
Content related to this work

Format: 2025
Production First performed Venues Companies
Agamemnon (1556) 1556 Chateau Vallon (France)
Agamemnon (1566) 1566 unknown venue (England)
Agamemnon and Ulysses (1584) 1584 unknown venue (Greenwich, Greater London, England)
The Tragedie of Orestes (1609 - 1619) 1609 Christ Church (Oxford, County of Oxfordshire, England) Christ Church College, University of Oxford
Agamemnon (1642) 1642 Chateau Vallon (France)
Agamemnon (1680) 1680 Théâtre Guénégaud (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Agamemnon (1738) 1738 Drury Lane (London, Greater London, England)
Oreste o sia La morte di Clitennestra (1776) 1776 Teatro S. Samuele (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
La morte d'Agamennone (1777) 1777 Teatro S. Moisè (Venice, Veneto, Italy)
Agamemnon (1780) 1780 unknown venue (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
La morte d'Agamennone (1791) 1791 Teatro di via della Pergola (Florence, Tuscany, Italy)
Agamemnon (1797) 1797 Théâtre de la République (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Agamemnon (1868) 1868 Théâtre-Français (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Cassandre (1881) 1881 Société Chorale d'Amateurs (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Agamennone (1995) 1995 Ancient Theatre of Segesta, Teatro Antico (Segesta, Sicily, Italy), Ancient Site of Morgantina (Morgantina (Ancient), Italy), Ancient Theatre of Syracuse, Teatro Greco di Palazzolo Acreide (Syracuse, Sicily, Italy), Ancient Theatre of Tindari, Teatro Greco (Tindari, Sicily, Italy) Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico
Agamemnon (1995) 1995 Théâtre des Quartiers d'Ivry (Paris, Île-de-France, France)
Agamemnon (1995 - 1996) 1995 unknown venue (Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland), unknown venue (Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh, Scotland), unknown venue (Bratislava, Bratislavský Kraj, Slovakia), unknown venue (Salisbury, County of Wiltshire, England) Academia de Teatru si Film, Bucharest
Mythos (1998 - 2005) 1998 Odin Teatret (Holstebro, Region Central Jutland, Denmark)
Agamemnon (2003) 2003 Université de Napierville (Napierville, Quebec, Canada) Troupe théâtrale du Grand Marshall
Vampires of the 21st century or what is to be done, then? (2010) 2010 Kartographisches Institut (Vienna, Vienna, Austria) theatercombinat
Translation Year Contributors
Agamemnon, tragédie retirée de Sénèque par François Le Duchat, Troyen, dédiée à l'illustre et vertueux prince Antoine Caracciolo de Melfe, évêque de Troies (1561) 1561 François Le Duchat
La tragédie d'Agamemnon avec deux livres de Chants de philosophie et d'amour, par Charles Toutain (1556) 1556 Charles Toutain AKA Charles Toustain
Les Oeuvres de Sénèque (1658) 1658 Pierre Du Ryer
Les Tragédies de L.A. Sénèque, traduction nouvelle par Eugène Greslou (1834) 1834 Eugène Greslou
Les Tragédies de Sénèque (Luc. Ann.), traduites en vers françoys par Benoist Bauduyn d'Amiens (1629) 1629 Benoît Bauduyn
Les Tragédies de Sénèque en latin et en françois, de la traduction de M. de Marolles, abbé de Villeloin, avec des remarques nécessaires sur les lieux difficiles (1660) 1660 Michel de Marolles
Les tragédies de Sénèque, desquelles sont extraictz plusieurs enseignements authoritez et singulières sentences tant en latin comme en françois, très-utiles et prouffitables à ung chascun, et en la fin y est adioustée la vie et trespasse... (1534) 1534 Pierre Gronet
Premier livre du théâtre tragique de Roland Brisset, gentilhomme tourangeau (1590) 1590 Roland Brisset
Sénèque, tragédies (1999) 1999 François-Régis Chaumartin
Théâtre complet des Latins, comprenant Plaute, Térence et Sénèque le Tragique, avec la traduction en français (1844) 1844 Andrieux, A. François, Alfred Magin, Th. Savalète, Pierre Jean-Baptiste Choudard Desforges (1746-1806), Désiré Nisard
Théâtre complet des latins, par J.B. Levée ancien professeur de rhétorique et de littérature et par feu l'abbé Le Monnier, augmenté de dissertations, etc par MM Amaury Duval de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Alexandre Duval de l'Académi... (1820) 1820 Jérôme-Balthazar Levée, Guillaume Antoine Lemonnier
Théâtre de Sénèque (1651) 1651 Pierre Linage
Théâtre de Sénèque, traduction nouvelle enrichie de notes historiques littéraires et critiques (1795) 1795 M. L. Coupé
Source Date Format Held at APGRD
A History of English Drama, 1660-1900. Volume 2: Early Eighteenth Century Drama 1952 Book library
Agamemnon 1986 Photocopy archive
Agamemnon in Performance: 458 BC to AD 2004 2005 Book library
Agamemnon, 1797, France 2001 APGRD production form archive
Agamennone 1995 Book library
Alcestis on the British stage 2001 Photocopy archive
Ancient Scripts and Modern Experience on the English Stage, 1500-1700 1988 Book library
Article - The Deep Order Called Turbulence - Eugenio Barba and his productions 2000 Print-out archive
Banned! A Review of Theatrical Censorship in Britain 1967 Book library
Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Einflusses Seneca’s auf die in der Zeit von 1552 bis 1562 esrchienenen französischen Tragödien 1902 Article
Biographical information 2004 Print-out archive
British Drama: An Historical Survey from the Beginnings to the Present Time 1925 Book library
CD - with Fragments from Mythos 1998 CD archive
Coefore / Medea 1994 Festival programme archive
Description - Mythos Print-out archive
Dioniso: Annale della Fondazione INDA. Vol.2 (new series) 2003 Journal library
Enciclopedia dello spettacolo 1961 Photocopy archive
Greek Studies in England, 1700-1830 1986 Book library
Greek Tragedy and the British Stage, 1566-1997 1999 Print-out archive
Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico 2001 Print-out archive
La Famille des Atrides dans la Litterature Française 1986 Book library
Le Théâtre antique et a l'antique en France de 1840 à 1900 1934 Photograph library
Letter from Philip Hooker to Amanda Wrigley 2001 Correspondence archive
Medea in Performance, 1500-2000 2000 Book library
Online catalogue record from OLIS, the library catalogue of the University of Oxford 2001 Print-out archive
Online catalogue record from the Biliothèque nationale de France 2001 Print-out archive
Online catalogue record from the Biliothèque nationale de France 2001 Print-out archive
Online catalogue record from the Biliothèque nationale de France 2001 Print-out archive
Online catalogue records from the Biliothèque nationale de France and the Bibliotheks Verbund Bayern 2001 Print-out archive
Orestes 1633 Print-out archive
Oxford Guide to Classical Mythology in the Arts, 1300-1990s. Vol.1 1993 Book library
Review - Mythos. La Historia se construe sober miles de cadavres, by Paz Mediavilla 2001 Print-out archive
Sophocles Revisited: Essays Presented to Sir Hugh Lloyd-Jones 1999 Book library
The Classical Tradition: Greek and Roman Influences on Western Literature 1967 Book library
The Eyghth Tragedye of L. Annaeus Seneca, entituled Agamemnon 1581 Print-out archive
The Life and Works of Henry Chettle 1934 Photocopy archive
The Theatre of the French Revolution 1966 Photocopy archive
The Treatment of the Themes of Classical Tragedy in English Tragedy between 1660 and 1738 1927 Thesis library
Theater reviews in Didaskalia 1996 Print-out archive
Theatercombinat 2010 Correspondence archive
Théâtre / Public. Vols 130-131: Tragédies anciennes, tragédies contemporaines 1996 Journal library
Thomson's Agamemnon and Edward and Eleanora 1941 Journal
Thomson, James (1700-1748): Agamemnon (1738) 1738 Print-out archive
Troupe théâtrale du Grand Marshall 2004 Print-out archive
What's in a name? Stoodley / Studley 2004 Print-out archive
Youth Theatre Festival … 1995 Print-out archive
Published Contributors
A History of English Drama, 1660-1900. Volume 2: Early Eighteenth Century Drama 1952 Allardyce Nicoll
Agamemnon in Performance: 458 BC to AD 2004 2005 Fiona Macintosh, Pantelis Michelakis, Edith Hall, Oliver Taplin, Pat E. Easterling AKA Patricia, Inga-Stina Ewbank, Susanna Phillippo, Michael Ewans, Margaret Reynolds, Yopie Prins, J. Michael Walton, Lorna Hardwick, Massimo Fusillo, Dmitry Trubotshkin, Pierre Judet de la Combe, Anton Bierl, Helene Foley, Rush Rehm, Amanda Wrigley
Agamennone 1995 Filippo Amoroso
Ancient Scripts and Modern Experience on the English Stage, 1500-1700 1988 Bruce R. Smith
Banned! A Review of Theatrical Censorship in Britain 1967 Richard Findlater
British Drama: An Historical Survey from the Beginnings to the Present Time 1925 Allardyce Nicoll
Greek Studies in England, 1700-1830 1986 M. L. Clarke
La Famille des Atrides dans la Litterature Française 1986 Henriette Bonnéric
Le Théâtre antique et a l'antique en France de 1840 à 1900 1934 Howard Lee Nostrand
Medea in Performance, 1500-2000 2000 Edith Hall, Fiona Macintosh, Oliver Taplin, Diane Purkiss, Marianne McDonald, Margaret Reynolds, Ian Christie, Platon Mavromoustakos, Eva Stehlíková, Mae Smethurst, Olga Taxidou, David Gowen
Oxford Guide to Classical Mythology in the Arts, 1300-1990s. Vol.1 1993 Jane Davidson Reid
Sophocles Revisited: Essays Presented to Sir Hugh Lloyd-Jones 1999 Bernard Knox, Edith Hall, Gregory Hutchinson, Jasper Griffin, Leofranc Holford-Strevens, Malcolm Heath, Martin L. West, Netta Zagagi, Pat E. Easterling AKA Patricia, Richard Stoneman, Robert Fowler, Stephanie West
The Classical Tradition: Greek and Roman Influences on Western Literature 1967 Gilbert Highet
The Treatment of the Themes of Classical Tragedy in English Tragedy between 1660 and 1738 1927 S. R. Ashby
Théâtre / Public. Vols 130-131: Tragédies anciennes, tragédies contemporaines 1996
Title Format Date
CD - with Fragments from Mythos CD
Description - Mythos Print-out
The Eyghth Tragedye of L. Annaeus Seneca, entituled Agamemnon Print-out 1581
Orestes Print-out 1633
Thomson, James (1700-1748): Agamemnon (1738) Print-out 1738
The Life and Works of Henry Chettle Photocopy 1934
Enciclopedia dello spettacolo Photocopy 1961
The Theatre of the French Revolution Photocopy 1966
Agamemnon Photocopy 1986
Coefore / Medea Festival programme 1994
Youth Theatre Festival … Print-out 1995
Theater reviews in Didaskalia Print-out 1996
Greek Tragedy and the British Stage, 1566-1997 Print-out 1999
Article - The Deep Order Called Turbulence - Eugenio Barba and his productions Print-out 2000
Agamemnon, 1797, France APGRD production form 2001
Alcestis on the British stage Photocopy 2001
Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico Print-out 2001
Letter from Philip Hooker to Amanda Wrigley Correspondence 2001
Online catalogue record from OLIS, the library catalogue of the University of Oxford Print-out 2001
Online catalogue record from the Biliothèque nationale de France Print-out 2001
Online catalogue record from the Biliothèque nationale de France Print-out 2001
Online catalogue record from the Biliothèque nationale de France Print-out 2001
Online catalogue records from the Biliothèque nationale de France and the Bibliotheks Verbund Bayern Print-out 2001
Review - Mythos. La Historia se construe sober miles de cadavres, by Paz Mediavilla Print-out 2001
Biographical information Print-out 2004
Troupe théâtrale du Grand Marshall Print-out 2004
What's in a name? Stoodley / Studley Print-out 2004
Theatercombinat Correspondence 2010