Die Orestie (1980 - 1984)

Original id: 
Start date: 
18 October 1980
End date: 
13 July 1984
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Production notes: 
A significant revival was staged from 1994-1996 (see ID 12).
Media of production: 

Information related to this production

Person Role Notes
Gunter Berger Actor Agamemnon
Edith Clever Actor Clytemnestra
Tina Engel Actor Electra
Peter Fitz Actor Aegisthus
Karl-Ernst Herrmann Set Designer
Jutta Lampe Actor Athene
Elke Petri Actor Cassandra
Udo Samuel Actor Orestes
Peter Simonischek Actor Apollo
Peter Stein Director
Source Format Location if held at the APGRD Pagination
Die Orestie des Aischylos auf der modernen Buhne Book library 112
Inszenierung der Antike: das Griechische Drama auf der Bühne der Neuzeit Book library 10, 227, 260-265, 301, 396
The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy Book library 316
Die Orestie des Aischylos - videotape of stage production (1/2) Videotape archive
Die Orestie des Aischylos - videotape of stage production (2/2) Videotape archive
Greek research yields spectacular rewards Newspaper cutting archive
Agamemnon Poster archive
Living Greek Theatre: A Handbook of Classical Performance and Modern Production Book library 324
Aeschylus: Oresteia Book library xli
Today's Oresteia: The Story of Orestes Booklet archive
Bericht über die Aufführung der Orestie des Aischylos durch die Schaubühne am Halleschen ufer in Berlin Print-out archive
Pier Paolo Pasolini, Luca Ronconi und die griechische Tragödie: eine Neuinszenierung von Pilade Photocopy archive 242
I Metafrase tou Archaiou Hellenikou Dramatos se Oles tis Glosses tou Kosmou [The Translation of Ancient Greek Drama in All the Languages of the World] Book library 262
Das Antike Griechische Drama auf der Bühne: Rezeptionen in Griechenland und Deutschland Booklet archive 7
Die Orestie des Aischylos Book library
Master of the rebels: Peter Stein Newspaper cutting archive
Dionysus Since 69: Greek Tragedy at the Dawn of the Third Millennium Book library 42, 313, 329, 332, 344-352, 355, 360, 388
Orestie, Eumeniden B&W photograph archive
Rolling out the Red Carpet: Power 'Play' in Modern Greek Versions of the Myth of Orestes from the 1960s and 1970s. Part I Offprint library 53 n.6
Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics. Vol.12.1 (Spring/Summer 2004) Journal library 60 34
Between Text and Cultural Performance: Staging Greek Tragedies in Germany Photocopy archive 2, 18ff., 25; images at 20, 23, [30]
Agamemnon in Performance: 458 BC to AD 2004 Book library 730; fig. 10.2, 201ff., 206, 228, 235, 250, 297f., 399
Aristophanes in Performance, 421 BC-AD 2007: Peace, Birds and Frogs Book library 20 34
Orestie, Eumeniden - 2 B&W photograph archive
DVD - excerpts of recordings of Greek tragedies selected by Oliver Taplin and Pantelis Michelakis DVD archive

How to cite this production

Die Orestie (1980 - 1984), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/production/730 <25 March 2025>