Agamemnon (1929)

Original id: 
Start date: 
17 July 1929
End date: 
17 July 1929
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Media of production: 

Information related to this production

Person Role Notes
Alexander Byng Actor Herald
Preston Farrar Actor Agamemnon
Elizabeth Farrar Actor Clytemnestra
Margaret Fraser Actor Cassandra
Urban T. Holmes Actor Leader of the Chorus
Howard Mumford Jones Actor Watchman
Harold King Director
Harold King Actor Aegisthus
George Lawrence Composer music for the Choruses
Venue Festival Dates Notes
University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States) 16 July, 1929 in the Kenan Memorial Stadium
Source Format Location if held at the APGRD Pagination
Agamemnon Photocopy archive
Agamemnon in Performance: 458 BC to AD 2004 Book library 308 n. 4, 374

How to cite this production

Agamemnon (1929), accessed at <13 March 2025>