Athens & Epidaurus Festival. June-July 2006

Referenced productions

Production First performed Pagination Ancient works performed
Antigone (2006) 2006 Antigone
Ekklisiazouses (2006) 2006 Ekklesiazousai (Assembly Women)
Elektra (2006) 2006 Elektra
Ifigeneia en Taurois (2006) 2006 Iphigenia among the Taurians
Laments of Women: Sophocles' Heroines (2006) 2006 Antigone, Aias (Ajax), Trachiniai (The Women of Trachis), Oedipus the King, Elektra
Persai (2006) 2006 Persai (Persians)
Persai (2006) 2006 Persai (Persians)
Sfikes [Wasps] (2006) 2006 Wasps
Suppliants (2006) 2006 Suppliant Women
Thesmoforiazousai (2006) 2006 Thesmophoriazousai (The Women at the Thesmophoria)
To You, the Birdie! (2006) 2006 Hippolytos

How to cite this source

Athens & Epidaurus Festival. June-July 2006, accessed at <28 March 2025>