Teatro Total: XXV Años de Teatro Griego en el I.E.S. Carlos III


Contributor Contribution Main contributor
José Luis Navarro

Referenced productions

Production First performed Pagination Ancient works performed
Edipo Rey (1978) 1978 19ff.; b&w image at 19 Oedipus the King
Las Avispas (1979) 1979 19ff.; b&w image at 21 Wasps
Antígona (1981) 1981 131; b&w image at 24 Antigone
La Asamblea de las Mujeres (1982) 1982 132 Ekklesiazousai (Assembly Women)
Edipo Rey (1983) 1983 133; b&w image at 27 Oedipus the King
Las Troyanas (1985) 1985 135; b&w images at 31 and 32 Trojan Women
Lisístrata (1986) 1986 136; b&w images at 34 and 36 Lysistrata
La Asamblea de las Mujeres (1988) 1988 138 Ekklesiazousai (Assembly Women)
Electra (1990) 1990 140 Elektra
Las Troyanas (1991) 1991 141 Trojan Women
Alcestis (1992) 1992 142; b&w image at 47 Alkestis
Medea (1993) 1993 143 Medea
La Paz (1994) 1994 144 Peace
Electra (1995) 1995 145; b&w image of poster at 57 Elektra
Los Persas (1996) 1996 146 Persai (Persians)
Los Persas (1997) 1997 147, b&w images at 165 Persai (Persians)
Andrómaca (1998 - 2000) 1998 148, 149, 151; b&w image at 67 Andromache
La Samia (1999) 1999 150 Samia (The Girl from Samos)
Ión (2001 - 2003) 2001 152, 154; b&w image at 78 Ion
Edipo en Colono (2002 - 2003) 2002 154 Oedipus at Colonus
Pluto (2004) 2004 156; b&w image at 97 Wealth
Helena (2005) 2005 157 Helen

How to cite this source

Teatro Total: XXV Años de Teatro Griego en el I.E.S. Carlos III, accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/sources/10408 <18 January 2025>