Oresteia (1962)

Original id: 
Start date: 
30 January 1962
End date: 
2 February 1962
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Production notes: 
The production was first broadcast in three parts on 30 and 31 January, and 2 February on the BBC Third Programme, and repeated on 18, 20, and 22 February 1962.
Media of production: 

Information related to this production

Person Role Notes
Nigel Anthony Actor Pylades
Peter Claughton Actor Chorus (Agamemnon & Eumenides)
Shirley Cooklin Actor Chorus (Choephoroe & Eumenides)
Kenneth Dight Actor Servant
Gwen Ffrangcon-Davies Actor Athene
Val Gielgud (1900-1981) Director
Michael Gough Actor Orestes
Sheila Grant Actor Chorus (Choephoroe)
Earle Grey Actor Chorus (Agamemnon & Eumenides)
George Hagan Actor Servant of Aegisthus
Malcolm Hayes Actor Aegisthus
Grizelda Hervey Actor Pythian Prophetess
Carleton Hobbs Actor Watchman
John Hotchkis Composer
John Hotchkis Conductor
Godfrey Kenton Actor Herald
Colette King Chorus Direction
Brewster Mason Actor Agamemnon
Barbara Mitchell Actor Chorus (Choephoroe & Eumenides)
Mary O'Farrell Actor Nurse of Orestes
Diana Olsson Actor Chorus (Choephoroe & Eumenides)
Meg Wynn Owen Actor Chorus (Choephoroe)
Elizabeth Richman Actor Chorus (Choephoroe)
Robert Sansom Actor Chorus (Agamemnon / Eumenides)
Charles Simon Actor Chorus (Agamemnon)
David Steuart Actor Chorus (Agamemnon)
June Tobin Actor Cassandra
Frederick Treves Actor Chorus (Agamemnon)
Margaret Whiting Actor Electra
Mary Wimbush Actor Clytaemnestra
Gabriel Woolf Actor Apollo
Venue Festival Dates Notes
unknown venue (England)

How to cite this production

Oresteia (1962), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/production/5183 <26 March 2025>