perikeiromene (The Girl with the Shaven Head)
Against the Wind (1957) 1957 208 Prometheus Bound
King Oedipus (1957) 1957 72, 134 Oedipus the King
Lysistrata (1957) 1957 208 Lysistrata
Oedipus the King (1957) 1957 72, 100-101, 134, 208 Oedipus the King
Peace (1957) 1957 208 Peace
Agamemnon (1958) 1958 133, 208 Agamemnon
Alcestis (1958) 1958 208 Alkestis
Birds (1958) 1958 208 Birds
Oedipus at Colonus (1958) 1958 134 n.373 Oedipus at Colonus
The Persians (1958) 1958 21, 134, 208 Persai (Persians)
Women of Troy (1958) 1958 73 Trojan Women
Y Cymalu (1958) 1958 209 Clouds
Antigone (1959) 1959 134, 209 Antigone
Oedipus at Colonus (1959) 1959 101, 134, 209 Oedipus at Colonus
The Bad-Tempered Man; or, The Misanthrope (1959) 1959 209 Dyskolos (The Bad-Tempered Man)
Medea (1962) 1962 48, 74 Medea
Oresteia (1962) 1962 75, 134-136 (and Fig. 11 at 136) Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Agamemnon (1963) 1963 133 n. 370 Agamemnon
Electra (1963) 1963 134 Elektra
Philoctetes (1963) 1963 73 Philoktetes
Bacchae (1964) 1964 73 Bacchai
The Persians (1965) 1965 21 n.53 Persai (Persians)
Agamemnon (1971) 1970 137 n. 382 Agamemnon
Agamemnon (1972) 1972 133 n. 370 Agamemnon
Agamemnon (1973) 1973 137 n. 382 Agamemnon
Agamemnon (1973) 1973 137 n. 382 Agamemnon
Ag (1976) 1976 121, 136-144 Agamemnon
The Serpent Son (1979) 1979 146 n. 399 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
The Seven (1981) 1981 142 n. 394 Seven against Thebes
Nefeles (1985) 1985 38, 196 Clouds
Morning Story (1991) 1991 71 n. 203 Iphigenia at Aulis
Dianeira (1999) 1999 71 n. 203 Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis)
Delores [sic] (2001) 2001 71 n. 203 Andromache
Dionysos (2003) 2003 26-27 Bacchai
Dolores (2003) 2003 71 n. 203 Andromache

How to cite this source

Engagements with Greek Drama and Homeric Epic on BBC Radio in the 1940s and 1950s, accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/sources/13885 <28 March 2025>