La morte d'Ercole (1798)

Original id: 
Start date: 
1 January 1798
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Distant relative
Production notes: 
It is likely that these 'balli' drew on Sophocles and/or Seneca. They were used as interval entertainment during performances of Sebastiano Nasolini's opera Le feste d'Iside. The performances took place in autumn 1798. It is likely that Panzieri's ballets were informed by the work by Panzieri's brother-in-law Francesco Clerico, whose ballet Ercole e Dejanira was performed in Parma in the same year (Sartori ID 24978). Clerico was also the author of Ercole e Dejanira ballets that had been performed in Padua in 1789 (Sartori IDs 7057 and 9044a) and of the ballets titled La morte d'Ercole that had been performed in Milan in 1790 (Sartori IDs 447 and 19180) and in Florence in 1792 (Sartori IDs 3109 and 7094).
Media of production: 
Choreographic work (dance, ballet, mime etc)

How to cite this production

La morte d'Ercole (1798), accessed at <12 March 2025>