The Frogs: An Aquatic Musical Comedy (1988)

Original id: 
Start date: 
11 March 1988
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Media of production: 
Opera, musical and related genres
Ancient works:

Information related to this production

Script Author(s)
Frogs Aristophanes
Person Role Notes
Russell Borski Set Designer
Victoria Bussert Director
Anthony Cesaretti Actor Hierophantes
John Clemens Sound
Brian-Mark Conover Actor Bernard Shaw
Mary Jo Dondlinger Lighting Designer
Peter Grahame Masks
Anne Jaros Costume Designer
McKinley Johnson Actor Pluto
Ted Kamp Actor Herakles
Katrina Kelly Actor Virilla
Jeffrey Lewis Musical Director
Janet Louer Choreographer
Don Mayo Actor William Shakespeare
Brian McLaughlin Actor Dionysos
Jamie Pachino Actor Charisma
David Ruckman Actor Charon
Dan Shea Actor Xanthias
Burt Shevelove Librettist
Stephen Sondheim Composer
Stephen Sondheim Lyricist
Richard Wagner Stage Manager
Paul Winberg Actor Aekos
Venue Festival Dates Notes
Truman College (Chicago, State of Illinois, United States) 11 March, 1988 in the swimming pool

How to cite this production

The Frogs: An Aquatic Musical Comedy (1988), accessed at <11 March 2025>