Les Atrides (1990 - 1993)

Original id: 
Start date: 
16 November 1990
End date: 
23 January 1993
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Production notes: 
Les Atrides consisted of four parts: Iphigénie à Aulis, translated by Jean Bollack, opened on 16 November 1990; Agamemnon and Les Choéphores, translated by Ariane Mnouchkine, opened on 24 November 1990 and 23 February 1991 respectively; and Les Euménides, translated by Hélène Cixous, opened on 26 May 1991.
Media of production: 

Information related to this production

Person Role Notes
Simon Abkarian Actor Agamemnon / Achilles / L'Emissaire / Oreste / La Nourrice
Laurence Aucouturier Lighting
Jean-Michel Bauer Lighting
Georges Bigot Actor Ménélas / Le Messager / Le Guetteur / Egisthe
Jean Bollack Academic Adviser academic advisor
Hélène Cixous Dramaturg
Juliana Carneiro da Cunha Actor Clytemnestra
Pascal Durozier Actor Le Serviteur
Guy-Claude François Set
Brontis Jodorowsky Actor Pylade
Pierre Judet de la Combe
Jean-Jacques Lemêtre Composer
Jean-Louis Lorente Actor Le Viellard
Ariane Mnouchkine Director
Nirupama Nityanandan Actor Iphigénie / Cassandra / Electra
Carlos Obrégon Lighting
Catherine Schaub Actor
Erhard Stiefel Sculptor
Nathalie Thomas Costumes
Venue Festival Dates Notes
Cartoucherie de Vincennes (Paris, Île-de-France, France) 16 November, 1990 and 21 October - 31 December 1992
unknown venue (Lyon, Rhône-Alpes, France) Festival Olympique des Arts (1992) 8 January, 1992 to 26 January, 1992
unknown venue (Paris, Île-de-France, France) 4 October, 1991
unknown venue (Vienna, Vienna, Austria) 13 January, 1993 to 23 January, 1993
unknown venue (Naples, Campania, Italy) 15 July, 1991 to 20 July, 1991 open-air performances
unknown venue (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) Festival des Amériques (1992) 1 September, 1992 to 18 September, 1992
unknown venue (Berlin, Land Berlin, Germany) 20 September, 1991 to 28 September, 1991
unknown venue (Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands) Holland Festival (1991) 13 June, 1991 to 22 June, 1991
unknown venue (Essen, Lower Saxony, Germany) Theater der Welt Festival (1991) 29 June, 1991 to 6 July, 1991
unknown venue (Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, France) 26 June, 1992 to 4 July, 1992
unknown venue (Toulouse, Midi-Pyrénées, France) 8 June, 1992 to 19 June, 1992
unknown venue (Bradford, City and Borough of Bradford, England) 15 July, 1992 to 21 July, 1992
Park Slope Armory, Brooklyn (New York City, New York, United States) 30 September, 1992 to 10 October, 1992
Source Format Location if held at the APGRD Pagination
Greek Tragedy on the American Stage: Ancient Drama in the Commercial Theater, 1882-1994 Book library 79, 112
Les Atrides Programme archive
Die Orestie des Aischylos auf der modernen Buhne Book library 112
Inszenierung der Antike: das Griechische Drama auf der Bühne der Neuzeit Book library 380 n. 82
Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics. Vol.04.1 (Spring 1996) Journal library 176ff., 210ff.; b&w images at 147 and 148
Invisible Presences: Performance Intertextuality Photocopy archive
The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy Book library 319
Audio recording - Les Atrides 1: Les Danses CD archive
Iphigenia and Other Daughters Review archive
Aeschylus: Oresteia Book library xli
Productions of Ancient Greek Drama in Europe During Modern Times Book library 94-96 M. Menu, 'Traductions et Représentations de L'Iphigénie à Aulis'
Videotape of The Late Show discussion of Greek tragedy Videotape archive
Modern Performance and Adaptation of Greek Tragedy Print-out archive
The Menace of Mnouchkine's Eumenides: Midnight Madness at Montpellier Photocopy archive
Beating back the pedants Photocopy archive
Royal National Theatre: 6 August - 3 October 1992 Seasonal calendar archive
Les Atrides Ticket archive
Théâtre du Soleil: Les Atrides Programme archive
Oliver Taplin's notes on Les Atrides at the Cartoucherie de Vincennes, Paris Personal notes archive
Théâtre du Soleil: Les Atrides Programme archive
Letter from Patrick Lindsay Bowles to David Gowen Correspondence archive
The Atrides in Vincennes Photocopy archive
The Atrocities of Les Atrides: Mnouchkine's Tragic Vision Photocopy archive
Letter from Sallie Goetsch to Oliver Taplin Correspondence archive
Les Atrides 1: Iphigénie à Aulis; Agamemnon Book archive
Tragédie Grecque[, La] -- Les Atrides au Théâtre du Soleil Book library
Les références au rituel dans la mise en scène des 'Atrides' d'Ariane Mnouchkine au Théâtre du Soleil Print-out library
Further details of Les Atrides on tour Personal notes archive
Metatheatrika, 1985-95 Book library 206
Letter from Philip Hooker to Amanda Wrigley Correspondence archive
The Oresteia: bearer of many agendas Print-out archive
Theatre du Soleil: Eschyle, L'Orestie - Les Choephores Book library
Le Théâtre Sous la Direction Print-out archive
Les Atrides 2: Les Choéphores; Les Euménides Print-out archive
Reception Studies Book library 69
Les Atrides Flyer archive
Les Atrides 1: Iphigénie à Aulis; Agamemnon [duplicate] Book archive
Les Atrides 2: Les Choéphores; Les Euménides Book archive
Dionysus Since 69: Greek Tragedy at the Dawn of the Third Millennium Book library 257-259, 396
Dioniso: Annale della Fondazione INDA. Vol.2 (new series) Journal library 120ff.
Rolling out the Red Carpet: Power 'Play' in Modern Greek Versions of the Myth of Orestes from the 1960s and 1970s. Part I Offprint library 53 n.6
A triumph of willing flesh Newspaper cutting archive
Blood and bones of tragedy Photocopy archive
In Paris, the return of the Furies Photocopy archive
Iphigénie d' Euripide Photocopy archive
Epic rewoven in human terms Print-out archive
Theatre season gets boost from 350th anniversary: extra funding will help bring in France's Théâtre du Soleil for month-long run Print-out archive
Royal murder, public grief - the glorious fusion of East and West in Mnouchkine's work Print-out archive
Print-Out: Dance on Disc Print-out library
Agamemnon in Performance: 458 BC to AD 2004 Book library 13, 18, 216 n. 28, 235, 250, 274ff., 289 n. 35, 293, 301f., 355, 294, 302 n. 22, 317, 357 n. 44, 407; cover image; fig. 15.2
Dance Theatre Journal. Vol.22.2 Journal library 27-29
Omnibus. Issue 28 (September 1994) Journal library 1, back cover
Les Atrides Poster archive
Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics. Vol.16.1 (Spring/Summer 2008) Journal library 109 In Martin Reverman's article, 'The Appeal of Dystopia: latching onto Greek drama in the twentieth century', pp.97-117.
Euripides: Iphigenia at Aulis (Duckworth Companion) Book library 127
Dioniso: Annale della Fondazione INDA. Vol.2 (new series) Journal library 120-137 A. Mnouchkine, 'Les Atrides, un'opera d-arte collettiva. Incontro con Béatrice Picon-Vallin con il Théâtre du Soleil'
DVD - excerpts of recordings of Greek tragedies selected by Oliver Taplin and Pantelis Michelakis DVD archive
Documentary - Ariane Mnouchkine: L'Aventure du Théâtre du Soleil DVD archive

How to cite this production

Les Atrides (1990 - 1993), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/production/2235 <25 March 2025>