King's Theatre in the Haymarket (London, Greater London, England)

Productions at this venue

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Format: 2025
Production First performed Companies Ancient works performed
Teseo (1713) 1713 Medea
Teseo (1713) 1713 Medea
Les Menechmes; ou, Les Jumeaux (1721 - 1722) 1721 Menaechmi (The Menaechmus Brothers)
Iphigénie en Aulide (1722) 1722 Iphigenia at Aulis
Astianatte (1727) 1727 Royal Academy of Music Andromache
Admeto, re di Tessaglia (1727 - 1728) 1727 Royal Academy of Music Alkestis
Ariadne in Crete (1734) 1734 Iliad, Odyssey, Metamorphoses, Carmina
Polifemo (1735) 1735 Odyssey, Metamorphoses
Ifigenia in Aulide (1735) 1735 Iphigenia at Aulis
Eurydice Hiss'd (1737) 1737 Frogs
Giove in Argo [Jupiter in Argos] (1739) 1739 Metamorphoses
Polidoro (1741) 1741 Hekabe (Hecuba), Andromache
Fetonte (1747) 1747 Theogony, Argonautica
Andromaca (1755) 1755 Andromache
Antigona (1760) 1760 Antigone
Ifigenia in Aulide (1768) 1768 Iphigenia at Aulis
Perseo (1774) 1774 Iliad, Theogony, Metamorphoses
Oreste et Electre (1775) 1775 Elektra
Medea e Giasone (1781) 1781 Medea, Medea
Alceste o Il trionfo dell'amor coniugale / Alceste: or, The Triumph of Conjugal Love (1781) 1781 Alkestis
Médée et Jason (1781) 1781 Medea, Argonautica, Medea, Metamorphoses, Theogony
Ifigenia in Aulide (1782) 1782 Iphigenia at Aulis
Le due gemelle (1784) 1784 Menaechmi (The Menaechmus Brothers)
Ifigenia in Aulide (1789) 1789 Iphigenia at Aulis
Andromaca (1790) 1790 Andromache
Iphiginia in Aulide; or Sacrifice of Iphiginia (1793) 1793 Iphigenia at Aulis
Alceste ossia Il trionfo dell'amor conjugale (1795) 1795 Alkestis
Ifigenia in Tauride (1796) 1796
Iphigénie en Tauride (1796) 1796 Iphigenia among the Taurians
Antigona (1796) 1796 Antigone
Achille et Déidamie (1804) 1804 Achilleid
Achille et Déidamie (1804) 1804 Achilleid
La surprise de Diane (1805) 1805 Metamorphoses
Narcisse et les Grâces (1806) 1806 Metamorphoses, Dionysiaca
L'enlèvement d'Adonis [The Abduction of Adonis] (1807) 1807 Metamorphoses
Borea e Zeffiro (1809) 1809 Iliad, Theogony, Argonautica, Metamorphoses
Medea in Corinto (1826 - 1828) 1826 Medea
The Athenian Captive (1838) 1838 Elektra
Antigone (1845) 1845 Antigone
The Golden Fleece; or, Jason in Colchis and Medea in Corinth (1845 - 1847) 1845 Medea
Ion (1846) 1846 Ion, Hippolytos, Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis), Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone, Oedipus the King, Phoenissae (The Phoenician Women)
The Birds (1846) 1846 Birds
Electra in a New Electr'ic Light (1859) 1859 Elektra
Medea (1876) 1876 Medea
Orestes (Hypatia) (1893) 1893 Orestes
Iphigenia in Tauris (1932) 1932 Iphigenia among the Taurians

How to cite this venue

King's Theatre in the Haymarket (London, Greater London, England), accessed at <24 March 2025>