Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers (2017)

Original id: 
Start date: 
5 July 2017
End date: 
7 July 2017
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Production notes: 
Two performances on the 5 July and 7 July as part of Cyprus' International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama, 2017.
Media of production: 

Information related to this production

Person Role Notes
Lena Eikenbusch Actor Servant, Choir of slave women, Nurse
Paula Emmrich Actor Choir of slave women
Sibylle Gädecke Costume Designer
Cornelius Gebert Actor Orestes, Choir of elders of Argos
Matthias Gehrt Director
Petra Hackbarth Stage Manager
Joachim Henschke Actor Agamemnon, Choir of elders of Argos
Jonathan Hutter Actor Choir of elders of Argos
Esther Keil Actor Electra, Servant
Adrian Linke Actor Choir of elders of Argos
Sascha Mey Assistant to the Stage Director
Robert J. North Choreographer
Jörg Ostermayer Music
Eva Spott Actor Clytemnestra
Paul Steinbach Actor Choir of elders of Argos
Ronny Tomiska Actor Pylades, Choir of elders of Argos
Gabriele Trinczek Set Designer
Martin Vöhringer Dramaturg
Helen Wendt Actor Cassandra, Choir of slave women
Christopher Wintgens Actor Messenger, Choir of elders of Argos
Bruno Winzen Actor Aegisthus, Choir of elders of Argos

How to cite this production

Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers (2017), accessed at <13 March 2025>