Die Orestie (1994 - 1996)

Original id: 
Start date: 
29 January 1994
End date: 
31 December 1996
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Production notes: 
A new production retaining significant elements of the 1980 production (ID 730). The European tour concluded with a significant revival in 1996.
Media of production: 

Information related to this production

Person Role Notes
Moidele Bickel Set
Tatiana Doguileva Actor
Natalia Kotchetova Actor Cassandra
Evgeni Mironov Actor Orestes
Serguei Sazontiev Actor Aegisthus
Boris Shekassiouk Translator translated Stein's adaptation into Russian
Peter Stein Costumes
Peter Stein Director
Tatyana Vasilyeva Actor Clytemnestra - in 1996
Anatoli Vassiliev Actor Agamemnon
Ekaterina Vassilieva Actor Clytemnestra - from 1994
Source Format Location if held at the APGRD Pagination
Oresteia Programme archive
Die Orestie des Aischylos auf der modernen Buhne Book library 112
The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy Book library 316, 320
Oresteia by Aeschylus Programme archive
Festival Epidaurou Programme archive
Peter Stein Print-out archive
The play Synopsis archive
A Greek tragedy in Moscow Photocopy archive
A tragic Oresteia and fantasy on the Fringe Newspaper cutting archive
Born of blood Newspaper cutting archive
Party tips on democracy Newspaper cutting archive
Seven hours of hubris Newspaper cutting archive
A blood-thirsty epic heading for Festival Photocopy archive
All in good order Newspaper cutting archive
Very long and very bloody - but worth it Newspaper cutting archive
Cahiers du GITA. Vol.10. Les Choéphores d'Eschyle Journal library 293-294
Metatheatrika, 1985-95 Book library 222
Theater Heute. 1994 Journal 37-40
Theater Heute. 1995 Journal 30-35
Plays International. Vol.16.8 (May / June 2001) Journal library 13
Blood relations: the primordial family drama unfolds in a boldly reconceived Oresteia at American Rep Photocopy archive
Theater reviews: Aeschylus' Oresteia Website archive
Peter Stein's Oresteia, Moscow 1994 Image archive
Greek trilogy at ice rink skates through 7 hours in Russian Newspaper cutting archive
Peter Stein: breathing the heady air Print-out archive
It's an art thing, you wouldn't understand Print-out archive
The Oresteia back in Moscow Print-out archive
Seeking order out of chaos Print-out archive
Dance: apple of his eye Print-out archive
Profitably challenged Print-out archive
Vital images etched upon the inward eye Print-out archive
So how was it for you? Print-out archive
Record for Edinburgh - sponsorship Print-out archive
Hell hath no fury like a wailing one Print-out archive
Master of the rebels: Peter Stein Newspaper cutting archive
Dionysus Since 69: Greek Tragedy at the Dawn of the Third Millennium Book library 43, 400
Agamemnon in Performance: 458 BC to AD 2004 Book library 13 n. 29, 201 n. 30, 257, 412; fig. 16.1
Omnibus. Issue 32 (September 1996) Journal library 5
Agamemnon chorus from Stein's 1994 Orestie B&W photograph archive
Edinburgh International Festival '94 programme Festival programme archive
Die Orestie programme Programme archive

How to cite this production

Die Orestie (1994 - 1996), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/production/12 <20 March 2025>