Oedipus at Colonus

Content related to this work

Format: 2025
Production First performed Venues Companies
Oedipus the King & at Colonus University of Hawaii at Manoa (Honolulu, Hawaii, United States)
Oedipus at Colonus Chelsea Theatre (New York City, New York, United States) Gilgamesh Theatre Group
Spoken Greek Verse Discourses Ltd
Caractacus (1776) 1776 Covent Garden (London, Greater London, England)
Oedipe à Colone (1786) 1786 unknown venue (Versailles, Île-de-France, France)
Oedipe à Colone (1787) 1787 Opéra (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
[A pageant on British History] (1798) 1798 British Museum, Lecture Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
Edipo a Colono (1802) 1802 PalaFenice (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
Oedipe à Colone (1808) 1808 unknown venue (Naples, Campania, Italy)
Edipo a Colono (1816 - 1817) 1816 unknown venue (Republic of Italy)
Ion (1821) 1821 University of Harvard (Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States)
Ion (1836) 1836 unknown venue (New York City, New York, United States)
Ion (1836) 1836 Covent Garden (London, Greater London, England)
Oedipe à Colone (1843) 1843 unknown venue (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Oedipus auf Kolonos (1845) 1845 Theater des Neuen Palais (Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany), Königliches Schauspielhaus / Konzerthaus (1821-), Königliches Schauspielhaus, Staatstheater, Staatstheater Großes Haus, Konzerthaus am Gendarmenmarkt, Konzerthaus (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Ion (1845) 1845 unknown venue (New York City, New York, United States)
Ion (1845) 1845 Bowery Theater (New York City, New York, United States)
Ion (1846) 1846 King's Theatre in the Haymarket (London, Greater London, England)
Ion (1848) 1848 Brasenose College (Oxford, County of Oxfordshire, England), unknown venue (Henley on Thames, County of Oxfordshire, England) Oxford Dramatic Amateurs, University of Oxford
Ion (1852) 1852 Sadler's Wells (London, Greater London, England)
Ion (1853) 1853 unknown venue (United States)
Ion (1853) 1853 unknown venue (New York City, New York, United States)
Oedipus auf Kolonos (1854) 1854 unknown venue (Munich, Free State of Bavaria, Germany)
Oedipus in Colonus (1857) 1857 Petit Séminaire d'Orléans (Orléans, Centre, France) Petit Séminaire d'Orléans
Oedipus at Colonus (1859) 1859 Crystal Palace, Sydenham (London, Greater London, England)
Ion; or Foundling of Argos (1859) 1859 Arch Street Theatre (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States)
Ion (1861) 1861 Sadler's Wells (London, Greater London, England)
Ion (1866) 1866 Arch Street Theatre (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States)
Ion Foundling of Argos! (1867) 1867 Arch Street Theatre (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States)
Oedipus auf Kolonos (1867) 1867 unknown venue (Meiningen, Free State of Thuringia, Germany) Saxe-Meiningen Company
König Oedipus; Oedipus auf Kolonos; Antigone (1872) 1872 Nationaltheater (Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany)
Ion (1877) 1877 Walnut Street Theatre (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States), unknown venue (Boston, Massachusetts, United States)
Ion (1881) 1881 unknown venue (United States)
Oedipus auf Kolonos (1887) 1887 Burgtheater (Vienna, Vienna, Austria)
Oidipous epi Kolono (1888) 1888 unknown venue (Athens, Attica, Greece)
Oedipus Coloneus (1900 - 1910) 1900 University of Washington (Seattle, Washington, United States) University of Washington
Oedipus at Colonus (1904) 1904 Alexandrinski Theatre (Saint Petersburg, Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation)
Oedipus at Colonus (1905) 1905 St Joseph's College (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States) St Joseph's College, Philadelphia
Oidipous epi Kolono (1907) 1907 Vasiliko Theatro, Royal Theatre (Athens, Attica, Greece) Vasiliko Theatro, Athens [Royal Theatre]
Edyp w Kolonos (1908) 1908 Teatr Miejski im. Juliusza Słowackiego, Municipal Theatre (Kraków, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland) Jagiellonian University (Akademickie Koło Artystyczne Miłośników Dramatu Klasycznego)
Oedipus Coloneus (1912) 1912 Bates College (Lewiston, State of Maine, United States) Bates College (Department of Speech)
Edyp w Kolonos (1917) 1917 Teatr Miejski im. Juliusza Słowackiego, Municipal Theatre (Kraków, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland) Jagiellonian University (Akademickie Koło Artystyczne Miłośników Dramatu Klasycznego)
Oedipus at Thebes, at Colonus (1918) 1918 Forrest Theatre (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States) Carolina Playmakers
Oidipodeia (1926) 1926 Národní Divadlo (Brno, South Moravian Region, Czech Republic)
Oedipus at Colonus (1926) 1926 Scala Theatre (London, Greater London, England) Greek Play Society
Oedipus at Colonus (1927) 1927 Abbey Theatre (Dublin, Munster, Republic of Ireland)
Oedipus auf Kolonos (1929) 1929 Königliches Schauspielhaus / Konzerthaus (1821-), Königliches Schauspielhaus, Staatstheater, Staatstheater Großes Haus, Konzerthaus am Gendarmenmarkt, Konzerthaus (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany)
Oedipe (1936 - 1937) 1936 Opéra (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Edipo a Colono (1936) 1936 Ancient Theatre of Syracuse, Teatro Greco (Syracuse, Sicily, Italy) Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico
Edipas Kolone (1939) 1939 Kaunas State Drama Theatre (Kaunas, Kauno Apskritis, Lithuania)
Script Year Contributors
Caractacus (1759) 1759 William Mason
City of Wine (Harmonia; Pentheus; Laius; Jocasta; Oedipus; Creon; Seven) Ned Dickens
Creon Stephen Spender (1909-1995)
Death of a Blind Old Man Arthur Beer
Edipo a Colono Ettore Bignone
Edipo a Colono Marcello Gigante
Edipo Coloneo Giambattista Giusti
Edipo en Colono José Luis Navarro
Edyp w Kolonie Eugeniusz Aniszczenko
Edyp w Kolonos Kazimierz Morawski
Edyp w Kolonos Jan Czubek
El Resplan Dor de la Hoguera Ramón Del Valle-Inclan
End of Exile Greg McCart
In Kolonos Hugo Claus
Ion Thomas Noon Talfourd
Ödipus in Kolonos Peter Handke
Oedipe à Colone Nicolas-François Guillard (1752-1814)
Oedipus Christopher Stace
Oedipus at Colonus Nicholas Rudall
Oedipus at Colonus Harry Love
Oedipus at Colonus Peter D. Arnott
Oedipus at Colonus Constantine A. Trypanis
Oedipus at Colonus Robert Fagles
Oedipus at Colonus Robert S. Fitzgerald
Oedipus at Colonus Marianne McDonald
Oedipus at Colonus T. Hrubý
Oedipus at Colonus Ranjit Bolt
Oedipus at Colonus Timberlake Wertenbaker
Oedipus at Colonus D. Mereskovski
Oedipus at Colonus Robert Whitelaw
Oedipus at Colonus G. Fotino
Oedipus at Colonus William Butler Yeats
Oedipus at Colonus Kenneth Cavander
Oedipus at Colonus Don Taylor
Oedipus at Colonus Ralph Wedgwood
Oedipus at Colonus Theodore Howard Banks
Oedipus auf Kolonos Friedrich Hölderlin
Oedipus auf Kolonos Wolfgang Schadewaldt
Oedipus auf Kolonos Ernst Buschor
Oedipus auf Kolonos Johann Jakob Christian Donner
Oedipus auf Kolonos Rudolf Bayr
Oedipus auf Kolonos Heinz Lipmann
Oedipus auf Kolonos Irene Pappas AKA Papas
Oedipus auf Kolonos Adolf Wilbrandt
Oedipus Coloneus Stephen Spender (1909-1995)
Oedipus Coloneus (1947) 1947 Gilbert Murray (1866-1975)
Oedipus in Exile Şahika Tekand
Oedipus in Exile E. F. Watling
Oedipus in Kolonos Guus G. Baas
Oedipus Rex (1927) 1927 Igor Stravinsky, Jean Cocteau, Jean Daniélou
Translation Year Contributors
Eschyle, Sophocle, Euripide, tome I (extraits) tome II (pièces choisies) (1894) 1894 Aimé Puech (1860-1940)
La Grèce Tragique, chefs-d'oeuvre d'Eschyle, le Sophocle et d'Euripide, traduits en vers accompagnés de notices, de remarques et de rapprochements littéraires (1846) 1846 Léon Halévy (1802-1883)
Le Théâtre des Grecs (1730) 1730 André Charles Brotier, Pierre Brumoy, Pierre Prévost, Guillaume Dubois de Rochefort (1731-1788), Gabriel, de François Jean La Porte du Theil (1742-1815)
Les Tragédies de Sophocle, traduites par M. Bellaguet (1879) 1879 Louis Bellaguet (1818-1900)
Les Tragiques grecs (1999) 1999 Victor-Henry Debidour
Oedipe à Colone (1843) 1843 A.-L. Boyer
Oedipe à Colone, expliqué en français selon la méthode des collèges par deux traductions, l'une littérale et interlinéaire avec la construction du grec dans l'ordre naturel des idées, l'autre conforme au génie de la langue française pr... (1837) 1837 J. Thibault
Oedipe à Colone, texte et traduction (1841) 1841 Emilien-Louis Hamel, J.-B. Darolles
OEdipe à Colone, tragédie de Sophocle, nouvelle édition à l'usage du petit séminaire d'Orléans, texte grec-français (1857) 1857 Abbé Eugène Pion de Hersant
Sophocle, texte établi et traduit par Paul Masqueray (1922) 1922 Paul Masqueray
Sophocle, traduction nouvelle (1877) 1877 Charles Marie René Leconte de Lisle (1818-1894)
Sophocles, tragédies (1950) 1950 Paul Mazon
Théâtre de Sophocle (1862) 1862 Eugène Talbot (1814-1894)
Théâtre de Sophocle (1883) 1883 Louis Humbert
Théâtre de Sophocle, traduit en entier, avec des remarques et un examen de chaque pièce, précédé d'un discours sur les difficultés qui se rencontrent dans la traduction des poètes tragiques grecs et d'une vie de Sophocle (1788) 1788 Guillaume Dubois de Rochefort (1731-1788)
Théâtre de Sophocle: traduction nouvelle, précédée d'une notice biographique, accompagnée de notes explicatives, et suivie des notes de J. Racine sur le théâtre de Sophocle (1870) 1870 Emile Pessonneaux
Tragédies de Sophocle traduites en français par M. Artaud (1827) 1827 Nicolas Louis Marie Artaud (1794-1861)
Tragédies de Sophocle, traduites du grec en français (1762) 1762 Louis Dupuy
Source Date Format Held at APGRD
(Dis)placing Classical Greek Theatre 1999 Book library
100 years of the Classical Club Flyer archive
17th Patras Festival 1998: Circle of Ancient Drama 1998 Festival programme archive
1965 Times Article: Minotis on the Challenge of Greek Tragedy 1965 Newspaper cutting archive
1998 Athens Festival 1998 Seasonal calendar library
2 audio CDs - recording of Antigone 1984 CD archive
3 audio CDs - recording of Oedipus at Colonos 1984 CD archive
3 audio CDs - recording of Oedipus the King 1984 CD archive
50th birthday programme 1961 Reproduction archive
7.30 The Theban Plays Listing archive
8.50pm, The Theban Plays by Sophocles 1986 Newspaper cutting archive
A blast from the past 2002 Print-out archive
A conversation with Thouli Misirloglou about “Mount Olympus” Print-out archive
A Greek tragedy at St Joseph's 1905 Photocopy archive
A Hundred Years of the Cambridge Greek Play 1983 Souvenir programme archive
A review of “Mount Olympus” 2015 Print-out archive
A Theatre in the House: The Careys' Globe 1999 Book library
A triumphant Oedipus beats modern fates 1996 Photocopy archive
Advertising Flyer Peterborough - Oedipus at Kolonos 2002 2002 Advertisement archive
Agamemnon 1958 Programme archive
Agamemnon in Performance: 458 BC to AD 2004 2005 Book library
Alan Howard was not immune to the curse of the Thebes. He fell off the stage and broks his wrist 1996 Newspaper cutting archive
Alan Titmus: stills ordered (21.2.97) 1997 Personal notes archive
American Theatrical Arts: A Guide to Manuscripts and Special Collections in the United States and Canada 1970 Book
Ancient Greek Drama by the National Theatre of Greece 1966 Catalogue library
Angry old man of Britain's theatre 1996 Photocopy archive
Annals of the New York Stage 1931 Book archive
Antigone 1999 Poster archive
Antigone - video recording of opera 1999 Videotape archive
Antigoni gia ton erota kai to dikaio 1999 Newspaper cutting archive
Antike Dramentheorien und ihre Rezeption 1992 Book library
ARION Winter 2016 23.3 2016 Journal library
Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics. Vol.04.1 (Spring 1996) 1996 Journal library
Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics. Vol.13.1 (Spring/Summer 2005) 2005 Journal library
Art Carnuntum Welt-Theater-Festival 1996 1996 Poster archive
Article : 'Ancient Tradition' 2013 Magazine article archive
Athens Festival 1961 - programme 1961 Book archive
Athens Festival 1998 1998 Festival programme archive
Audio recording - interview with Nick Rudall 2013 CD archive
Auditions 1958 Flyer
Bacchae 1973 Programme archive
Bacchae by Euripides: The Twenty-Fifth Greek Play at Bradfield College 1973 Booklet archive
Behind the ironic mask 1996 Newspaper cutting archive
Beneath the Mask: A Symposium in the History and Future of Greek Drama in Performance 2000 Conference programme archive
Blind dates 1983 Newspaper cutting archive
Blinded in moral amazement 1996 Photocopy archive
Bradfield College Oedipus at Colonus 1955 Prompt book archive
Bradfield Greek Play: Oedipus at Colonus by Sophocles 1955 Photocopy archive
Broadcast drama: in all directions 1953 Photocopy archive
Burns Mantle Yearbooks Book archive
Published Contributors
(Dis)placing Classical Greek Theatre 1999 Savvas Patsalidis, Akis Sakellariou, Yoko Onizuka Chase, Theodoros Grammatas, Iakovos Kambanellis, Kenneth McLeish, Bernhard Reitz, Sara Soncini, Malgorzata Sugiera, Liana Theodoratou, Richard Jones, Rhona Justice-Malloy, Shimon Levy, Nurit Yaari, Marianne McDonald, Jeanette R. Malkin, Susan Hollis Merritt, Ioanna Roilou, Barnard Turner, Dave Williams, Steve E. Wilmer, Freddy Decreus, Erika Fischer-Lichte, John C. Green, Patrick Primavesi, James Diggle, Thalia Papadopoulou, Ruth Parkin-Gounelas, Jina Politi, J. Michael Walton, Evangelos Kritikakos, Aldo Tassi, Heiner O. Zimmermann, Anne Marie Allen, Rob K. Baum, Ekaterini Douka-Kabitoglou, Kiki Gounaridou, Jennifer Jones, Anthony R. Guneratne, Shani Hadassa
1998 Athens Festival 1998
A Theatre in the House: The Careys' Globe 1999 Rosalie Carey
Agamemnon in Performance: 458 BC to AD 2004 2005 Fiona Macintosh, Pantelis Michelakis, Edith Hall, Oliver Taplin, Pat E. Easterling AKA Patricia, Inga-Stina Ewbank, Susanna Phillippo, Michael Ewans, Margaret Reynolds, Yopie Prins, J. Michael Walton, Lorna Hardwick, Massimo Fusillo, Dmitry Trubotshkin, Pierre Judet de la Combe, Anton Bierl, Helene Foley, Rush Rehm, Amanda Wrigley
Antike Dramentheorien und ihre Rezeption 1992 Bernhard Zimmermann
Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics. Vol.04.1 (Spring 1996) 1996 Bernard Knox, Herbert Golder, Tony Harrison
Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics. Vol.13.1 (Spring/Summer 2005) 2005 David Wiles, Gilbert Murray (1866-1975), Tony Harrison
Cahiers du GITA. Vol.10. Les Choéphores d'Eschyle 1997
Dietsche Warande & Belfort. Vol.4 (August 2002) 2002 Bart Philipsen, Christine D'Haen, Clark Clarysse, Dieter Lesage, Erwin Jans, Freddy Decreus, Geert Sels, Hans Groenewegen, Jan Bosteels, Jan Ritsema, Klaas Tindemans, Luk van den Dries, Mark Baltser, Paul Claes, Peter Verhelst, Saskia de Coster, Stefan Hertmans, Tom Kesenne, Yves T'Sjoen
Dionisis Fotopoulos - Scenografo 2002 Dionysis Fotopoulos
Dioniso: Annale della Fondazione INDA. Vol.1 (new series) 2002
Dionysus Since 69: Greek Tragedy at the Dawn of the Third Millennium 2004 Amanda Wrigley, David Wiles, Edith Hall, Erika Fischer-Lichte, Fiona Macintosh, Froma I. Zeitlin, Helene Foley, Katharine Worth, Kathleen Riley, Lorna Hardwick, Oliver Taplin, Pantelis Michelakis, Peter G. McC. Brown, Timberlake Wertenbaker
Dodelijke Dikke Wolken 1992 Rudi van der Paardt, Freddy Decreus
Drama: The Quarterly Theatre Review. No.123 (Winter 1976) 1976
Eirene. Vol.37 2001 Spiridon D. Siropoulos, Jan Bouzek, Lorna Hardwick, Jan Bazant, Eva Sormova, Eva Stehlíková, Dasa Ciripova
Engagements with Greek Drama and Homeric Epic on BBC Radio in the 1940s and 1950s 2009 Amanda Wrigley
Epidaurus. The Ancient Theater and the Performances 2004 Savas Gogos, Kostas Ch. Myris AKA Georgousopoulos
Gilbert Murray's Euripides: The Trojan Women and Other Plays 2005 Gilbert Murray (1866-1975), James Morwood
Greek Tragedy and the British Theatre, 1660-1914 2005 Edith Hall, Fiona Macintosh
History of Greek Play Production in American Colleges and Universities from 1881 to 1936 1938 Domis Edward Pluggé
Inszenierung der Antike: das Griechische Drama auf der Bühne der Neuzeit 1991 Hellmut Flashar
International Journal of the Classical Tradition. Vol.12.2 (Fall 2005) 2005 Amanda Wrigley, Isobel Hurst, Theodore Ziolkowski
Istituto Nazionale del Drama Antico: Nello Specchio dei Greci 1996 Domitilla Alessi
JACT Review. No.24 (Autumn 1998) 1998
JACT Review. No.32 (Autumn 2002) 2002 Amanda Wrigley
L'Aventure du Théâtre Populaire d'Épidaure à Avignon 1996 Melly Puaux, Paul Puaux, Claude Mossé
Living Greek Theatre: A Handbook of Classical Performance and Modern Production 1987 J. Michael Walton
Medea in Performance, 1500-2000 2000 Edith Hall, Fiona Macintosh, Oliver Taplin, Diane Purkiss, Marianne McDonald, Margaret Reynolds, Ian Christie, Platon Mavromoustakos, Eva Stehlíková, Mae Smethurst, Olga Taxidou, David Gowen
Metatheatrika, 1985-95 1995 Savvas Patsalidis
Mulisch: Toegesproken 2002 Louis Andriesen, Adèle Bloemendaal, Job Cohen, Hedy D'Ancona, Freddy Decreus, Jessica Durlacher, Liesbeth Eugelink, Rudi Fuchs, Arnold Heumakers, Freek de Jonge, Jeroen Krabbé, Michael Krüger, Reinbert de Leeuw, Ruud Lubbers, Marita Mathijsen, Jean Mattern, Piet Meeuse, Aad Nuis, Rudi van der Paardt, Hans Ree, Jan Timman, Joost Zwagerman
My World of Theatre 1970 Peter Daubeny, Ronald Bryden
Oidipous epi Kolono 1992 Costas Balaskas, Kostas Topouzis
Omnibus. Issue 32 (September 1996) 1996
Opera Magazine 2002 (vol. 53) 2002
Opera. Vol.54 no.5 (May 2003) 2003
Opera. Vol.54 no.8 (August 2003) 2003
Opera. Vol.54 no.9 (September 2003) 2003
OUDS: A Centenary History of the Oxford University Dramatic Society, 1885-1985 1985 Humphrey Carpenter
Plays International. Vol.17.1 (October / November 2001) 2001
Plays International. Vol.18.10+11 (July/August 2003) 2003
Plays International. Vol.18.8 (May / June 2003) 2003
Plays International. Vol.18.9 (June / July 2003) 2003
Plays International. Vol.20.9+10 (Summer 2005) 2005
Psychoanalytische Perspectieven. Vol.20.3: Oedipus 2002 Christian Demoulin, Filip Geerardyn, Freddy Decreus, Jeroen Donckers, John Devreker, Julien Quackelbeen, Mark Adriansen, van Bunder, Wilhelm Stekel, Willy Szafran
Ralph Richardson: An Actor's Life 1999 Garry O'Connor
Reception Studies 2003 Lorna Hardwick
Ritual and Religion in Modern Sophocles 2002 Cressida Ryan
Sophocles: Oedipus Tyrannos, Oedipus at Kolonos, Antigone 1997 Timberlake Wertenbaker
Sophokles, König Ödipus 1973 Wolfgang Schadewaldt
Teatr Grecki i Polski 1984 Stefan Srebrny
Title Format Date
100 years of the Classical Club Flyer
7.30 The Theban Plays Listing
A conversation with Thouli Misirloglou about “Mount Olympus” Print-out
Burns Mantle Yearbooks Book
Flyer: Oedipus at Colonus Flyer
Ion Newspaper cutting
Letter re. Thebes Handwritten letter
Mini Documentary: Spettacoli Classici Teatro Greco di Siracusa 1914 - 1948 DVD
New series: 8.30 The Theban Plays by Sophocles Newspaper cutting
Oedipus at Colonos - side III Audiotape
Oedipus the King [tape 2] Audiotape
Oedpius Direct: TLS Review Newspaper article
Programme: Oedipus at Colonus Programme
St Joseph's College Photocopy
Televising the Thebans Newspaper cutting
Macready as Ion [engraving] Photocopy 1778
Macready as Ion Poster 1839
A Greek tragedy at St Joseph's Photocopy 1905
Dramatics Photocopy 1905
Sophokleous Oidipous epi Kolonoi Photocopy 1905
St Joseph's College Photocopy 1905
St Joseph's College Annual Photocopy 1905
The echoes of the applause … Photocopy 1905
The Greek play Photocopy 1905
Greek Plays in America Print-out 1910
Collection of INDA postcards of posters for productions 1914-1992 Postcard 1914
DVD - Artista di Dioniso: Duilio Cambellotti e il Teatro Greco di Siracusa 1914-1948 DVD 1914
Annals of the New York Stage Book 1931
Images from Edipas Kolone Photocopy 1939
Oidipas Kolone Photocopy 1939
The Arts Theatre Programme 1949
The Attic Players Print-out 1950
The Oedipus at Colonus of Sophocles Programme 1950
Broadcast drama: in all directions Photocopy 1953
Red-letter nights at Hammersmith Print-out 1953
Bradfield College Oedipus at Colonus Prompt book 1955
Bradfield Greek Play: Oedipus at Colonus by Sophocles Photocopy 1955
Image 1 Print-out 1955
Image 2 Print-out 1955
Image 3 Print-out 1955
Image 4 Print-out 1955
Image 5 Print-out 1955
Image 6 Print-out 1955
Oedipus at Colonus Programme 1955
Oedipus at Colonus Flyer 1955
Agamemnon Programme 1958
Oedipus at Colonus Print-out 1958
Plays for the connoisseur Print-out 1958
Eddies and slack in BBC translation: Sir John Gielgud as Oedipus at Colonus Print-out 1959
Letter from Nora Pidding to Colette King Correspondence 1959