Chateau Vallon (France)

Productions at this venue

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Format: 2025
Format: 2025
Production First performed Companies Ancient works performed
La Médée de Saint-Médard Medea, Hippolytos, Andromache, Antigone
Phèdre Compagnie de Madame Vera Korène Hippolytos
Geta (1521) 1521 Miscellaneous
Electre (1537) 1537 Elektra
L'Andrienne (1540) 1540 Andria (The Girl from Andros)
Agamemnon (1556) 1556 Agamemnon
Les Argonautes (1558) 1558 Medea
Le Brave (1567) 1567
Médée (1572) 1572 Medea
La Famine, ou les Gabéonites (1573) 1573 Trojan Women
Hippolyte (1573) 1573 Phaedra
Néphélococugie (1578) 1578 Birds
La Troade (1579) 1579 Trojan Women, Hekabe (Hecuba), Trojan Women
Polyxène (1584) 1584 Trojan Women, Hekabe (Hecuba), Trojan Women
Alceste, ou La Fidélité (1606) 1606 Alkestis
Captivi (1629 - 1659) 1629 Captivi (The Prisoners)
Hercule mourant (1634) 1634 Hercules on Oeta
Les Captifs (1638) 1638 Captivi (The Prisoners)
Agamemnon (1642) 1642 Agamemnon
Oedipe (1722) 1722 Oedipus the King
La colonie (1750) 1750 Lysistrata, Thesmophoriazousai (The Women at the Thesmophoria)
Les Ménechmes (1791) 1791 Menaechmi (The Menaechmus Brothers)
Clytemnestre (1794) 1794 Agamemnon
Les Ménechmes (1795) 1795 Menaechmi (The Menaechmus Brothers)
Iphigénie en Aulide (1862) 1862 Iphigenia at Aulis
Cassandre (1877) 1877 Agamemnon
Amphitryon (1878) 1878 Amphitruo
Oreste (1893) 1893 Agamemnon
Le Prométhée mal enchaîné (1899) 1899 Prometheus Bound
The Legend of Oedipus (1912) 1912 Oedipus the King
Lysistrata (1919) 1919 Lysistrata
Oedipus (1920) 1920 Oedipus the King
Les Choéphores (1927) 1927 Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers)
Lysistrata (1930) 1930 Lysistrata
Oedipus (1930) 1930 Oedipus the King
Oedipe (1931) 1931 Oedipus the King
Elektra (1932) 1932 Elektra
Elektra (1932) 1932 Elektra
Andromaque (1935 - 1955) 1935 Compagnie de Madame Vera Korène Andromache
Oedipe Roi (1937) 1937 Oedipus the King
Phèdre (1945) 1944 Phaedra
[Play related to Aristophanes' Peace] (1948) 1948 Peace
Le Fantôme (1954) 1954 Mostellaria (The Haunted House)
Medea (1955) 1955 Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust Medea
Oedipe (1955) 1955 Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus
Hécube (1956) 1956 Hekabe (Hecuba)
Persians (1960) 1960 Persai (Persians)
Les Perses (1961) 1961 Groupe de Théâtre Antique de la Sorbonne Persai (Persians)
Oresteia (1961) 1961 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Phaedra (1961) 1961 Phaedra

How to cite this venue

Chateau Vallon (France), accessed at <24 March 2025>