Original id:
Start date:
3 September 1967
Degree of relationship to ancient play:
Production notes:
An adaptation of Sophocles' Oedipus Rex, set in 1920s; the first half of the film covers events preceding Sophocles' play. Pasolini's first feature-length colour film. The film premiered at the Venice Film Festival on 3 September 1967; IMDb lists international release dates as: Argentina, 28 August 1968; France, 9 October 1968; UK, 13 December 1968; Poland, April 1969; West Germany, 13 June 1969; Mexico, 2 October 1969; Finland, 4 December 1970; Greece, 24 September 1971 (Thessaloniki International Film Festival); Sweden, 27 April 1978; East Germany, 6 January 1984.
Media of production: