Les Bacchantes (1977)

Original id: 
Start date: 
16 April 1977
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Production notes: 
A list of Antoniou's works dates this to 14 April 1976.
Media of production: 
Ancient works:

Information related to this production

Person Role Notes
Theodore Antoniou (b.1935) Composer
Michael Cacoyannis Director
François Chaumette Actor Kadmos
Jacques Eyser Actor Tirésias
Claude Giraud Actor Penthée
Francis Huster Actor Dionysos
Ioannis Kokkos Set
Ioannis Kokkos Costumes
Jean-Françoise Rémi Actor Esclave
Dominique Rozan Actor Bouvier
Catherine Samie Actor Agavé
Marcel Tristani Actor Soldat
Venue Festival Dates Notes
Odéon (Paris, Île-de-France, France) 15 April, 1977
Source Format Location if held at the APGRD Pagination
Les Bacchantes d'Euripide Book library
Theodore Antoniou's works by Bärenreiter Listing archive

How to cite this production

Les Bacchantes (1977), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/production/5455 <2 February 2025>