Trojan Women


Contributor Contribution Main contributor
Original id: 
Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Publication details: 

Information related to this script

Production First performed Venues
Trojan Women The Shimmy (London, Greater London, England), The New Diorama Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
Trojan Women unknown venue (Japan)
The Trojan Women Neighbourhood Playhouse School of Theatre (New York City, New York, United States)
Les Troyens unknown venue (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Trojan Women Little Theater (New York City, New York, United States)
Trojan Women
The Women of Troy Adam House Theatre (Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh, Scotland)
The Women of Troy Croxleywood House Theatre (Rickmansworth, County of Hertfordshire, England)
The Trojan Women: A Love Story Loeb Drama Center (Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States)
The Trojan Women Girton College (Cambridge, County of Cambridgeshire, England)
Troades unknown venue (England)
Trojan Women Gaiety Theatre (Manchester, City and Borough of Manchester, England)
The Trojan Women Kensington Town Hall (London, Greater London, England)
La Troiade Hôtel de Bourgogne (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Trojan Women unknown venue (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
"The Burning of Troy," "The Deaths of Hecuba, Priam, Menelaus, Helena, Pyrhus." British Museum, Lecture Theatre (London, Greater London, England)
Trojan Women unknown venue (England)
Spoken Greek Verse
The Trojan Women Civic Theatre (Leeds, City and Borough of Leeds, England)
Trojan Women unknown venue (Germany)
Trojan Women unknown venue (South Africa)
Trojan Women unknown venue (England)
Le Troiane [The Trojan Women] (1566) 1566 unknown venue (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
Le Troiane (1566) 1566 unknown venue (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
La Troade (1579) 1579 Chateau Vallon (France)
Polyxène (1584) 1584 Chateau Vallon (France)
De amsteldamsche Hecuba [The Amsteldam Hecuba] (1625) 1625
La Troiade (1679) 1679 Hôtel de Bourgogne (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Astianatte (1701) 1701 Villa di Pratolino (Florence, Tuscany, Italy)
The Virgin Prophetess; or, The Fate of Troy (1701) 1701 Theatre Royal (London, Greater London, England)
Le rovine di Troia (1707) 1707 Teatro S. Cassiano (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
La Cassandra indovina (1711) 1711 Teatro di Piedimonte (Piedimonte, Campania, Italy)
The Distrest Mother (Andromache) (1712) 1712 Theatre Royal (London, Greater London, England)
L'Andromaca (1716) 1716 unknown venue (Florence, Tuscany, Italy)
Das zerstörte Troja, oder, Der durch den Tod Helenen versöhnte Achilles [The Destruction of Troy, or, Achilles Reconciled to Helen through Death] (1716) 1716
Astianatte (1716) 1716 Hoftheater (Munich, Free State of Bavaria, Germany)
Astianatte (1727) 1727 Theatre Royal (London, Greater London, England)
Hekuba (1736) 1736 unknown venue (Germany)
La Cassandra (1740) 1740 unknown venue (Rome, Latium, Italy)
Astianatte [Astyanax] (1748) 1748 unknown venue (Cesena, Emilia-Romagna, Italy)
Les Troyennes [the Trojan Women] (1754) 1754 unknown venue (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Astianatte [Astyanax] (1755) 1755 Teatro San Moise (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
Astyanax (1755) 1755 unknown venue (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
L'incendio di Troia [The Burning of Troy] (1757) 1757 Teatro San Carlo (Naples, Campania, Italy)
Ajace e Cassandra (1773) 1773 Teatro di San Benedetto (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
Troja distrutta (1778) 1778 Teatro alla Scala, La Scala (Milan, Lombardy, Italy)
Trojanerinnen (1782) 1782 Burgtheater (Vienna, Vienna, Austria)
La caduta di Troia (1786) 1786 Regio Teatro (Turin, Piedmont, Italy)
Astyanax (1801) 1801 L’Opéra (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
La prise de Troie [The Capture of Troy] (1890) 1890 unknown venue (Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany)
Script Contributors Year Relationship
The Woman: Scenes of War and Freedom Edward Bond Adaptation
Fragments of a Trilogy: Medea, Trojan Women, and Electra Andrei Serban Adaptation
Trojan Women Howard Rubenstein
Muslim Babae Sedfrey Ordonez Adaptation
Troerinnen Peter Krumme Translation
Trojaanse Vrouwen Evert Straat Translation
Troiadi Dalila Curiazi Translation
Troiane Laura Pepe Translation
The Women of Troy George Taylor Adaptation
Trojan Women Neil Curry Translation
The Lost Women of Troy Hanoch Levin Adaptation
The Trojan Women Eli Malka Adaptation
Die Troerinnen Walter Jens Adaptation
Troades Kostis Kolotas Translation
Le Troiane Ettore Romagnoli Translation
The Trojan Women F. Kinchin Smith Translation
La Famine, ou les Gabéonites Jean de La Taille Adaptation
Trójanky Jaroslav Král Adaptation
The Common Chorus Tony Harrison Adaptation
Trojan Women Richmond Lattimore Translation
Women of Troy: 2099 Courttia Newland Adaptation
The Trojan Women Gilbert Murray (1866-1975) Translation
The Trojan Women L. G. Harry, Chuck Pulliam Adaptation
Trojanki Stanisław Dygat Translation
The Trojan Women Marianne McDonald Adaptation
The Trojan Women L. G. Harry, Chuck Pulliam Adaptation
Trojan Incident Philip H. Davis Distant relative
Women of Troy Kenneth Cavander Translation
The Greeks John Barton, Kenneth Cavander Adaptation
Trojan Women Kenneth Cavander Translation
Troades Tasos Roussos Translation
Troaditisses Thanasis Valtinos Translation
Trojan Women Kostas Ch. Myris AKA Georgousopoulos Translation
Le Troiane Edoardo Sanguineti Translation
Trojan Women Peter Burian, Alan Shapiro Translation
Trojan Women: An Epic Opera Elizabeth Swados Adaptation
The Trojan Women E. J. Dent Translation
Troierinnen Ernst Buschor Translation
Trojan Women Alfred Preisser Adaptation
Women of Troy Don Taylor Translation
The Trojan Women Philip Vellacott Translation
Trojan Women Avery T. Willis AKA Willis Hoffman Translation
Le Troiane Micha Van Hoecke Distant relative
Trojan Women Hans Mayer
Trojan Women Russ Vandenbroucke Adaptation
The Yiddish Trojan Women Carole Braverman Distant relative
Hécube: A Drama in One Act Maurice Bernhardt, Réné Clarance Adaptation
Troyennes Marie Cardinal Translation
Hécube: A Drama in One Act Maurice Bernhardt, Réné Clarance Adaptation

How to cite this script

Trojan Women, accessed at <19 March 2025>