Agamemnon and Ulysses (1584)

Original id: 
Start date: 
27 December 1584
Production notes: 
"Presented and enacted before her maiestie by the Earle of Oxenford his boyes on St Iohns daie at night at Grenewich".
Media of production: 
Ancient works:

Information related to this production

Script Author(s)
Agamemnon Aeschylus
Agamemnon Seneca
Venue Festival Dates Notes
unknown venue (Greenwich, Greater London, England) 15 November, 1584
Source Format Location if held at the APGRD Pagination
The Life and Works of Henry Chettle Photocopy archive 226
Agamemnon in Performance: 458 BC to AD 2004 Book library 39, 363

How to cite this production

Agamemnon and Ulysses (1584), accessed at <13 March 2025>