Oedipus the King (1969)

Original id: 
Start date: 
3 June 1969
End date: 
7 June 1969
Media of production: 

Information related to this production

Person Role Notes
Peter Blake Actor Priest
Sally Cuthbertson Actor Antigone
Rodney Ford Designer
Malcolm Griffiths Director
Alison Groves Actor Servant
Alex Heggie Actor Oedipus
Charles Kearney Actor Tiresias
Denis Lawson Actor Creon
Gail Mackie Actor Ismene
John Sinclair Actor Messenger
David Soames Actor Shepherd
Brian Wardlaw Actor Boy
Joyce White Actor Jocasta
Venue Festival Dates Notes
unknown venue (Glasgow, Glasgow City, Scotland) 2 June, 1969 to 6 June, 1969

How to cite this production

Oedipus the King (1969), accessed at http://www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/productions/production/6879 <3 February 2025>