Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis)


Contributor Contribution Main contributor
Sophocles AKA Sophokles
Original id: 
Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Publication details: 

Information related to this script

Production First performed Venues
Women of Trachis Columbia University (New York City, New York, United States)
Women of Trachis Kourion Ancient Theatre (Cyprus)
Serenata à 3 unknown venue (Naples, Campania, Italy)
Il natal di Amore (1620) 1620 unknown venue (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
Deianira (1635) 1635 unknown venue (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
Ercole alla conocchia (1635) 1635 unknown venue (Pesaro, The Marches, Italy)
Ercole amante / Hercule amoureux (1662) 1662 Tuileries (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Hercole acquistatore dell'immortalità (1677) 1677 Landhaus (Linz-Wels-Steyr, Upper Austria, Austria)
Le pazzie degli amanti (1701) 1701 Hoftheater (Vienna, Vienna, Austria)
Ercole (1718) 1718 unknown venue (Novara, Piedmont, Italy)
La gelosia placata (1729) 1729 unknown venue (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
Hercules (1745) 1745 Covent Garden (London, Greater London, England)
L'Apoteosi d'Ercole (1768) 1768 Regio Ducal Teatro (Milan, Lombardy, Italy)
La morte e l'apoteosi d'Ercole (1770) 1770 Teatro Nazarini (Cremona, Lombardy, Italy)
Trachinniae [sic] (1772) 1772 unknown venue (England)
La morte e l'apoteosi d'Ercole (1772) 1772 Teatro di via della Pergola (Florence, Tuscany, Italy)
Alcide e Dejanira (1774) 1774 Real Palazzo, Royal Palace (Palermo, Sicily, Italy)
La morte ed apoteosi di Alcide (1775) 1775 Teatro di Santa Cecilia (Palermo, Sicily, Italy)
Trachinians (1776) 1776 Stanmore School (England)
La morte d'Ercole (1779) 1779 unknown venue (Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany)
Ercole e Iole (1783) 1783
Ercole e Dejanira (1789) 1789 Nuovo Teatro (Padova, Veneto, Italy)
La morte di Ercole (1790) 1790
L'Apoteosi d'Ercole (1790) 1790 Teatro S. Benedetto (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
La morte d'Ercole (1790) 1790 Teatro alla Scala, La Scala (Milan, Lombardy, Italy)
La morte d'Ercole (1792) 1792 Teatro di via della Pergola (Florence, Tuscany, Italy)
La morte d'Ercole (1793) 1793 Teatro de San Carlos (Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal)
La morte d'Ercole (1798) 1798 Teatro di Trieste (Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy)
Ercole e Dejanira (1798) 1798 Teatro di Corte (Parma, Emilia-Romagna, Italy)
La Andrómaca o Hércules y Deyanira (1800) 1800 Teatro Le Fenice (1711-1818) (Ancona, The Marches, Italy)
Ion (1821) 1821 University of Harvard (Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States)
Ion (1836) 1836 unknown venue (New York City, New York, United States)
Ion (1836) 1836 Covent Garden (London, Greater London, England)
Ion (1845) 1845 unknown venue (New York City, New York, United States)
Ion (1845) 1845 Bowery Theater (New York City, New York, United States)
Ion (1846) 1846 King's Theatre in the Haymarket (London, Greater London, England)
Ion (1848) 1848 Brasenose College (Oxford, County of Oxfordshire, England), unknown venue (Henley on Thames, County of Oxfordshire, England)
Ion (1852) 1852 Sadler's Wells (London, Greater London, England)
Ion (1853) 1853 unknown venue (New York City, New York, United States)
Ion (1853) 1853 unknown venue (United States)
Ion; or Foundling of Argos (1859) 1859 Arch Street Theatre (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States)
Ion (1861) 1861 Sadler's Wells (London, Greater London, England)
Ion (1866) 1866 Arch Street Theatre (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States)
Ion Foundling of Argos! (1867) 1867 Arch Street Theatre (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States)
Ion (1877) 1877 Walnut Street Theatre (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States), unknown venue (Boston, Massachusetts, United States)
Trachiniae (1877) 1877 Fleeming Jenkin's Theatre, 3 Great Stuart Street (Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh, Scotland), Town Hall (St Andrews, Fife, Scotland)
Ion (1881) 1881 unknown venue (United States)
Trachiniae (1903) 1903 British Museum, Lecture Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
Trachiniae (1911) 1911 Royal Court Theatre, Court Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
Herakles (1919) 1919 Prinzregenten-Theater (1901-) (Munich, Free State of Bavaria, Germany)
Script Contributors Year Relationship
Le Trachinie Umberto Albini, Vico Faggi Translation
Trachiniae Charles Kenneth Williams (1936-2015) AKA Known as C.K. Williams, Gregory W. Dickerson Translation
Déjanire Michèle Fabien Adaptation
Ion Thomas Noon Talfourd Adaptation
The Women of Trachis Carl R. Mueller, Anna Krajewska-Wieczorek Translation
Trachiniae Lynn Kozak Translation
Le Trachinie Umberto Albini, Vico Faggi Translation
Women of Trachis E. F. Watling Translation
Trachineae (or The Wife of Heracles) Gilbert Murray (1866-1975)
Trachiniai Russell Shone Translation
Trachiniai Tasos Roussos Translation
Trachiniae Wolfgang Schadewaldt
Trachiniai Kostas Ch. Myris AKA Georgousopoulos Translation
Heracles M. Fried Adaptation
Women of Trachis Bryan Doerries Adaptation
Trachiniae Charles Kenneth Williams (1936-2015) AKA Known as C.K. Williams, Gregory W. Dickerson Translation
Women of Trachis Ezra Pound Adaptation
Women of Trachis Kate E. Ryan Adaptation
Trachiniai Linos Karzis Translation
Deianeira Rush Rehm Adaptation
Trachiniai Stylianos Kapsomenos Translation
Le Trachinie Ettore Bignone Translation
The Women of Trachis Carl R. Mueller, Anna Krajewska-Wieczorek Translation
Trachiniae Lewis Campbell Translation
Hercules (1744) George Frideric Handel (1685-1759), Thomas Broughton (1704-1774) 1744 Adaption
Hercules (1744) George Frideric Handel (1685-1759), Thomas Broughton (1704-1774) 1744 Adaption
Dianeira (2002) Timberlake Wertenbaker 2002 Adaptation
Cruel & Tender (2004) Martin Crimp 2004 Adaptation
Title Contributors Year Relationship
Le Théâtre des Grecs (1730) André Charles Brotier, Pierre Brumoy, Pierre Prévost, Guillaume Dubois de Rochefort (1731-1788), Gabriel, de François Jean La Porte du Theil (1742-1815) 1730 Translation
Tragédies de Sophocle, traduites du grec en français (1762) Louis Dupuy 1762 Translation
Théâtre de Sophocle, traduit en entier, avec des remarques et un examen de chaque pièce, précédé d'un discours sur les difficultés qui se rencontrent dans la traduction des poètes tragiques grecs et d'une vie de Sophocle (1788) Guillaume Dubois de Rochefort (1731-1788) 1788 Translation
Tragédies de Sophocle traduites en français par M. Artaud (1827) Nicolas Louis Marie Artaud (1794-1861) 1827 Translation
Théâtre de Sophocle (1862) Eugène Talbot (1814-1894) 1862 Translation
Théâtre de Sophocle: traduction nouvelle, précédée d'une notice biographique, accompagnée de notes explicatives, et suivie des notes de J. Racine sur le théâtre de Sophocle (1870) Emile Pessonneaux 1870 Translation
Sophocle, traduction nouvelle (1877) Charles Marie René Leconte de Lisle (1818-1894) 1877 Translation
Les Tragédies de Sophocle, traduites par M. Bellaguet (1879) Louis Bellaguet (1818-1900) 1879 Translation
Théâtre de Sophocle (1883) Louis Humbert 1883 Translation
Eschyle, Sophocle, Euripide, tome I (extraits) tome II (pièces choisies) (1894) Aimé Puech (1860-1940) 1894 Translation
Sophocle, texte établi et traduit par Paul Masqueray (1922) Paul Masqueray 1922 Translation
Sophocles, tragédies (1950) Paul Mazon 1950 Translation
Les Tragiques grecs (1999) Victor-Henry Debidour 1999 Translation

How to cite this script

Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis), accessed at <25 March 2025>