The Birds (1979)

Original id: 
Start date: 
1 November 1979
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Media of production: 
Ancient works:

Information related to this production

Person Role Notes
Linda Badrick Actor Stork / Mary / Soviet Delegate
Laurence Boswell Actor Sid
Jon Gaunt Actor Intruder / Hoopoe / 1st Reporter
John Ginman Director
Dexter Hanoomansingh Actor Persian Ibis / Herald / Third World Delegate
Claire Hinson Actor Crow
Penny Jackson Actor Bird of Paradise / 2nd Reporter
Pete Jacobs Lighting
Trudy Marklew Designer
Ian Parker Actor Lecturer / Robin / 1st Messenger
Cheryl Strong Actor Flamingo / Nightingale / Angel Gabriel / R[ose?]
Richard Warden Actor Bird-Servant / Penguin / British Delegate
Venue Festival Dates Notes
Belgrade Theatre (Coventry, City and Borough of Coventry, England) in the Studio Theatre
Source Format Location if held at the APGRD Pagination
The Birds Programme archive
Email from John Ginman to Amanda Wrigley Print-out archive

How to cite this production

The Birds (1979), accessed at <7 March 2025>