La morte d'Ercole (1793)

Original id: 
Start date: 
1 January 1793
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Distant relative
Production notes: 
This ballo serio-tragico was used as interval entertainment during the production of Domenico Cimarosa's opera Chi dell'altrui si veste presto si spoglia (Sartori ID 5439); the programme of the ballet was also published separately (Sartori ID 15991). It is likely that it drew on Euripides and/or Seneca. The performances took place in the autumn of 1793. Cimarosa's opera (accompanied by Angiolini's ballet) was one of the first operas presented in the new Teatro de San Carlos, the first bourgeois opera house in
Media of production: 
Choreographic work (dance, ballet, mime etc)

How to cite this production

La morte d'Ercole (1793), accessed at <30 March 2025>