KCV Theaterseizoen 2001-2002

Referenced productions

Production First performed Pagination Ancient works performed
Coriolanus (2001 - 2002) 2001 15-16
Coriolanus (2001 - 2002) 2001 16
Giulio Cesare (2001) 2001 5-6
L'Orfeo (2001) 2001 3-4 Metamorphoses
Mamma Medea (2001) 2001 8-9 Medea
Mind the Gap (2001) 2001 12-13 Antigone, Agamemnon, Medea
Oedipus Rex (2001) 2001 6-7 Oedipus the King
Oidipous: King Oedipus / Oedipus at Colonos (2001) 2001 11-12 Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus
Orestes (2001) 2001 13-15 Orestes
Prometheus (2001) 2001 9-10 Prometheus Bound
Rex (2001) 2001 1-2 Oedipus the King
Troilus & Cressida (2001 - 2002) 2001 15 Iliad
Trojaanse Vrouwen (2001) 2001 7-8 Trojan Women
Alkestis (2002) 2002 26 Alkestis
Andromaque (2002) 2002 17-18 Aeneid, Andromache
Antigone (2002) 2002 18 Antigone
Bacchanten (2002) 2002 24-25 Bacchai
Britannicus (2002) 2002 25-26
Neoptolemos (2002) 2002 27-28 Trojan Women
Penthesilea (2002) 2002 22 Posthomerica
Phaedra's Love (2002) 2002 20-21 Phaedra, Hippolytos
Ploutos is Rijk (2002) 2002 20 Wealth
Thyestes (2002) 2002 23-24 Thyestes

How to cite this source

KCV Theaterseizoen 2001-2002, accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/sources/18529 <14 March 2025>