Eschyle, tragédies (1920)


Contributor Contribution Main contributor
Paul Mazon Translator
Paul Mazon (1874-1955) produced landmark translations of Homer, Aeschylus and Sophocles. His first translation of Greek drama was the Oresteia in 1903, 'traduction nouvelle par Paul Mazon publiée avec une introdution sur la légende, un commentaire rythmique et des notes', followed in 1920 (vol.1) and 1925 (vol. 2) by his bilingual edition of Aeschylus' seven extant plays in two volumes (Les Belles Lettres, collection Budé). This edition, reprinted regularly until 1993, remained a major students' textbook until the 1990s. Paperback bilingual editions of Les Sept contre Thèbes, Les Perses, and Les Suppliantes were reprinted by Les Belles Lettres in 1997, 2000 and 2003, respectively. Mazon's translations were also published on their own, without the Greek original, in 1955 and 1965 by Le Club du Livre and in 1982 by Gallimard with a preface by Pierre Vidal-Naquet. Illustrated editions of his Prométhée Enchaîné were issued for bibliophiles in 1941 (illustrated by F. L. Schmied) and 1946 (illustrations by Frans Masereel). Sources: Les Belles Lettres and BNF catalogue général.
Publication details: 
Paris: Les Belles Lettres (collection Budé), 2 vols.

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How to cite this translation

Eschyle, tragédies (1920), accessed at <25 March 2025>