Admeto, re di Tessaglia (1727 - 1728)

Original id: 
Start date: 
31 January 1727
End date: 
18 April 1728
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Distant relative
Production notes: 
Libretto: Paolo Rolli, Admeto, re di Tessaglia. Drama da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Hay-Market per la Reale Accademia di Musica (London, 1727). The libretto for this production is titled as "opera" and "drama"; it provides an English translation. This was an adaptation of the opera L'Alceste (Hanover, 1679 and 1681; librettist Ortensio Mauro, composer Mattia Trento, Sartori Ids 584 and 585), which was itself an adaptation of the opera L'Antigona delusa da Alceste (Venice, 1660; librettist Aurelio Aureli, music Pietro Andrea Ziani, APGRD Production ID 7463). The comic element in the sources is largely abandoned, but spectacle retained. It includes ballet of furies at Admeto's sickbed in Act I scene i. When first performed, the work enjoyed the longest individual run of all Handel's operas. It was revived in the 1727-28 season: from 30 September to 17 October 1727 and from 25 May-1 June 1728. There were further productions by Handel in 1731 and 1754 (the last opera Handel performed in his lifetime); other productions in Handel's lifetime include Brunswick (1729, 1732, and 1739) and Hamburg (in German translation; 1730 and 1736).
Media of production: 
Opera, musical and related genres
Choreographic work (dance, ballet, mime etc)
Ancient works:

How to cite this production

Admeto, re di Tessaglia (1727 - 1728), accessed at <31 March 2025>