The Oedipus Plays (1996)

Original id: 
Start date: 
17 September 1996
Degree of relationship to ancient play: 
Media of production: 

Information related to this production

Person Role Notes
Martin Allen Musical Director
Dionysis Fotopoulos
Peter Hall Director
Mark Henderson Lighting
Greg Hicks Actor Tiresias / Polynices
Alan Howard Actor Oedipus
Michael Keegan-Dolan Choreographer
Judith Weir Composer
Source Format Location if held at the APGRD Pagination
The Oedipus Plays: Oedipus The King, Oedipus at Colonus Programme archive
Faster, louder, stranger Newspaper cutting archive
Oedipus Plays Poster archive
Cahiers du GITA. Vol.10. Les Choéphores d'Eschyle Journal library 294-296, with b&w image on 320
The fizz behind the mask Print-out archive
The Oedipus Plays Print-out archive
Platform papers: The Oedipus Plays Print-out archive
Behind the ironic mask Newspaper cutting archive
The Oedipus Plays Flyer archive
Modern Oedipus in ancient Greece Newspaper cutting archive
Oedipus goes home Newspaper cutting archive
One too many masks? Newspaper cutting archive
Tragic - but for the right reasons Newspaper cutting archive
Alan Howard was not immune to the curse of the Thebes. He fell off the stage and broks his wrist Newspaper cutting archive
Fax from Alison Finch of BBC radio arts unit to Edith Hall Correspondence archive
Sophocles: Oedipus Tyrannus; Oedipus at Kolonus Programme archive
Sir Peter Hall on … Photocopy archive
Greek chorus of approval Photocopy archive
Oedipus: homage in a homecoming Photocopy archive
Sophocles speaks to Michael Billington across the ages Photocopy archive
The Oedipus Plays Photocopy archive
Blinded in moral amazement Photocopy archive
Angry old man of Britain's theatre Photocopy archive
Puppet on a string Photocopy archive
Oedipus as his mum would have wanted it Newspaper cutting archive
A triumphant Oedipus beats modern fates Photocopy archive
Alan Titmus: stills ordered (21.2.97) Personal notes archive
Edith Hall's notes on The Oedipus Plays Personal notes archive
JACT Review. No.32 (Autumn 2002) Journal library 13 2472
Reception Studies Book library iv, 53
The Oedipus Plays Cast list & credits archive
Dionysus Since 69: Greek Tragedy at the Dawn of the Third Millennium Book library 255-256, 404
Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics. Vol.13.1 (Spring/Summer 2005) Journal library 14f. 790
Omnibus. Issue 32 (September 1996) Journal library 11, 14
The Oedipus Plays Poster archive
The Oedipus Plays Photocopy archive
The Oedipus Plays flyer Flyer archive
The Oedipus Plays : Sunday Times review Newspaper cutting archive
The Oedipus Plays programme Programme archive
Dionisis Fotopoulos - Scenografo Book library 116-119
Unmasking Oedipus Book archive

How to cite this production

The Oedipus Plays (1996), accessed at <25 March 2025>