Oedipus Retold (2014)

Original id: 
Start date: 
14 January 2014
End date: 
8 February 2014
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Production notes: 
Two plays: Oedipus the King, adapted by Jeremy Kingston, and Oedipus at the Crossroads, written by Jeremy Kingston. For the 2003 performance of Oedipus at the Crossroads, see production ID: 5976.
Media of production: 
Ancient works:

Information related to this production

Person Role Notes
Faye Bradley Designer
Clare Cameron Actor
Robert Gillespie Director
Jack Klaff Actor
Tom Shepherd Actor
Venue Festival Dates Notes
Tristan Bates Theatre (London, Greater London, England) 14 January, 2014 to 8 February, 2014
Source Format Location if held at the APGRD Pagination
Letter re. Oedipus Retold Handwritten letter archive
Programme : Oedipus Retold Programme archive
Flyer : Oedipus Retold Flyer archive

How to cite this production

Oedipus Retold (2014), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/production/14195 <5 February 2025>