Rudens (The Rope)

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Format: 2025
Production First performed Venues Companies
Rudens (1556 - 1557) 1556 Trinity College (Cambridge, County of Cambridgeshire, England) University of Cambridge (Trinity College)
Rudens (1567) 1567 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
The Captives; or, The Lost Recovered (1624) 1624 Drury Lane (London, Greater London, England)
Rudens (1798) 1798 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Rudens (1884) 1884 University of Melbourne (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) University of Melbourne
Rudens (1884) 1884 Memorial Hall (Saint Louis, State of Missouri, United States) University of Washington in St Louis, Missouri (Ladies' Literary Society)
Rudens (1904) 1904 Radley College (Abingdon, County of Oxfordshire, England) Radley College, Oxfordshire
Rudens (1906) 1906 unknown venue (Manchester, City and Borough of Manchester, England) University of Manchester (Classical Society)
Rudens (1907) 1907 Radley College (Abingdon, County of Oxfordshire, England) Radley College, Oxfordshire
Rudens (1908) 1908 San José Normal School (San Jose, State of California, United States) San José Normal School
Rudens (1911) 1911 Smith College (Northampton, Massachusetts, United States) Smith College (Department of Latin)
Rudens (1926) 1926 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Rudens (1930) 1930 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Rudens (1934) 1934 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Shipwreck at Cyrene (1944) 1943 Bryn Mawr College (Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, United States) Bryn Mawr College (Ludiones / Latin Department)
Rudens (1950 - 1959) 1950 Harrow County Girls' School (London Borough of Harrow, Greater London, England) Harrow County Girls' School
Rudens (1960) 1960 University of Sydney (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) University of Sydney
Rudens (1967) 1967 University of Sydney (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) University of Sydney (Classical Society)
Rudens (1971) 1970 University of Glasgow (Glasgow, Glasgow City, Scotland) University of Glasgow (Department of Humanity)
Money For Old Rope (1972) 1972 unknown venue (England) BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)
Rudens (1975) 1975 Wellesley College (Wellesley, Massachusetts, United States) Wellesley College
Rudens (1976) 1976 Ancient Theatre of Syracuse, Teatro Greco (Syracuse, Sicily, Italy) Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico
Rudens (1977 - 1978) 1977 Winchester College (Winchester, County of Hampshire, England) Winchester College, Hampshire
The Rope (1980 - 1985) 1980 Wadham College (Oxford, County of Oxfordshire, England) OUCDS, Oxford University Classical Drama Society, University of Oxford, Clubs Committee, Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford, Hertford College Dramatic Society, University of Oxford, Lincoln College Players, University of Oxford
Rudens (1983) 1983 Eastbourne College (Eastbourne, County of East Sussex, England) Eastbourne College
Rudens (1983) 1983 St Olaf College (Northfield, State of Minnesota, United States), University of Minnesota (Minnesota, United States) St Olaf College
Rudens (1985) 1985 Ancient Theatre of Segesta, Teatro Antico (Segesta, Sicily, Italy) Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico
Rudens (1987) 1987 unknown venue (Spanish State)
Rudens (1987) 1987 Divadlo F. X. Šaldy (Liberec, Liberecký kraj, Czech Republic) Divadlo F. X. Šaldy, Liberec
Rudens (1989) 1989 unknown venue (New York City, New York, United States) Barnard-Columbia Ancient Drama Group
The Rope (1990) 1990 People's Theatre (Newcastle upon Tyne, City and Borough of Newcastle upon Tyne, England) People's Theatre, Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Rudens (1992) 1992 Wellesley College (Wellesley, Massachusetts, United States) Wellesley College
The Rope (1996) 1996 Strand Theater (Dorchester, Massachusetts, United States) Theater Ludicrum
The Rope (1997) 1997 Bloomsbury Theatre (London, Greater London, England) University College London (Classical Society)
Rudens (La Fune) (2001) 2001 Ancient Site of Elea (Velia Teatro) (Ascea, Campania, Italy) Bottega del Pane, Syracuse [Siracusa]
The Fisherman's Rope (2001) 2001 Colby College (Waterville, State of Maine, United States) Colby College (Department of Theater & Dance)
Rudens (2002) 2002 Ancient Site of Elea (Velia Teatro) (Ascea, Campania, Italy) Bottega del Pane, Syracuse [Siracusa]
Rudens (2003) 2003 St Olaf College (Northfield, State of Minnesota, United States) St Olaf College
Rudens (2003) 2003 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
Rudens (2004) 2004 Ancient Site of Elea (Velia Teatro) (Ascea, Campania, Italy)
Rudens (2004) 2004 Westminster School (London, Greater London, England) Westminster School, London
The Storm (2005) 2005 Shakespeare's Globe Theatre (London, Greater London, England) Tempest Company
Rudens (2007) 2007 Virginia Commonwealth University (Richmond, Virginia, United States) Governor's Latin Academy, Virginia
The Rope (2009) 2009 King's Visualisation Lab
Rudens (2014) 2014 Randolph-Macon College (Ashland, Virginia, United States) Governor's Latin Academy, Virginia
Rudens (online performance) (2021) 2021 Washington University in St Louis (Saint Louis, State of Missouri, United States)
Translation Year Contributors
Les Comédies de Plaute avec des remarques, en latin et en françois par M. D. M. A. D. V. (1658) 1658 Michel de Marolles
Les comédies de Plaute nouvellement traduites en stile libre naturel et naïf avec des notes et des reflexions enjouées de critique, d'antiquité et de morale par Gueudeville, avec des estampes en taille douce (1719) 1719 Nicolas Gueudeville (1654-1721) AKA Guedeville
Oeuvres de Plaute, en latin et en français, traduction nouvelle, enrichie de figures, avec des remarques sur les endroits difficiles, et un examen de chaque pièce selon les règles du Théâtre, par Henri Philippe de Limiers, docteur en droit (1719) 1719 Henri Philippe de Limiers
Plaute, comédies (1932) 1932 Alfred Ernout
Théâtre complet des Latins, comprenant Plaute, Térence et Sénèque le Tragique, avec la traduction en français (1844) 1844 Andrieux, A. François, Alfred Magin, Th. Savalète, Pierre Jean-Baptiste Choudard Desforges (1746-1806), Désiré Nisard
Théâtre complet des latins, par J.B. Levée ancien professeur de rhétorique et de littérature et par feu l'abbé Le Monnier, augmenté de dissertations, etc par MM Amaury Duval de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Alexandre Duval de l'Académi... (1820) 1820 Jérôme-Balthazar Levée, Guillaume Antoine Lemonnier
Traduction des extraits de Plaute et de Térence à l'usage des élèves de l'école royale militaire (1778) 1778 Charles Batteux (1713-1780), Pierre Chompré (1698-1760)
Trois Comédies de Plaute, l'Amphitrion, le Rudens et l'Epidicus, traduites en françois et en prose, avec le latin à côté et des remarques, par Madame Dacier (1683) 1683 Anne Dacier
Source Date Format Held at APGRD
A Latin play at Melbourne 1887 Print-out archive
A tradition of Latin plays at St Olaf College 2001 Print-out archive
Ancient Scripts and Modern Experience on the English Stage, 1500-1700 1988 Book library
Anecdotal reference from John Marshall 2001 Anecdote
ChromaKey video listing 2017 Print-out archive
Classical Association News. Vol.20 (June 1999) 1999 Newsletter library
Classical drama at the University of Sydney 2001 Personal notes archive
Coefore / Medea 1994 Festival programme archive
Collection of INDA postcards of posters for productions 1914-1992 1914 Postcard archive
Damp squib is director's curtain call 2005 Newspaper cutting archive
E-mail from George Bistransin to Amanda Wrigley 2001 Print-out archive
Email from Anne H. Groton to Amanda Wrigley 2001 Print-out archive
Email from Clare Sargent to Peter Brown 2005 Print-out archive
Gli Spettacoli Classici nel Teatro Greco di Siracusa 1982 Book archive
Global concerns 2005 Newspaper cutting archive
Greek Plays in America 1910 Print-out archive
JACT Review. No.24 (Autumn 1998) 1998 Journal library
Journal article: Plautus goes USA the adaptation of Rudens by... 2021 Print-out archive
King's Visualisation Lab video output for Masks Conference - 2 discs 2006 DVD archive
La Fune 1976 Book archive
Letter from Fred Franko to the APGRD 2003 Correspondence archive
Letter from Joan Newey to Peter Brown 2002 Correspondence archive
Letter from Marjorie Pattle to David Gowen 2000 Correspondence archive
Letter from Westminster School to Peter Brown 2003 Correspondence archive
Los Espectaculos de Mérida, 1933-1989 1989 Production chronology archive
Lusus Alteri Westmonasterienses sive Prologi et Epilogi ad Fabulas in Sti. Petri Collegio Actas. Vols 1-3 1863 Book
Newspaper Review: Argus, 17 April 1884 1884 Print-out archive
Newspaper Review: The Age, 16 April 1884 1884 Print-out archive
Obituary of Raymond Raikes 1998 Newspaper article archive
Oidipous Tyrannos, Sophokles 2000 Programme archive
Online article: Comedy and gender through the centuries 2021 Print-out archive
Performances of Greek and Roman Drama in New South Wales 2009 Book library
Plautus comedy to feature burly slaves, chanting priestess and fisherman chorus 1943 Photocopy archive
Plautus's Rudens at Radley 1904 Photocopy archive
Plautus, spätere Bearbeitungen plautinischer Lustspiele 1886 Book
Re: Classical drama on the modern stage [1] 2001 Correspondence archive
Rope, The 1997 Poster archive
Rudens 1983 Photocopy archive
Rudens 1983 Programme archive
Rudens 1983 Photocopy archive
Rudens 1970 Programme
Rudens 1975 Programme archive
Rudens 2003 Programme archive
Rudens 1992 Programme archive
Rudens 1975 Poster archive
Rudens 1992 Poster archive
Rudens - audio recording 1972 CD archive
Rudens di Plauto - Stichus di Plauto 1985 Reproduction archive
Rudens of Plautus 1911 Photocopy archive
Rudens programme 2007 Print-out archive
Title Format Date
King's Visualisation Lab video output for Masks Conference - 2 discs DVD
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, April 26, 1884 Print-out
T. Macci Plauti Rudens Programme
T. Macci Plauti Rudens - commentarium Anglice Photocopy
The Rope Programme
Washington University Student Life, May 1884 Print-out
Newspaper Review: Argus, 17 April 1884 Print-out 1884
Newspaper Review: The Age, 16 April 1884 Print-out 1884
A Latin play at Melbourne Print-out 1887
Plautus's Rudens at Radley Photocopy 1904
Greek Plays in America Print-out 1910
Rudens of Plautus Photocopy 1911
Collection of INDA postcards of posters for productions 1914-1992 Postcard 1914
Scenes from the Rudens of Plautus: selected, translated and enacted by the Classical Society of the University of Manchester Book 1926
The Rudens of Plautus As Acted by the King's Scholars of Westminster School, with a Translation Book 1934
Plautus comedy to feature burly slaves, chanting priestess and fisherman chorus Photocopy 1943
The Rudens chosen as Latin production Photocopy 1943
Rudens [photograph 1] Photograph 1970
Rudens [photograph 2] Photograph 1970
Rudens [photograph 3] Photograph 1970
Rudens [photograph 4] Photograph 1970
Rudens [photograph 5] Photograph 1970
Rudens [photograph 6] Photograph 1970
Rudens [photograph 7] Photograph 1970
Rudens - audio recording CD 1972
Rudens Poster 1975
Rudens Programme 1975
La Fune Book 1976
Gli Spettacoli Classici nel Teatro Greco di Siracusa Book 1982
Rudens Photocopy 1983
Rudens Photocopy 1983
Rudens Programme 1983
Rudens di Plauto - Stichus di Plauto Reproduction 1985
Los Espectaculos de Mérida, 1933-1989 Production chronology 1989
Rudens Programme 1992
Rudens Poster 1992
Coefore / Medea Festival programme 1994
Rope, The Poster 1997
Tenth London Festival of Greek Drama Festival programme 1997
Tenth London Festival of Greek Drama Festival programme 1997
Tenth London Festival of Greek Drama Festival programme 1997
The Rope Flyer 1997
The Rope Synopsis 1997
The Rope Programme 1997
The Tenth London Festival of Greek Drama Poster 1997
Obituary of Raymond Raikes Newspaper article 1998
Letter from Marjorie Pattle to David Gowen Correspondence 2000
Oidipous Tyrannos, Sophokles Programme 2000
A tradition of Latin plays at St Olaf College Print-out 2001
Classical drama at the University of Sydney Personal notes 2001