Les Danaïdes (1995 - 1997)

Original id: 
Start date: 
10 December 1995
End date: 
20 July 1997
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Production notes: 
With English surtitles in the UK performances. Influenced by Aeschylus' Suppliants, together with a reconstruction of the satyr play Amymoné, the Parodos of Agamemnon, lines 67-71 of Seven against Thebes, and Io's tirade from Prometheus Bound.
Media of production: 

Information related to this production

Person Role Notes
Radu Beligan Actor Zeus (with Dulon)
Coca Bloos Actor Danaos
Mariana Buruiana Actor Artemis
Micaela Caracas Actor Hera
Stefania Cenean Costumes
Stefania Cenean Set
Paul Chiributa Dramaturg
Corina Constantinescu Dramaturg
Eleodor Coraci Stage Manager
Mihai Dinvale Actor Hermes
Jean-Jacques Dulon Actor Zeus (with Beligan)
Iosif Hertea Composer
Vadim Levinschi Lighting
Valentin Maioru Sound
Valentin Parlogea Sound
Octavian Popescu Prop Maker / Properties
Gheorghe Pufuleti Stage Manager
Silviu Purcarete Adaptor
Silviu Purcarete Director
Silviu Purcarete Lighting
Victor Rebengiuc Actor Apollo / Pelasgos
Alexandru Repan Actor Poseidon
Vasile Sarbu Prop Maker / Properties
Paula Stevens at Birmingham
Emilia Stoican Stage Manager
Neil Wallace Producer

How to cite this production

Les Danaïdes (1995 - 1997), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/production/7 <4 March 2025>