The Bacchae (2004 - 2005)

Original id: 
Start date: 
24 September 2004
End date: 
12 February 2005
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Media of production: 
Ancient works:

Information related to this production

Person Role Notes
Stu Barker Composer
Stu Barker Musical Director
Charlie Barnecut Actor Teiresius
Andy Brodie Instrumentalist
Dan Canham Actor Chorus
Leonie Dodd Actor Pam
Craig Johnson Actor Chorus Leader
Giles King Actor Pentheus
Róbert Lucskay Actor Dionysus
Éva Magyar Choreographer
Éva Magyar Actor Agave
Bill Mitchell Designer
Sarah Moody Instrumentalist
Emma Rice Director
Emma Rice Choreographer
Malcolm Rippeth Lighting Designer
Mike Shepherd Actor Cadmus
Source Format Location if held at the APGRD Pagination
The Bacchae Flyer archive
The Bacchae Poster archive
The Bacchae Poster archive
The little guide to the big night out Seasonal calendar archive
Camp followers of the bacchanal Newspaper cutting archive
The Bacchae Print-out archive
Greek tragedy for our times Newspaper cutting archive
Theatre: The Bacchae Newspaper cutting archive
A naughty night with Euripides Newspaper cutting archive
The Bacchae Programme archive
'We like our plays to be foolish' Newspaper cutting archive
Kneehigh Theatre: The Bacchae Book archive
Plays International. Vol.20.3-4 (December 2004 / January 2005) Journal library 7
The Bacchae Ticket archive
Plays International. Vol.21.5-6 (Spring 2006) Journal library 8
Plays International. Vol.20.7+8 (May 2005) Journal library 14
Kneehigh Theatre: The Bacchae Flyer archive
Bacchae flyer Flyer archive
Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics. Vol.16.1 (Spring/Summer 2008) Journal library 71 Simon Perris' article, 'Dionysus the Leprechaun: genre, identity, and parody in Derek Mahon's Bacchae', mentions the Kneehigh Theatre's comic production of Bacchae.

How to cite this production

The Bacchae (2004 - 2005), accessed at <29 March 2025>