Bibliographic reference:
Athens: Printed by I. Makris
Associated ancient plays:
Contributor | Contribution | Main contributor |
Marios Ploritis |
Production | First performed | Pagination | Ancient works performed |
Antigone | 55 | Antigone | |
Electra | 105 | Elektra | |
Frogs | 196 | Frogs | |
Iphigenia in Aulis | 165 | Iphigenia at Aulis | |
Iphigenia in Aulis | 165 | Iphigenia at Aulis | |
Lysistrata | 190 | Lysistrata | |
Oedipe Roi | 76 | Oedipus the King | |
Oedipe Roi | 76 | Oedipus the King | |
Oedipus Rex | 90 | Oedipus the King | |
Oedipus Rex | 90 | Oedipus the King | |
Oresteia | 41 | Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides | |
Persae | 21 | Persai (Persians) | |
Prometheus Bound | 27 | Prometheus Bound | |
Antigone (1879) | 1879 | 51 | Antigone |
Œdipe roi (1881) | 1881 | 70, 71 | Oedipus the King |
Alcestis (1891) | 1891 | 117 | Alkestis |
Electra (1891) | 1891 | 99 | Elektra |
Lysistrata (1892) | 1892 | 184 | Lysistrata |
Antigone (1899) | 1899 | 51 | Antigone |
Alceste (1901) | 1901 | 116 | Alkestis |
Prométhée Enchaîné (1901) | 1901 | 26 | Prometheus Bound |
Oedipus at Colonus (1904) | 1904 | 112, two illustrations of costume sketches | Oedipus at Colonus |
Oedipus Rex (1909) | 1909 | 71 | Oedipus the King |
Oedipus Tyrannus (1910 - 1911) | 1910 | 72, 73 | Oedipus the King |
Oedipus Rex (1912) | 1912 | 74 | Oedipus the King |
Agamemnon (1913) | 1913 | 34 | Agamemnon |
Agamennone (1914) | 1914 | 34 | Agamemnon |
Medea (1918) | 1918 | 119 | Medea |
Oidipous Tyrannos (1919) | 1919 | 92 | Oedipus the King |
Antigone (1921) | 1921 | 52 | Antigone |
Ecclesiazusae (1923) | 1923 | 198 | Ekklesiazousai (Assembly Women) |
Lysistrata (1923) | 1923 | 185 | Lysistrata |
Oedipus Rex (1925) | 1925 | 74 | Oedipus the King |
Le Nuvole (1927) | 1927 | 174 | Clouds |
Medeja (1927 - 1928) | 1927 | 120 | Medea |
Prometheus (1927) | 1927 | 30 | Prometheus Bound |
Agamennone (1930) | 1930 | 35 | Agamemnon |
Iketides (1930) | 1930 | 32 | Suppliant Women |
Prometheus Bound (1930) | 1930 | 30 | Prometheus Bound |
Agamemnon (1932) | 1932 | 44 | Agamemnon |
Ornithes (1932) | 1932 | 183 | Birds |
Ifigenia in Tauride (1933) | 1933 | 154 | Iphigenia among the Taurians |
Oidipous Tyrannos (1933 - 1941) | 1933 | 92, 93 | Oedipus the King |
Alkestis (1934 - 1936) | 1934 | 118 | Alkestis |
Kyklops (1934 - 1937) | 1934 | 143 | Cyclops |
Persai (1934) | 1934 | 22 | Persai (Persians) |
Edipo a Colono (1936) | 1936 | 113 | Oedipus at Colonus |
Elektra (1936 - 1937) | 1936 | 107, 108 | Elektra |
Ploutos (1936) | 1936 | 202 | Wealth |
Hippolytos (1937) | 1937 | 134 | Hippolytos |
Birds (1938) | 1938 | 180 | Birds |
Elektra (1938 - 1939) | 1938 | 108 | Elektra |
Médée (1938) | 1938 | 120 | Medea |
Antigona (1939 - 1940) | 1939 | 52 | Antigone |
Ecuba (1939) | 1939 | 139 | Hekabe (Hecuba) |
Elektra (1939) | 1939 | 106 | Elektra |
Persai (1939) | 1939 | 22 | Persai (Persians) |
Antigone (1940 - 1941) | 1940 | 66, 67 | Antigone |
Antigone (1940) | 1940 | 53 | Antigone |
Oedipus Rex (1940) | 1940 | 75 | Oedipus the King |
Ifigeneia en Taurois (1941) | 1940 | 157 | Iphigenia among the Taurians |
Medeia (1942) | 1941 | 130 | Medea |
Ekavi (1943) | 1942 | 140 | Hekabe (Hecuba) |
Oedipus Rex (1943) | 1942 | 75 | Oedipus the King |
Oedipus Rex (1945 - 1946) | 1944 | 76, 77 | Oedipus the King |
The Trojan Women (1945) | 1944 | 148 | Trojan Women |
Antygona (1946) | 1946 | 53 | Antigone |
Electra (1946) | 1946 | 99 | Elektra |
Iphigenia in Tauris (1946 - 1947) | 1946 | 155 | Iphigenia among the Taurians |
Persai (1946) | 1946 | 23 | Persai (Persians) |
Agamemnon (1947) | 1947 | 35 | Agamemnon |
Antigone (1947 - 1948) | 1947 | 54 | Antigone |
Die Troerinnen (1947) | 1947 | 149 | Trojan Women |
Ecclesiazusae (1947) | 1947 | 199 | Ekklesiazousai (Assembly Women) |
Medea (1947 - 1948) | 1947 | 121 | Medea |
Oedipus Tyrannus (1947) | 1947 | 78 | Oedipus the King |
Medeia (1948 - 1949) | 1948 | 122 | Medea |
Il Ciclope (1949) | 1949 | 142 | Cyclops |
Oresteia (1949) | 1949 | 45 | Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides |
Prometheas Desmotis (1949) | 1949 | 31 | Prometheus Bound |
Antigone (1950) | 1950 | 54 | Antigone |
I Persiani (1950) | 1950 | 18 | Persai (Persians) |
Oresteia (1950) | 1950 | 44 | Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides |
Agamemnon (1951) | 1951 | 42 | Agamemnon |
Clouds (1951) | 1951 | 174 | Clouds |
Electra (1951) | 1951 | 101 | Elektra |
Elettra (1951) | 1951 | 100 | Elektra |
Lysistrata (1951) | 1951 | 185 | Lysistrata |
Nefeles (1951 - 1952) | 1951 | 175 | Clouds |
Oedipe Roi (1951) | 1951 | 79 | Oedipus the King |
Oidipous Tyrannos (1951 - 1956) | 1951 | 94 | Oedipus the King |
Oresteia (1951) | 1951 | 36 | Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides |
Agamemnon (1952) | 1952 | 36 | Agamemnon |
Birds (1952) | 1952 | 181 | Birds |
König Ödipus (1952) | 1952 | 79 | Oedipus the King |
Le Troiane (1952) | 1952 | 149 | Trojan Women |
Oedipus auf Kolonos (1952) | 1952 | 114 | Oedipus at Colonus |
Oedipus Rex (1952) | 1952 | 78 | Oedipus the King |
Lysistrata (1953) | 1953 | 185 | Lysistrata |
Medea (1953) | 1953 | 122 | Medea |
The Persians (1953 - 1954) | 1953 | 19 | Persai (Persians) |
Antigone (1954) | 1954 | 55 | Antigone |
Lysistrata (1954) | 1954 | 186 | Lysistrata |
Oedipus Rex (1954) | 1954 | 80 | Oedipus the King |
Oedipus Rex (1954) | 1954 | 81 | Oedipus the King |
Oresteia (1954) | 1954 | 36 | Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides |
Prometeo Incatenato (1954) | 1954 | 26 | Prometheus Bound |
Prométhée Enchaîné (1954) | 1954 | 27 | Prometheus Bound |
Trojan Women (1954 - 1955) | 1954 | 150 | Trojan Women |
Antigone (1955) | 1955 | 56 | Antigone |
Ekavi (1955 - 1967) | 1955 | 141 | Hekabe (Hecuba) |
Electra (1955) | 1955 | 100 | Elektra |
Gromiwoja [Lysistrata] (1955) | 1955 | 187 | Lysistrata |
Iphigenia in Tauris (1955) | 1955 | 155 | Iphigenia among the Taurians |
L'Orestie (1955) | 1955 | 37 | Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides |
Medea (1955 - 1956) | 1955 | 121 | Medea |
Medeia (1955) | 1955 | 122 | Medea |
Antigone (1956 - 1962) | 1956 | 66, 67 | Antigone |
Ekklisiazouses (1956 - 1958) | 1956 | 200 | Ekklesiazousai (Assembly Women) |
Electra (1956) | 1956 | 101 | Elektra |
Elettra (1956) | 1956 | 102 | Elektra |
Iphigenia in Aulis (1956) | 1956 | 164 | Iphigenia at Aulis |
Ippolito (1956) | 1956 | 132 | Hippolytos |
Kralj Oidipus (1956 - 1957) | 1956 | 82 | Oedipus the King |
Médée (1956 - 1957) | 1956 | 123 | Medea |
Medeia (1956 - 1958) | 1956 | 131 | Medea |
Oedipus Rex (1956) | 1956 | 80 | Oedipus the King |
Oresteia (1956) | 1956 | 38 | Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides |
Oresteia (1956) | 1956 | 38 | Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides |
Orestis (1956) | 1956 | 168 | Orestes |
Iphigeneia en Aulidi (1957 - 1963) | 1957 | 166, 167 | Iphigenia at Aulis |
Lysistrata (1957 - 1958) | 1957 | 187 | Lysistrata |
Lysistrata (1957) | 1957 | 187 | Lysistrata |
Lysistrata (1957) | 1957 | 188 | Lysistrata |
Lysistrati (1957) | 1957 | 192 | Lysistrata |
Ploutos (1957) | 1957 | 202 | Wealth |
Andromachi (1958) | 1958 | 137 | Andromache |
Antigone (1958) | 1958 | 56 | Antigone |
Ifigeneia en Taurois (1958 - 1961) | 1958 | 157, 158 | Iphigenia among the Taurians |
Kong Oidipus (1958) | 1958 | 81 | Oedipus the King |
Medea (1958) | 1958 | 123 | Medea |
Oedipus Rex (1958) | 1958 | 82 | Oedipus the King |
Oedipus Rex (1958) | 1958 | 83 | Oedipus the King |
Oidipous epi Kolono (1958 - 1967) | 1958 | 115 | Oedipus at Colonus |
Thesmoforiazousai (1958) | 1958 | two b&w images at 194 | Thesmophoriazousai (The Women at the Thesmophoria) |
Agamemnon (1959) | 1959 | 39 | Agamemnon |
Antígona (1959) | 1959 | 58 | Antigone |
Antigone (1959) | 1959 | 57 | Antigone |
Elektra (1959 - 1960) | 1959 | 109 | Elektra |
Epitrepontes (1959) | 1959 | 204 | Epitrepontes (The Arbitration) |
Hippolytus (1959) | 1959 | 133 | Hippolytos |
Ion (1959 - 1960) | 1959 | 146 | Ion |
Kyklops (1959) | 1959 | 143 | Cyclops |
Lysistrata (1959) | 1959 | 189 | Lysistrata |
Lysistrata (1959) | 1959 | 189 | Lysistrata |
Lysistrata (1959) | 1959 | 188 | Lysistrata |
Lysistrata (1959) | 1959 | 188 | Lysistrata |
Medeia (1959 - 1964) | 1959 | 131 | Medea |
Oresteia (1959) | 1959 | 46 | Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides |
Persai (1959) | 1959 | 19 | Persai (Persians) |
Trachiniae (1959) | 1959 | 68, 69 | Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis) |
Trachinierinnen (1959) | 1959 | 68, 69 | Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis) |
Vatrachoi (1959) | 1959 | 197 | Frogs |
Antigone (1960) | 1960 | 57 | Antigone |
Antigone (1960) | 1960 | 58 | Antigone |
Antigone (1960) | 1960 | 59 | Antigone |
Choephoroi; Eumenides (1960 - 1968) | 1960 | 46 | Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides |
Die Perser (1960) | 1960 | 20 | Persai (Persians) |
Dyskolos (1960) | 1960 | 205 | Dyskolos (The Bad-Tempered Man) |
Iphigenia in Aulis (1960) | 1960 | 164 | Iphigenia at Aulis |
Iphigenia in Tauris (1960) | 1960 | 156 | Iphigenia among the Taurians |
Iraklis [Herakles] (1960 - 1965) | 1960 | 145 | Herakles |
König Ödipus (1960) | 1960 | 85 | Oedipus the King |
Medea (1960) | 1960 | 124 | Medea |
Medea (1960) | 1960 | 124 | Medea |
Medea (1960) | 1960 | 125 | Medea |
Oidipous Tyrannos (1960 - 1961) | 1960 | 84 | Oedipus the King |
Oresteja (1960) | 1960 | 39 | Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides |
Orestiade (1960) | 1960 | 40 | Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides |
Ornithes (1960) | 1960 | 183 | Birds |
Phoinissai (1960 - 1965) | 1960 | 163 | Phoinissai (The Phoenician Women) |
Ptaki [Birds] (1960) | 1960 | 181 | Birds |
Acharnis (1961) | 1961 | 172 | Acharnians |
Agamemnon (1961) | 1961 | 40, 41 | Agamemnon |
Aias (1961 - 1964) | 1961 | 49 | Aias (Ajax) |
Alcestis (1961) | 1961 | 117 | Alkestis |
Antigone (1961) | 1961 | 61 | Antigone |
Antigone (1961) | 1961 | 59 | Antigone |
Elektra (1961 - 1962) | 1961 | 109 | Elektra |
Koning Oidipous (1961) | 1961 | 86 | Oedipus the King |
La Paix (1961) | 1961 | 176 | Peace |
Medea (1961) | 1961 | 127 | Medea |
Medea (1961) | 1961 | 125 | Medea |
Medea (1961) | 1961 | 126 | Medea |
Oidipous Tyrannos (1961) | 1961 | 96 | Oedipus the King |
Oresteia (1961) | 1961 | 42 | Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides |
Philoctète (1961) | 1961 | 110 | Philoktetes |
Phoinissai (1961) | 1961 | 162 | Phoinissai (The Phoenician Women) |
Prometheus Bound (1961) | 1961 | 28 | Prometheus Bound |
Żaby [Frogs] (1961) | 1961 | 195 | Frogs |
Antygona (1962) | 1962 | 60 | Antigone |
Bakches (1962 - 1963) | 1962 | 171 | Bacchai |
Clouds (1962) | 1962 | 175 | Clouds |
Der Frieden (1962) | 1962 | 177 | Peace |
Ecuba (1962) | 1962 | 138 | Hekabe (Hecuba) |
Ion (1962) | 1962 | 146 | Ion |
Lysistrata (1962) | 1962 | 191 | Lysistrata |
Medea (1962) | 1962 | 127 | Medea |
Medeia (1962) | 1962 | 130 | Medea |
Oedipus Rex (1962) | 1962 | 86 | Oedipus the King |
Oidipous Tyrannos (1962) | 1962 | 96 | Oedipus the King |
Perser (1962) | 1962 | 20 | Persai (Persians) |
Philoctetes (1962) | 1962 | 111 | Philoktetes |
Prometheas Desmotis (1962) | 1962 | 31 | Prometheus Bound |
Prometheus Bound (1962) | 1962 | 28 | Prometheus Bound |
Siedmiu przeciw Tebom (1962) | 1962 | 24 | Seven against Thebes |
Agamemnon (1963) | 1963 | 40 | Agamemnon |
Alkestis (1963 - 1968) | 1963 | 118 | Alkestis |
Andromachi (1963 - 1964) | 1963 | 137 | Andromache |
Antigone (1963) | 1963 | 62 | Antigone |
Antigone (1963) | 1963 | 60 | Antigone |
Edyp w Kolonie (1963) | 1963 | 113 | Oedipus at Colonus |
Elektra (1963) | 1963 | 160 | Elektra |
Elektra (1963) | 1963 | 103 | Elektra |
Ifigeneia en Taurois (1963) | 1963 | 158 | Iphigenia among the Taurians |
Iphigeneia en Aulidi (1963 - 1964) | 1963 | 167 | Iphigenia at Aulis |
Iphigeneia en Aulidi (1963) | 1963 | 168 | Iphigenia at Aulis |
Lisistrata: antična komedija v dvanajstih dejanjih [Lysistrata: Ancient Comedy in Twelve Acts] (1963) | 1963 | 190 | Lysistrata |
Lysistrati (1963) | 1963 | 193 | Lysistrata |
Oedipus at Colonus (1963) | 1963 | 114 | Oedipus at Colonus |
Oedipus Rex (1963) | 1963 | 86 | Oedipus the King |
Oedipus Rex (1963) | 1963 | 87 | Oedipus the King |
Oedipus Rex (1963) | 1963 | 88 | Oedipus the King |
Peace (1963) | 1963 | 178 | Peace |
Persians (1963) | 1963 | 21 | Persai (Persians) |
Philoctetes (1963) | 1963 | 110 | Philoktetes |
Prometheas Desmotis (1963) | 1963 | 31 | Prometheus Bound |
Sfikes [Wasps] (1963) | 1963 | 173 | Wasps |
Trojaanse Vrouwen (1963) | 1963 | 150 | Trojan Women |
Trojan Women (1963 - 1964) | 1963 | 152 | Trojan Women |
Trojan Women (1963) | 1963 | 151 | Trojan Women |
Trojan Women (Troades) (1963) | 1963 | 150 | Trojan Women |
Żaby [Frogs] (1963) | 1963 | 196 | Frogs |
Alcestis (1964 - 1965) | 1964 | 117 | Alkestis |
Andromaca (1964) | 1964 | 136 | Andromache |
Antygona (1964) | 1964 | 63 | Antigone |
Antygona (1964) | 1964 | 62 | Antigone |
Birds (1964) | 1964 | 182 | Birds |
Eirini (1964 - 1965) | 1964 | 179 | Peace |
Eirini (1964) | 1964 | 179 | Peace |
Electra (1964) | 1964 | 160 | Elektra |
Eracle (1964) | 1964 | 144 | Herakles |
Hercules Furens (1964) | 1964 | 144 | Herakles |
Hippolytos (1964 - 1965) | 1964 | 135 | Hippolytos |
Iketides (1964) | 1964 | 33 | Suppliant Women |
Ion (1964 - 1967) | 1964 | 147 | Ion |
Iphigenia in Tauris (1964) | 1964 | 156 | Iphigenia among the Taurians |
Król Edyp (1964) | 1964 | 89 | Oedipus the King |
Lysistrata (1964) | 1964 | 191 | Lysistrata |
Medea (1964) | 1964 | 128 | Medea |
Medeia (1964) | 1964 | 128 | Medea |
Oedipus Rex (1964) | 1964 | 88 | Oedipus the King |
Oedipus Rex (1964) | 1964 | 89 | Oedipus the King |
Oresteia (1964 - 1965) | 1964 | 42 | Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides |
Oresteia (1964) | 1964 | 42 | Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides |
Philoctetes (1964) | 1964 | 111 | Philoktetes |
Prometheus Bound (1964) | 1964 | 29 | Prometheus Bound |
Siedmiu przeciw Tebom (1964) | 1964 | 24 | Seven against Thebes |
The Bacchae (1964) | 1964 | 169 | Bacchai |
The Trojan Women (1964) | 1964 | 151 | Trojan Women |
Ženske v ljudski skupščini (1964) | 1964 | 199 | Ekklesiazousai (Assembly Women) |
Agamemnon (1965 - 1967) | 1965 | 48 | Agamemnon |
Aias (1965) | 1965 | 48 | Aias (Ajax) |
Antigone (1965) | 1965 | 63 | Antigone |
Antigone (1965) | 1965 | 64 | Antigone |
Antigone (1965) | 1965 | 65 | Antigone |
Antigone (1965) | 1965 | 67 | Antigone |
Antygona (1965) | 1965 | 64 | Antigone |
Bacchae (1965) | 1965 | 170 | Bacchai |
Bakches (1965) | 1965 | 170 | Bacchai |
Ekklisiazouses (1965) | 1965 | 201 | Ekklesiazousai (Assembly Women) |
Electra (1965) | 1965 | 161 | Elektra |
Electra (1965) | 1965 | 161 | Elektra |
Electra (1965) | 1965 | 104 | Elektra |
Elektra (1965) | 1965 | 102 | Elektra |
Hecuba (1965) | 1965 | 139 | Hekabe (Hecuba) |
Hippolytos (1965 - 1966) | 1965 | 135 | Hippolytos |
Hippolytus (1965) | 1965 | 133 | Hippolytos |
Ifigenia w Aulidzie (1965) | 1965 | 165 | Iphigenia at Aulis |
Iphigenia in Tauris (1965) | 1965 | 156 | Iphigenia among the Taurians |
Les Troyennes (1965) | 1965 | 152 | Trojan Women |
Lysistrati (1965 - 1966) | 1965 | 193 | Lysistrata |
Medea (1965) | 1965 | 128 | Medea |
Medea (1965) | 1965 | 129 | Medea |
Medea (1965) | 1965 | 129 | Medea |
Oedipus Rex (1965) | 1965 | 90 | Oedipus the King |
Oedipus Rex (1965) | 1965 | 91 | Oedipus the King |
Oedipus the King (1965) | 1965 | 91 | Oedipus the King |
Oresteia (1965) | 1965 | 43 | Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides |
Peace (1965) | 1965 | 178 | Peace |
Persai (1965) | 1965 | 23 | Persai (Persians) |
Phoinissai (1965) | 1965 | 162 | Phoinissai (The Phoenician Women) |
Ploutos (1965 - 1967) | 1965 | 203 | Wealth |
Seven against Thebes (1965) | 1965 | 25 | Seven against Thebes |
Siedmiu przeciw Tebom (1965) | 1965 | 25 | Seven against Thebes |
Troades (1965 - 1970) | 1965 | 153 | Trojan Women |
Trojan Women (1965) | 1965 | 152 | Trojan Women |
Électre (1966) | 1966 | 104 | Elektra |
Thespis: Bulletin of the Greek Center of the ITI. Vols 4-5 (June 1966), accessed at <21 March 2025>