Alceste (1926)

Original id: 
Start date: 
6 December 1926
End date: 
11 December 1926
Media of production: 
Opera, musical and related genres

Information related to this production

Script Author(s)
Alkestis Euripides
Person Role Notes
Claude Aveling Translator
P. J. E. Clapham Actor Apollo
W. W. R. Clotworthy Actor Heracles
Rosalie Colegrove Dancer
F. R. Cox Actor Spirit of the Underworld
Odette de Foras Actor Alcestis, a shared role
S. C. Evernden Actor Herald
Christoph Willibald Gluck (1714-1787) Composer
Robert Gwynne Actor Admetus
W.H. Harris Conductor
W.H. Harris
Christopher Hawkes Actor Evander, a shared role
Marie Howes Actor Woman of Pherae, the leader of the chorus
Hester Margetson Dancer
Michael Martin-Harvey Choreographer
Michael Martin-Harvey Dancer
W. Nugent Monck Producer
W. Nugent Monck Costume Designer
S. T. M. Newman Conductor
Joyce Peters Dancer
Avis Phillips Actor Alcestis, a shared role
Christopher Shipham Actor Evander, a shared role
Owen P. Smyth Designer designed the tapestry curtains
Olive Trevor Dancer
B. Lund Yates Actor High Priest of Apollo
Source Format Location if held at the APGRD Pagination
The Cherwell Journal
Gluck's Alceste Programme archive
Greek Artists and Ancient Greek Drama: Stage Sets and Costumes - Exhibition Catalogue Book library 108

How to cite this production

Alceste (1926), accessed at <29 March 2025>