The Hilding Rosenberg Pages

Referenced productions

Production First performed Pagination Ancient works performed
Hippolytos (1927) 1927 Hippolytos
Kung Oidipus (1927) 1927 Oedipus the King
Molnen [Clouds] (1927) 1927 Clouds
Agamemnon (1929) 1929 Agamemnon
Gravoffret (1930) 1930 Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers)
Medea (1931) 1931 Medea
Alkestis (1933) 1933 Alkestis
Antigone (1934) 1934 Antigone
Lysistrate (1934) 1934 Lysistrata
Medea (1934) 1934 Medea
Fåglarna [Birds] (1936) 1936 Birds
Klagosång ur Medea [Song of Mourning from Medea] (1937) 1937 Medea
Perserna (1937) 1937 Persai (Persians)
Ifigenia på Tauris (1940) 1940 Iphigenia among the Taurians
Kung Oidipus (1941) 1940 Oedipus the King
Flugorna [Les Mouches] (1945) 1944 Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Elektra, Eumenides
Oidipus på Kolonos (1945) 1944 Oedipus at Colonus
Philoktetes (1947) 1947 Philoktetes
Aias (1950) 1950 Aias (Ajax)
Hippolytos (1950) 1950 Hippolytos
Konung Oidipus (1951) 1951 Oedipus the King

How to cite this source

The Hilding Rosenberg Pages, accessed at <4 March 2025>