Votes for Women (1913)

Original id: 
Start date: 
1 January 1913
End date: 
31 December 1913
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Production notes: 
Votes for Women: an English version of scenes from The Ecclesiazusae and The Thesmophoriazusae of Aristophanes; made by Theodore Lyman Wright for the "twenty-third dramatic rendition of the Classical Department of Beloit College". The translation acknowledges its use of B. B. Roger's translation of Aristophanes' seventy-nine syllable word in the final chorus. The Chorus comprised of 23 female performers.
Media of production: 

Information related to this production

Person Role Notes
Warren H Aldrich Actor Blepyros
Glenn W Birkett Actor Chremes
Cornelius Cunningham Actor Mnesilochus (Euripides' aged father-in-law)
Clark Currier Actor Agathon
Mary E Cutler Choreographer arranged the dances for the Chorus
Holmes D Ferris Actor Euripides
Lillian W Grant Actor Second Suffragist
Blanche Howard Actor Women's Herald
Norton Kelly Actor Clisthenes
Alice L Lowrey Actor Leader of Chorus
Amy McOwen Actor Leader of Chorus
Mary E Pike Actor Second Club Woman
Mary B Radcliffe Actor Praxagora
Henrietta Renwick Actor First Suffragist
Marion Russell Actor Therapaina
Andus W Shipton Actor Policeman
James T Sleeper Composer
Alfred C Sleight Actor Husband of Second Suffragist
Marie Sterling Actor Mica, a club woman
W R Williamson Actor Agathon's Herald
Theodore Lyman Wright (1858-1926) Adaptor

How to cite this production

Votes for Women (1913), accessed at <12 March 2025>