APGRD item:
Associated ancient plays:
Contributor | Contribution | Main contributor |
Mario Pintacuda |
Production | First performed | Pagination | Ancient works performed |
Edipo Re (1904) | 1904 | 35 | Oedipus the King |
Le Baccanti (1912 - 1913) | 1912 | 35 | Bacchai |
Agamennone (1914) | 1914 | 35 | Agamemnon |
Alcesti (1914) | 1914 | 35 | Alkestis |
Le Coefore (1921) | 1921 | 35 | Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers) |
Le Baccanti (1922) | 1922 | 36 | Bacchai |
Antigone (1924) | 1924 | 36 | Antigone |
I Sette a Tebe (1924) | 1924 | 36 | Seven against Thebes |
Alcesti (1927) | 1927 | 37 | Alkestis |
I Satiri alla Caccia (1927) | 1927 | 37 | Ichneutai (The Trackers) [fragments] |
Il Ciclope (1927) | 1927 | 37 | Cyclops |
Le Nuvole (1927) | 1927 | 37 | Clouds |
Medea (1927) | 1927 | 37 | Medea |
Agamennone (1930) | 1930 | 37 | Agamemnon |
Ifigenia in Aulide (1930) | 1930 | 37 | Iphigenia at Aulis |
Ifigenia in Tauride (1933) | 1933 | 38 | Iphigenia among the Taurians |
Le Trachinie (1933) | 1933 | 38 | Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis) |
Edipo a Colono (1936) | 1936 | 38 | Oedipus at Colonus |
Ippolito (1936) | 1936 | 38 | Hippolytos |
Aiace (1939) | 1939 | 39 | Aias (Ajax) |
Ecuba (1939) | 1939 | 39 | Hekabe (Hecuba) |
Orestea (1948) | 1948 | 39 | Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides |
Edipo Re (1949) | 1949 | 40 | Oedipus the King |
Il Ciclope (1949) | 1949 | 39 | Cyclops |
Medea (1949) | 1949 | 39 | Medea |
I Persiani (1950) | 1950 | 40 | Persai (Persians) |
Le Baccanti (1950) | 1950 | 40 | Bacchai |
Elettra (1951) | 1951 | 40 | Elektra |
Agamennone (1952 - 1953) | 1952 | 41 | Agamemnon |
Edipo a Colono (1952) | 1952 | 41 | Oedipus at Colonus |
Le Troiane (1952) | 1952 | 41 | Trojan Women |
Medea (1953) | 1953 | 41 | Medea |
Antigone (1954) | 1954 | 42 | Antigone |
Prometeo Incatenato (1954) | 1954 | 41 | Prometheus Bound |
Prometeo Incatenato (1954) | 1954 | 42 | Prometheus Bound |
Edipo a Colono (1955) | 1955 | 42 | Oedipus at Colonus |
Alcesti (1956) | 1956 | 43 | Alkestis |
Elettra (1956) | 1956 | 42 | Elektra |
Ippolito (1956) | 1956 | 43 | Hippolytos |
Ifigenia in Tauride (1957) | 1957 | 43 | Iphigenia among the Taurians |
Medea (1957) | 1957 | 43 | Medea |
Antigone (1958) | 1958 | 44 | Antigone |
Edipo Re (1958) | 1958 | 44 | Oedipus the King |
Medea (1958) | 1958 | 44 | Medea |
Orestiade (1960) | 1960 | 44 | Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides |
Antigone (1961) | 1961 | 45 | Antigone |
Ecuba (1962) | 1962 | 45 | Hekabe (Hecuba) |
Elettra (1962) | 1962 | 45 | Elektra |
Ifigenia in Aulide (1962) | 1962 | 45 | Iphigenia at Aulis |
Ione (1962) | 1962 | 45 | Ion |
Le Fenicie (1962) | 1962 | 46 | Phoinissai (The Phoenician Women) |
Ecuba (1963) | 1963 | 46 | Hekabe (Hecuba) |
Andromaca (1964) | 1964 | 46 | Andromache |
Eracle (1964) | 1964 | 46 | Herakles |
Ippolito (1965) | 1965 | 47 | Hippolytos |
Le Troiane (1965) | 1965 | 47 | Trojan Women |
Prometeo Incatenato (1965) | 1965 | 47 | Prometheus Bound |
Antigone (1966) | 1966 | 48 | Antigone |
I Sette a Tebe (1966) | 1966 | 47 | Seven against Thebes |
Orestiade (1966) | 1966 | 48 | Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides |
Edipo Re (1967) | 1967 | 48 | Oedipus the King |
Elettra (1968) | 1968 | 49 | Elektra |
Le Baccanti (1968) | 1968 | 48 | Bacchai |
Le Fenicie (1968) | 1968 | 49 | Phoinissai (The Phoenician Women) |
Le Troiane (1968) | 1968 | 48 | Trojan Women |
Edipo Re (1969) | 1968 | 49 | Oedipus the King |
Elettra (1970) | 1969 | 49 | Elektra |
Ippolito (1970) | 1969 | 50 | Hippolytos |
Antigone (1971) | 1970 | 50 | Antigone |
Orestiade (1971) | 1970 | 50 | Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides |
Edipo Re (1972) | 1972 | 50 | Oedipus the King |
Medea (1972) | 1972 | 50 | Medea |
Oresteia (1972 - 1973) | 1972 | 51 | Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides |
Elettra (1974) | 1974 | 51 | Elektra |
Ifigenia in Aulide (1974) | 1974 | 51 | Iphigenia at Aulis |
Le Troiane (1974) | 1974 | 51 | Trojan Women |
Frammenti di Una Trilogia (1975) | 1975 | 51 | Medea, Elektra, Trojan Women, Medea |
I Persiani (1975) | 1975 | 52 | Persai (Persians) |
Edipo a Colono (1976) | 1976 | 52 | Oedipus at Colonus |
Filottete (1976) | 1976 | 52 | Philoktetes |
Le rane (1976) | 1976 | 52 | Frogs |
Prometeo Incatenato (1976) | 1976 | 52 | Prometheus Bound |
Rudens (1976) | 1976 | 52 | Rudens (The Rope) |
Edipo Re (1977) | 1977 | 53 | Oedipus the King |
Medea (1977) | 1977 | 53 | Medea |
Tragedia Antica e Musica D'Oggi, accessed at <28 March 2025>