Iphigeneia en Aulidi (1963 - 1964)

Original id: 
Start date: 
14 May 1963
End date: 
31 December 1964
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Production notes: 
The 1963 production toured Greece the following year with some cast changes (ID 403); there were further changes in the cast in the 1966 tour to New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa (ID 8828), and in the 1969 tour of Greece (ID 8829).
Media of production: 
Greek, Modern (1453-)

Information related to this production

Person Role Notes
Rena Kambaladou Choreographer
Aleka Katseli Actor Klytaimnestra
Kostas Kazakos Actor Agamemnon
Giorgos Kouroupos Composer
Kostis Michailidis Director
Maria Moscholiou Actor Iphigeneia, a shared role
Nana Nikolaou Set & Costume Designer
R. Paulou Actor Iphigeneia, a shared role
Orestis Rautopoulos Actor Menelaos

How to cite this production

Iphigeneia en Aulidi (1963 - 1964), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/production/403 <22 February 2025>