International Journal of the Classical Tradition. Vol.12.2 (Fall 2005)


Contributor Contribution Main contributor
Isobel Hurst
Amanda Wrigley
Theodore Ziolkowski

Referenced productions

Production First performed Pagination Ancient works performed
Iphigenia in Tauris (1925) 1925 219 Iphigenia among the Taurians
Medea (1925) 1925 219 Medea
Medea (1925) 1925 219 Medea
Hippolytos (1927) 1927 219 Hippolytos
Molnen [Clouds] (1927) 1927 219 Clouds
Electra (1929) 1929 219 Elektra
Agamemnon (1936) 1936 223-224 Agamemnon
The Trojan Women (1937) 1937 219 Trojan Women
Hippolytus (1945 - 1946) 1944 223 Hippolytos
Agamemnon (1946) 1946 223-225, and passim Agamemnon
Agamemnons Tod (1946) 1946 223 n. 31 Agamemnon
Enemy of Cant: A Panorama of Aristophanic Comedy (1946) 1946 223 Wasps, Clouds, Peace, Birds, Lysistrata, Acharnians
Agamemnon (1947) 1947 231 n. 72 Agamemnon
Agamemnon (1948) 1948 231 n. 72 Agamemnon
Medea (1949) 1949 221 n. 21 Medea
Agamemnon (1950) 1950 225-227 Agamemnon
Alcestis (1950) 1950 221 n. 21 Alkestis
Antigone (1950) 1950 221 n. 21 Antigone
Iphigénie en Aulide (1950) 1950 225 Iphigenia at Aulis
Agamemnon (1951) 1951 231 n. 72 Agamemnon
Agamemnon (1953) 1953 231 n. 72 Agamemnon
Agamemnon (1953) 1953 221 n. 21, 227 Agamemnon
Hippolytus (1955) 1955 233 n. 76 Hippolytos
Medea (1956) 1956 221 n. 21 Medea
Oresteia (1956) 1956 228-231 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
King Oedipus (1957) 1957 232 Oedipus the King
Oedipus the King (1957) 1957 232 Oedipus the King
Agamemnon (1958) 1958 231 Agamemnon
Oedipus at Colonus (1958) 1958 233 Oedipus at Colonus
The Persians (1958) 1958 232 Persai (Persians)
Antigone (1959) 1959 232 Antigone
Oedipus at Colonus (1959) 1959 232-233 Oedipus at Colonus
Agamemnon (1960) 1960 231-232 Agamemnon
Oresteia (1962) 1962 232-234 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
Agamemnon (1963) 1963 231 n. 72 Agamemnon
Electra (1963) 1963 232 Elektra
The Persians (1965) 1965 235 Persai (Persians)
Agamemnon (1971) 1970 235-236 n.85 Agamemnon
Agamemnon (1972) 1972 231 n. 72 Agamemnon
Agamemnon (1973) 1973 235-236 n.85 Agamemnon
Agamemnon (1973) 1973 235-236 n.85 Agamemnon
Ag (1976) 1976 234-243 Agamemnon
The Serpent Son (1979) 1979 243 n. 103 Agamemnon, Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers), Eumenides
The Seven (1981) 1981 240 n. 97 Seven against Thebes

How to cite this source

International Journal of the Classical Tradition. Vol.12.2 (Fall 2005), accessed at <24 February 2025>